Nov. Egg Swap....Closed....

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LOL!! Gave to ...... WHO????? Well, I'm glad to hear there are two Gloria's. I was afraid there might be a mix-up going on. But I pick my mail up every day at the P.O., so knew they hadn't come here. I am patiently waiting.....
Oh no! I am sorry you had to get wet. It is cold here to for Georgia anyway. If the wind would stop blowing it wouldn't be that bad.
haha wouldn't you like to know....

As soon as I seen the post I went and checked my list to make sure there was no mix-up to!! I would have been in big trouble.
On the bright side I have a BO that has no lights in her house and its freezing but she is still laying up a storm! She gives me an egg everyday!
Hey, if there had been a mix up, I'm sure it would have worked out. But really, I don't care so much who, as WHAT!! This is really fun! Gives us all something to look forward to!
Wheewww! I thought that I had mailed them to the wrong place!
I know the feeling Sara. I have 6 BR hens and they are still laying up a storm. I got 14 eggs in 2 day's
Somebody laid twice in 1 day....
Well my eggs are now in the bator. They came at perfect timing. I got 56 eggs from eggbid today in the mail as well!!! I'm gonna have chickens galore hopefully!
I mailed out 12 eggs to......

someone in this

And the eggs are......a secret. But I sent 12 and I hope 6 make it. I am new at mailing eggs. Maybe all 12 will hatch.

Ok, whoever has me, my incubator is Just watch what day you mail cause they close on Sunday and my post office sucks bad.

Thanks for putting on the swap, loads of fun.
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