I'll try a New Years hatch day. Lets say I open it TODAY and close in on the 25th and eggs have to be shipped by the 5th. Whats do you say????

Sounds fun, so did you open it?

But shipping by the 5th would make them all early. You figure 3 days tops for shipping, that would have the eggs arriving on the 8th. The eggs should be set the 11th to hatch on the 1st, if my calculations are right.

I wonder if it could be organized well enough that EVERYONE sends their eggs on the same day? Preferably on the 7th? That's a Tuesday so the eggs should get to their destination by the 11th (Saturday). They 'should' get to their destination on the 9th or 10th, allowing a day for 'resting' if you so choose.

I probably won't be joining that one, I really hate having baby birds in the house for the winter.

I have opened it and I did fine tune the dates when writing the guidelines.
Okay I'm in anyways I'll go find I just don't want to know how many I'm going to be brooding when it's's all relative for cold here in the 20's and 30's at night and yesterday it was 85
but normal it will be in the 60's to 70's
Ok, Are you chicken lovers going to start a december swap now? We just have until the 25 of November to join? Is that right?
My eggs came today. All 7 are in one peice. P.O. did a number on them. One I think has a crack or something. I opened it and it was damp with little bubbles on it. Couldn't see anything when I candled it so I guess its just watch and wait. Bunch of detached air cells. Ok I think I know what dcb is (dark Cornish bantam) and I know what rir is are they pure? I assumed so considering one has ba/dc, what is that? Then there are 4 unlabeled are they all the same as the others? I know you don't have to give me answers and I can wait and see but I am curious as to what I have.
Oh Im gonna kill that post office sorry that you had one cracked
the dcb is dark cornish bantam are pure. and then the RIRs are pure to, the ba/da is My black australorp hen and my dark cornish Rooster
they are pretty babies, they will have a red tint to the feathers. What color are they other ones? Are they tiny and light brown they are dark cornish bantams, but if they are big and brown then they are RIRs...
And I got your eggs yesterday
so cool ty very much they came all in tact and looking good I placed them in the incubator today. lol now Ive got a question for you heheee but you dont have to tell me what your eggs are
just curious but i just have to know what GC = golden comet?? and AMB??? ty for the eggs and Im sorry that they one was cracked

if i get anymore from them I will send them to you if you want me to
The cracked one looked like it might have been a cornish. Ok so I know what mine are. You are right gc= golden comet, amb=amberlinks also an egg laying breed. google dekalb amberlink to find out more. There is a very small chance that one of my other roos could have gotten to them before I processed them but highly unlikely. Those were black sex links and were seperated. There could be a production red egg in there as well. I believe I marked some GC X gc or amb or GC x ? Those ones could be from production red also. There eggs are all so similar that I can't tell them apart except the one amberlink that lays in another barn she is the only one that uses that nest. Either way the chicks should all be good egg layers or dinner. My GC roos that were processed at 20 wks turned out to be around 5lbs dressed weight. The chicks I have are growing quick and are quite cute.

Thats up to you if you want to spend that much on shipping again, I certainly wouldn't say no to more eggs. But I can't afford any extra shipping right now. My fiance is extremely eggcited about the cornish eggs though. He has been wanting them for quite some time.

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