Now I am really lost


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
Snow Hill,NC
I found gape worm in a necropsy of dead bird and started treating for gape worms with eprinex pour on. Still had some problems so I started on safeguard in the water 2 days ago. This morning I had 2 dead birds that showed the gape worm gaping last night. Necropsy by myself revealed no gape worms in windpipe??? Both birds had a yellow fluid in the windpipe but no gape worm. Tonight I will vaccinate all birds showing the gaping motion with half cc of tylan. What in the world is going on?? Any ideas by anyone. I performed necropsy on five birds 2 had gape worm 3 did not. Gaping symptoms were the same in all 5 birds One of the dead birds was a 5 mo old roo in perfect health 3 days ago.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Lost another bird that had the gapeworm motion No worm in windpipe but lots of yellow mucus in windpipe Can anyone give me any guidance

I'm sorry to hear about your loses, oldchickenman1. If they have gapeworm, then what you could be seeing is a secondary infection. I've read that gapeworms often are accompanied by lung infections. I can't tell you for certain, but it's a possibility.

As for the tylan, make sure you give it for at least three days, if it's Tylan 50. Just one shot isn't going to do much, but if you give three or so, it should nip the infection in the bud.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. Hopefully someone will come along who knows what to do!
I got rid of all the worms but I have continued to lose birds with the gaping breathing motion-still have 2 birds with this gaping motion and we are on the fourth day of tylan 50 injected into breast. Have electrolytes and vitamins in ice water because of heat and fan in coop. rest of flock looks really good considering what they have been thru. I believe the last 2 birds I lost were due to stress because they just keeled over right in front of me two days apart.

I would have culled whole flock and started over if I had not read a post on here about a lady who purchased very high dollar stock from well respected flocks and still had similar problems as me. So I will get thru this and see whats left. PLans are now to worm with valbazen next week to get rid of any eggs left in birds.


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