Now I know I'm nuts


Covered in Pet Hair & Feathers
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
I am about to go to Lowe's to get a quote for materials to build a SECOND coop. Actually, it's a third coop; I built one tractor/A frame type, then bought a coop kit on eBay before the chickens were even outside "for good." I expanded the area within the run and put the coops at either end; the chickens sleep in the Cumfy Pets coop at night and PLAY in the A frame during the day.

Way back in September, '09, I found plans - online, possibly even here on BYC - for a coop with a 4ft x 4ft footprint I really liked, but didn't feel I had the skill to build. Hence the construction of the "must be simpler" A-frame/tractor jobbie.

However, I just relocated the printed copy of the other plan and am now fascinated with 'it, yet again. Very clever, uses 3 plywood sheets for the walls and floor, and part of a fourth for the roof. 6 ft tall, tapering to 5 ft tall. I built a scale model out of cardboard last night, because I needed to understand how the plywood cutting plan worked. (That's what stopped me the first time I considered it.)

I have learned I CAN use a circular saw, and a power drill, and think I can do a much better construction job, this time. My cardboard coop, currently sitting at my desk and amusing everyone who sees it, is inspiring me.

Lowe's IS on my way home from work......

Proud of you!

Happy building!
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I don't think you're nuts
hugs.gif sound like us! We weren't even ready for chicks to begin with when we started. We went to the feed store "just to look" and came home with 6 chicks. THey had to be in the house anyway, right? So, DH builds coop #1. Then, a coworker of his bought a house and it had a small 4x5 (ish) coop that we could have for free if pick it up. It is small, but perfect for 6 hens. So, that started the NEW run that was bigger as well. Well, a year goes by and...well, 6 just isn't enough and if we get more chicks, we need a bigger coop and run! So, DH and I built coop #3 from scratch. We brainstormed together, I drew up plans and we built it together (he does all the cutting though...I am clumsy and will likely take off a finger or cut a dog
). So, coop #3 is 8' x 12' and, of course, we had to build a bigger run! We kept coop #2 and run #2, which is now the brooder coop/run. #1 is LONG gone!

Good luck!!!
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