Now they're scared of me


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
The ducklings will be 8 weeks old on Saturday and now they're becoming scared of me when I go outside. I think I made a mistake in letting them live with our 2 adult females after they moved outside. The adults must have told them that humans=danger because now they run away from me instead of following.

The strangest thing about Lil Quack, our KC/Indian Runner mix, being scared of me is that her siblings that live elsewhere are more human friendly and actually follow their humans. The second lady that hatched our duck eggs told me that her group always come running up.
I just want ducks that come up to me like our chickens do.

Anything I might be able to do to get them to like me again??
I always do that. Been doing it since they started going outside at few days old.
Try to change your habits to see if that changes their reaction. For example: if you approach their pen from the west, try approaching from the east instead.
Another thought, my ducks flip out when I am wearing a cap. But if I approach them with a cap they are just fine. Maybe keep track of what you wear to see if for some reason that is causing their behavior.
It's actually completely normal and a stage that most ducks go through when they reach 2-3 months. Many people call it the "teenager stage", but rest assured it's not you it's them just being ducks. If you already sit out with them just keep doing what you're doing. I like to use peas scatter around me when I'm sitting and then just allow them to eat around me. I do this daily with the young ones especially and eventually move the peas closer and closer until they have to eat out of my hand to get them. Ducks are prey animals and regardless if they have been exposed to older ducks or not the instinct to be afraid and run comes natural to them. The biggest thing to remember is positive association when you're around.
Sorry for the late response to the replies. Our drake somehow escaped and was leading everyone around. Luckily he didn't realize the ducklings following him or else he may have tried to grab them like he did weeks ago.

I usually bring treats out with me as the adult females usually only come up to me if I have food so I wanted the ducklings to see me as the food bringer. I didn't think they'd start getting scared since before this week, they were always following after me when I went out. Especially if I make "quack" noises.
Sorry for the late response to the replies. Our drake somehow escaped and was leading everyone around. Luckily he didn't realize the ducklings following him or else he may have tried to grab them like he did weeks ago.

I usually bring treats out with me as the adult females usually only come up to me if I have food so I wanted the ducklings to see me as the food bringer. I didn't think they'd start getting scared since before this week, they were always following after me when I went out. Especially if I make "quack" noises.
It's just the age and pretty much every duck owners deals with the stage.
I thought it was funny that a person on here telling the story of the big birds flying over... She said the ducks were so frightened that they ran to her... Which was strange since normally she was treated like an ax murderer! This is the normal response...I raised my first bunch of khakis myself.. Now with momma my first clutch of ducklings are terrified and momma clips me good trying to help. I feel your pain.

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