NPIP Participants & Breeders List

I'm NPIP here as well.
Lets see we have lots of breeds here but only presently breeding
EE's with true Ameraucana's living in there.
Black Australorp
Blue Andalusian
Now the weather is getting better we will be building another breeding barn so all will have their own breeding shed then we will have
Ameraucana B/B/S and when those little Pips &Peeps grow up
who knows!
Black Minorca
White Leghorn
Exechequer Leghorn
Rhode Island White-single comb
Barred Rock
Bantam Cochin's
Who knows..I'm working on a few fun projects as well
We are NPIP certified #14-1305 and are in Massachusetts. We breed Javas (black,white,mottled,auburn), Delaware, Plymouth Rock, Barnevelders (3 lines) Speckled Sussex,Orpingtons, Silkies(partridge, blue, black,lavender) and D'Uccles
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Can somebody explaining to me what the benefits are to this program? Honestly, I just don't get it. It seems to me from what I have read on the USDA site to be NAIS for poultry.
Our flock is NPIP certified: #43-699.

We're in Missouri, and we raise the following:

black cochin bantams
white cochin bantams
white call ducks
regular mandarins
white mandarins
red golden pheasants

The NPIP program certifies that a participating flock is pullorum-typhoid free. To continue in the program, the flock must be tested annually. It means you are buying from a flock that is free of pullorum-typhoid. Each state publishes a handbook of participating members. A flock that tests positive for pullorum-typhoid will not be certified and can not claim to be certified. Its a good idea to buy from NPIP approved flocks.
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I am certified and am a certified OK tester. I don't know my number...

I raise...bantam - Shamo, Malay, silkie, d'uccle (as soon as i get a roo!), AGB, various game types
LF - moderns
guineas, ducks, pigeons, button and cotournix quail
NPIP is not NAIS. You don't have to put numbered bands on your birds or keep track that closely. It is simply once a year testing for Pullorum/Typhoid & testing every 90 days for AI. Benefits: You can legally sell & ship birds & eggs out of state, you can only buy from other NPIP participants, you get a number (mine is #51-370) on a permit to sell eggs & birds, people will know your birds are clean (better sales), and you will know your birds are healthy. You have to get birds tested anyway in order to show. Downside: your Dept. of Ag is in your face, in your business (kinda like Santa Clause on Xmas eve), they know everything that goes on regarding your birds, the inconvenience of having to bring birds to them for testing, paperwork (sales reports), you are limited in who you can buy from, you cannot buy at local auctions (non-NPIP birds!), or even eggbid or eBay unless the seller is NPIP. It is only a requirement if you want to ship birds & eggs or show them out of state.

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