----Nugget's Stories--------

Literally was shaking the moniter saying, "WHAT, NO MORE?!? I MUST HAVE MOAR!!!!"
Chapter 5

Nugget and the little girls are about 5 months old now. I just waited for the anticipation of their first egg. And one day we got that egg………………….
I was outside doing the daily chicken chores and noticed that Nugget was acting funny. I was talking to my friend on the phone…
“I think she’s egg bound….” I said
“No she’s not I really don’t think she is” my friend said
“All of the articles on eggbound symptoms match the way she’s acting” I said

So I though Nugget was egg bound, she was going back and forth to the nesting box and back.
“BOKKK BOKKK……ugh what’s with these cheap nesting boxes I sooo need something more 5 star!” Nugget clucked.

I was in so much worry. Most birds don’t survive egg bounding……
I walked out there again, and found Nugget walking in the woods with all the other chickens, and there right behind her lay a gorgeous, little, brown, egg! I was sooo excited and called all everyone and told them she layed her first egg!!! I blew the yolk and kept the shell, so I will always have her first egg.
She layed again 2 days later. Imagine, my girl was the first of 6 pullets to lay. I know this is crazy, but, I can tell out of 11 brown layers(at that time it was 11) which egg was Nugget’s!!!!!
“Yes that is my gorgeous egg! And No, I was not egg bound. Don’t you people understand how hard it is to find a good spot to lay an egg!!!” Nugget clucked.

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Chapter 6

Well Nugget was coming along great! She had been laying well and all. And finally I told her some great News…….

“Nugget you’re going to be a show chicken!!!!”
I was taking Nugget to the State Fair if VA to be shown! I couldn’t wait!
Nugget enjoyed riding the bike through the summer. We met people and talked and everyone loved Nugget and thought it was interesting that I was taking a chicken to the fair. Some people thought it was weird…..but I knew that it wasn’t weird. You see in our county there is hardly any interest in farming and agriculture. There is the small livestock club which I am in and probably I love chickens the most in our county and love the farm animals. I had a few farm friends that I hung out with but some had nothing to do with chickens. They listened to me talk about them though.
Well we had to take Nugget to get her tested for pullorium. We went to this house and farm and it was a little difficult to draw blood but we finally got her tested and the results were good! It’s a lot to get them tested which Is required for shows. First you have to find a tester, then you have to call the tester, arrange a day to test, drive to get them tested which can be a while a way and sometime cost money, and then get them tested.
Now for the avian influenza test…..we arranged the state tester to come by and test Nugget. He also tested 9 other birds for me. She was tested with a cotton swab and we would know the results in a few days. The results came back good and it was almost time for the big day…..

I have an BA like nugget named "wild chicken" she comes when i call her and comes into the house and its major spoiled. I raised her up the same way. Shes around 7 months old now, shes my biggest girl.

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