Nurture Right 360 keeping humidity up at night


12 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Small Town, Virginia
Hey y'all, I'm having issues keeping the humidity up to 50% or above at night unless I leave the space heater on, also happens during the day as well.

Our old incubator I would just loosely wrap in a towel and it would be ok. Can I do this with the NR 360???
I'm on day 2 and the instructions says 48-55% humidity for days 1 to 18. It'll drop down to under 45% unless I keep the air vent all the way closed. If I keep it half open like the instructions say, then humidity will not get above 40%.
make sure side A is full. I kept mine around 45 from day 1-18. I would say 48-55 is too high. are you using a thermometer/hygrometer inside to check as well? Most times what the incubator says is not right. I think my humidity was close but off by 1-2% but in order to have my temp average 99.8 (closest I could get to 99.5) I had to have the incubator set at 101. My humidity did drop some overnight but the average was around the 45. I had a successful hatch on day 20 (only 1 egg made it but nothing to do with temp or humidity just didn't start with many and had some quitters).

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