NY chicken lover!!!!

Sounds like your Roo is doing his job ...even with the young ladys

It'll be interesting to see how my 5 mutts grow out. The one white egg I assume is from a white leghorn, hatched a yellow chick with black spots in its back, like a tetra tint. Brown egg hatched a black chick with white head dot, so that one was likely the barred rock hen. The 3 pullets were from my Welsummer x GLW girls. Two of the chicks have facial marks similar to the GLW dad/grandad. The third has silver in it, so probably the EE/GLW cockerel.
The main roo is a GLW, next in line is a Partrdge Rock, then the EE/GLW cockerel. Also have my splash banty roo, but don't know how successful he is on the LF hens.
I bought the other eggs. Pure Partridge Rock and buff Orps, with 2 mutt eggs. EE/BO and Welsummer/PRock.
Luv-I'm glad you're OK and sorry about your car and the accident.

Gramma- Sorry but I don't have any green egg layers for sale right now. I haven't even started hatching yet. It's too cold right now. We don't want babies in the house this year.

For anyone interested I have decided to sell off my buff brahma bantams. 2 roosters, 3 hens, 1 pullet, and 2 brahma mix hens. All for $30.
I have green/blue/olive/and blue green eggs for sale posted on CL $10 dozen. I have a nice black EE rooster with beard and whiskers. Plus the other roosters of course. I hopefully should know what the produce this week. Today is lockdown. I'll candle one more time.

You've got the huge barn. Travis can surely add a brooding room in there.
Luv- glad you are okay!
I ventured to Cortland this morning. Needed some feed for the people and animals. Roads were not great, but manageable. Wind is now howling here.
Got 15 chicks hatched out of 20 so far! See at least 2 more pips out of the 5 remaining eggs. Will leave the incubator running till Monday night. Did not plan on having such good success. I don't like brooding in the house anymore, but wanted to get some earlier egg layers this spring. Surprised all of my mutt eggs hatched - all 5 got chilled before daily collecting and 3 of those are pullet eggs.
Excellent. I hope I do as good. Though there are more than 20 eggs in here.





The last one is the GLW/EExGLW/Wel
Had one more BO hatch overnight, so up to 16. 4 eggs left.
-15 here this morn ..the windchill must be way down there ..birds are fed and closed up for the day ..i have some nesting boxes near the door to the run ..not sure i should open it ..afraid it will cause frozen eggs fast in these temps ..i filled a plastic pop bottle with cracked corn and popped a few holes in it and threw it in to the coop ..they kick it around and corn falls out ..i also hung a squash i split in half for them to peck at ..i think if i give them things to do they wont get bored and start pecking at each other ..i read alot of bad habbets can come from being cooped up and being bord..you guys all letting the girls out to day ..my poor roo .i thought i had the venting better fort them this winter but his comb and waddle are showing signs of frost bite ..seem it doesnt matter how much vassilean i put on them it still gets bad ..i think i will start using bagbalm instead and see if it helps ..it looks sore ..hes shaking his head , so i no its bothering him ..not sure what else i can do for him ..another reason i didnt want to let him out to day ..i guess its gunna be this way for a few weeks .they said on the weather that we could be dealing with thesae temps a few weeks ..i better get some more toys built for them ..you guys have a good day and stay warm and safe ..
Enjoyed seeing Lapeerian's photos. How long have you been doing "mutts"? I'm thinking of getting a variety of breeds when I start with new hatchery chicks this spring. I'm looking for eggs, hardiness, good foragers. Meat doesn't matter so much--have rabbits and pig for that but will eat extra cockerels if I can get to the point of hatching our own chicks. Anyone on here near me who has been working on similar goals and has chicks or hens to sell or swap? Or advice for someone wanting to get started breeding my own flock?
Stay warm--think spring.
Hi Rainy !

I am working on really winter hardy and decent layers .... dual purpose - so they will have some meat on them - making extra roos worth the time to harvest - but main concentrating on winter hardy hens that lay well.

So I have a mixed flock with mixed egg colors and mixed feathering in mind .... breeding good laying hardy hens with a super hardy rooster .... Oh - and I do not breed any that have an attitude. ha ha They can live here (got one mean hen) but they don't get to pass that on.

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