NY chicken lover!!!!

Welcome to chicken land. Where were you before?

I moved back to the Binghamton area a couple of years ago myself, after 20 years away.

What kinds of chickens are you hatching? {Beware, I am told that they are "the gateway drug" of farm animals. I'll let you know if it's true as soon as I find myself a farm!

chickens are very gateway. I started with 8 and have had over 200 come and go in less than 2 years. I'm now sitting on 103 live birds and 40 in the freezer. Now we are making blue prints for our small scale dairy farm to start construction in spring. Then in 2018 will be pigs. Chickens are evil, they started this!!!
Welcome to chicken land. Where were you before?

I moved back to the Binghamton area a couple of years ago myself, after 20 years away.

What kinds of chickens are you hatching? {Beware, I am told that they are "the gateway drug" of farm animals. I'll let you know if it's true as soon as I find myself a farm!


Gateway is for sure! I started with 10 chicks last year, then got a few guinea keets (which didn't make it past keethood), got 16 more chickens this year, 6 which were meat, and 3 rabbits. It works quick!
Come spring I'm adding 25 turkey's and 10 keets ( hopefully they make it to adulthood) and 50 meaties and oh crap chicken math is insane. Then 4 weeks after all those arrive it 100 more "surprise birds" and 50 more meaties. Then 3- 4 weeks later it's butcher 50 meaties and order 50 more... Someone help!!! I think I lost control.
I have had horses, goats and ducks too. Chickens are an issue lol but so fun!!! My biggest problem is not wanting one of each kind/color Ughhh but they are all so cute and unique haha!
Didn't we have snow and cold?
Started feeding the birds what's left in the garden. Realized dang, there's still a lot of good side sprouts on this broccoli, picked a half a grocery bag full. Quit a bit of good cauliflower also, some were rotted, but enough small heads to make a few meals.
Just ate a bunch of both raw with ranch. Now the birds can have the leaves :-D


My broccoli is still alive too ...we have been eating the side shoots..
My peppers and tomatoes died with the last frost ...
Ive opened up 1/2 my garden for the chickens to dig in ..
It was funny ...I took down a section of the garden fence ..
My rooster Lucky knew exactly what I was doing ...He was the 1st one in ..
He is a Smart Dude ....he knows my rules ...
Dont go in the garden ( they are plenty capable of going over that fence )
Dont go next Door , Dont Go across the road ..
He is Five years old ....still the boss here..
Except for me of Course ..MAMA is at the top of the pecking order
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