NY chicken lover!!!!

Oh dear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you were for shooting hawks. I think that prevention and deterrence is ideal, too. I meant to make a general statement. My apologies!
Good garden o' peas. You never need to apologize to me. I always like to be clear on certain matters. Just in case someone is "listening". You know like silkies.
My husband wants me to hatch a bunch of leghorns next, and I want to hatch silkies...going to be on the hunt for eggs at a good price locally very soon...just gotta sell off the chicks that hatch before hand.

No silkies here nor leghorns, but If I had leghorns they'd be brown. Better camo from preds IMO. Silkies just forget it. My point though was you're to far away and if I did I'd give you some. Lord have mercy, I'd full up on eggs.
Yay, we get to hatch together
Mixes are special too, most of the time they are better layers and more gorgeous than purebreds. All the eggs from my coop are white leghorn crosses so I know they will be good layers. 21days is a long time
my Sumatra/White leghorn crosses are incredible layers. And they are really small birds who don't eat a ton but lay a nice large egg. I have 7 of them and can't wait to make more this year.
Yes they are. Smaller birds that lay a large white egg.
First out of the coop and last in...every day.
One is so brave that she pushes the wyandottes out of the way at feeding time.
Ha ha on the wyandottes - they are my bossy birds!
I'm assuming most of mine will be Delaware/leghorn crosses because the del roo has been around longer but I also have a RIR mix roo and a white leghorn roo so who knows! I can't wait to find out! I set a couple of eggs from my 2 BR hens also, between the 2 I get 1 brown egg everyday and they are 5 years old!
My thoughts, since you asked and they are probably worth what you paid for them. LOL I put my day old chicks in a custom built brooder box in my enclosed back porch. There are a LOT of windows in that porch and it gets pretty darn cold...probably equivelent to a garage....with a 250 watt red heat lamp. Day olds, mind you. The earliest I have put them out there is around April 15th....it gets pretty warm in the day time and cold in the night. I have the heat lamp pretty low for the first few weeks so they have a nice warm place to go and a large space in the rest of the brooder box to roam around when they have warmed up. When they are 4 weeks old I start turning off the light during the day...which is about May 15th and with the windows it gets warm enough for them to live and thrive. By 6 weeks old they are out with the flock. Live or die, they are outta here. Man are chicks dusty and I just don't need the extra work of cleaning a brooder box almost daily, cuz by 6 weeks it is almost daily that it has to be cleaned.

So, in closing, I say "put them out in the garage now" cuz they are only going to start making bigger and bigger messes in the house.
Good! They will be going out tomorrow or Tuesday! Yay!!!
Yay, we get to hatch together
Mixes are special too, most of the time they are better layers and more gorgeous than purebreds. All the eggs from my coop are white leghorn crosses so I know they will be good layers. 21days is a long time
If you cross a white leghorn roo with a black australorp hen, what color would the eggs be? Does the brown egg trait trump?
Good garden o' peas. You never need to apologize to me. I always like to be clear on certain matters. Just in case someone is "listening". You know like silkies.
Yeah, they wear those funny tin foil hats. Oh, wait... no. That's you.
Here's one of my Stella...

And that nasty hawk that flew down a couple of weeks ago and tried to get into my coop!

Stella is a beautiful hen -- love her color.

With regard to the hawk, I am not sure because of the lighting, but I think it's possibly a juvenile Broad-wing or juvenile Coopers. Leaning towards Broad-wing on account of the dark patterns on the face, especially what appears to be the "mustache".


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