NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all! We made 3000 posts! Woot! Well Christmas was good and so was dinner. The cheeps all feasted on the leavings and carcass of the turkey. The terrorists are picking at whats left in their big black rubber bowl this morning out in their run and the silkies go some tomatoes. My cat, Abbey, is happy everyone left as she was tired from all the excitement. I do believe her plans for today are napping, napping and more napping. Taking my dd clothes shopping today as her gift before I have to work at 330. Hoping we get the slight warmup our local weather person is calling for. Getting the itch to hatch but I am holding out as long as possible. My hen downstairs was limping around pretty good this morning. Let her out to stretch and shake. Feels like she has put on a couple of oz. She is definately eating as I can hear her and her crop is full when I go down to check on her.

Okay--time to get going. Have a good day everyone!

there is my crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays!! Merry Christmas!!

good morning everyone!
hope everyone's holiday went well. I have been working and sleeping so much I rarely get on the computer anymore. sorry for everyone's losses over the past month. the nice weather that was here for a few days was great, the ducks and chickens really enjoyed it. but----back in the coop they are now. they were out yesterday (some who wanted to) 15 degrees is chilly and then the wind.....--today, snow, snow and more snow, the wind is whipping up here so all animals inside. I have a couple of chickens molting. weird! the extra roos I have are being a pain the butt--soon to be my son in laws dinner------- waiting for my mother in law to show up tonite from Pittsburgh for a few days. back to work tomorrow.

fyi my husband and I both hold doors for who ever is behind us or if someone is coming in after we leave. just common courtesy we figure. (who wouldn't want to burn a bra occasionally and say screw it, im not wearing one to work today?!!!!) lordy!

I feel thankful that I am alive this year (not completely healthy yet) and that we are able to pay bills each month and still had a crazy Christmas with the 3 kids, son-in law and 2 grandkids.

May everyone be healthy, happy, and have more chickens in the new year! That is my wish for everyone!

Yes, JLaw, everything you said. She has three small coops, each with a separate pen and the pullet was out of her pen into where the mature flock free ranges. One of the mean hens was in with the youngsters and she is the one that gets picked on by the rest of the flock. The older birds may have done her in or she could have panicked and run herself into the other coop. We have a lot more work to do this spring to get better fencing up that will prevent flyovers.
Morning all
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Woke up to a couple inches of fresh snow but not nearly as cold as yesterday. Hopefully the wife and I can get out and do some riding up north before vacation is over, they're supposed to get 6-12" more tonight

Lock down day for my eggs is the 28th and hopefully i get a few more to hatch this time. I have a mix of silkies and bantam cochins in there. I know the silkies are pure but theres no telling with the cochins, they could be frizzles, frazzles, smooth or even sizzled since Bob the ugly silkie lives with them. It should be interesting.
Rancher i got told in this nyd hatch along that is your getting yolk not all the way absourbed its because of low temp.

I bought a brisea spot check thermometer because its supose to be real good. It showed all my other thermometers was off so i hope for a better hatch this time. But my bator temp is flexing too much. I have to get with gqf and get a new top i guess the new 1588s are knowen to be bad.
Odd, I just bought a new Genesis 1588 and love it. I have had great hatches so far, no problems. Temp stays the same, never wavers, unless I open it up. I love beinng able to read the temp & humidity on the window. I do have to say though, I only hatch in it. I do the incubating in a Sportsman. But, previously, I would only get about 50% hatches from fertile eggs in my old Hovabator, so this one is doing better for me since they all are hatching now if they are fertile.

If your Genesis is new and you have problems, you probably should contact gqf. They are very good to work with.


Wanted to add, that you have to make sure you put it in a spot that doesn't flex with the temps. Having said that, mine is in front of a door to an unheated area, and also, our heat goes down 5 degrees at night, so there is a temp change quite often.
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I just have to complain today, sorry guys.

I went to tractor supply after work to pick up some dog and chicken food. Usually I don't like to go there for my chicken food but my regular feed place is closed. Anyway I grabbed a couple bags of chicken feed, a bag of BOSS and a big bag of dog food, all over 50lbs. So I got to checkout and of course the dog food is on the bottom and the stupid barcode is on the bottom of that bag. So I have to lift the chicken food, BOSS and then the dog food off the cart to get to the UPC. Well here I am, I'm a 5'3" girl in heels and dress clothes coming from work having to lift all these bags off the cart and then put them back on and there are 5 guys in line behind me watching me struggle and not one of them even offered to help or hold the cart still :barnie

Now I'm all about doing things on my own and what not, but really nobody even offered?!?! They would rather stand there and watch me struggle with these stupid bags. 

Sorry I'm done...
AQHA, That is too bad but a bit different take. The store personnel should of helped you. They are getting the sale. If sales people cannot help then I would not shop there again.

And this is definitely not directed at you but may be the reason why some men or hesitant to help. I have seen so many men taken advantage of by women that take advantage of their good nature in this day and age it is not surprising that no one offers to help. Several times I have seen single women purchase houses then constantly are asking their neighbors for help. And not every once in a while in case of emergency but like every time it snows someone to shovel their driveway, fix all kinds of things, etc.

there is my crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays!! Merry Christmas!!
You have a lovely family!

Morning all
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Woke up to a couple inches of fresh snow but not nearly as cold as yesterday. Hopefully the wife and I can get out and do some riding up north before vacation is over, they're supposed to get 6-12" more tonight

Lock down day for my eggs is the 28th and hopefully i get a few more to hatch this time. I have a mix of silkies and bantam cochins in there. I know the silkies are pure but theres no telling with the cochins, they could be frizzles, frazzles, smooth or even sizzled since Bob the ugly silkie lives with them. It should be interesting.
It's like a box of chocolates you never know what you gonna get

I was raised that you always hold the door no matter what, but then again I'm finding that my family seems to have older traditional values. We were raised to be polite and that we should respect our elders. Ladys first, that we should always say please and thank you, and nothing is better then a good day of hard work. I'm sure that you all were raised that way too. I just don't think that may people today are raising their children with the same values. As for people refusing help, well that is just crazy. I was raised that I shoudn't have to rely on others for help, that I should be able to figure out a way to help myself but if help is offered, why not take it. (you just smile and say thank you knowing that you would be able to do it yourself) Everyone is raised diffrent and no matter how wrong we think that it may be, we need to respect it. I'm a firm believer in the Golden Rule and Karma. And that is all I have to say about that.

I love the sled trick. I used to use it all the time while I worked on the farms. I used it to take hay out to the pastures and to bring muck buckets to the pile from the back sheds. I like to use my kids sleds now to load up the groceries and pull them right up to the door when I have to do it by myself, saves the trips. I do miss working on the farm. I especially miss this time of year. I used to be getting my stuff ready to start foaling season come the end of Jan. I miss that the most. being there to see new life come into the world. Being up all night to be ready to jump in at a moments notice if needed. No matter how may foals I was there for it never got old..Man I miss it!
Odd, I just bought a new Genesis 1588 and love it. I have had great hatches so far, no problems. Temp stays the same, never wavers, unless I open it up. I love beinng able to read the temp & humidity on the window. I do have to say though, I only hatch in it. I do the incubating in a Sportsman. But, previously, I would only get about 50% hatches from fertile eggs in my old Hovabator, so this one is doing better for me since they all are hatching now if they are fertile.

If your Genesis is new and you have problems, you probably should contact gqf. They are very good to work with.


Wanted to add, that you have to make sure you put it in a spot that doesn't flex with the temps. Having said that, mine is in front of a door to an unheated area, and also, our heat goes down 5 degrees at night, so there is a temp change quite often.
That's the problem my top temp aint right. Even walmart crap thermometers shows it off. But they are off alittle also. The brinsea spot check is guaranteed to be +/- . 2. Where I watch my walmart ones and one will read 99-100 no tenths and the there will do 97-99 no tenths. I did go to tsc and get a little acurite window one with suction cup that reads tenths and it was almost 1 degree off. Non of them matching what the hood says. Well the one with tenths the other two they can read 99 and hood say 99.1 or 99.9.

I'm going to contact them today or tomorrow just been busy with holidays. I was also looking for my ordering info since I cant remember when/where I got it from but no luck in my e-mail.

Edit. The room I have it in now the heater in here holds it right around 70 +/- 3 degrees.
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AQHA, That is too bad but a bit different take. The store personnel should of helped you. They are getting the sale. If sales people cannot help then I would not shop there again.

And this is definitely not directed at you but may be the reason why some men or hesitant to help. I have seen so many men taken advantage of by women that take advantage of their good nature in this day and age it is not surprising that no one offers to help. Several times I have seen single women purchase houses then constantly are asking their neighbors for help. And not every once in a while in case of emergency but like every time it snows someone to shovel their driveway, fix all kinds of things, etc.
They should have but the cashier was a young and grumpy looking and with a long line behind me I just don't think she was thinking about it..she's couldn't even walk around from her register to help out. I could have stood there and asked that someone help me but I was also feeling bad because there was a big line behind me and I didn't want to slow them down.

I fully agree with you, I think men are often taken advantage of by women, I had a neighbor who bought a house and would one summer date a landscaper, the next summer date a guy who did siding. It was terrible to watch...and eventually she got a reputation around town and her house was foreclosed on. It's sad to see what society has come to. I feel like a 50 year old in a 24 year old body sometimes. It's very frustrating.

there is my crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays!! Merry Christmas!!

good morning everyone!
hope everyone's holiday went well. I have been working and sleeping so much I rarely get on the computer anymore. sorry for everyone's losses over the past month. the nice weather that was here for a few days was great, the ducks and chickens really enjoyed it. but----back in the coop they are now. they were out yesterday (some who wanted to) 15 degrees is chilly and then the wind.....--today, snow, snow and more snow, the wind is whipping up here so all animals inside. I have a couple of chickens molting. weird! the extra roos I have are being a pain the butt--soon to be my son in laws dinner------- waiting for my mother in law to show up tonite from Pittsburgh for a few days. back to work tomorrow.

fyi my husband and I both hold doors for who ever is behind us or if someone is coming in after we leave. just common courtesy we figure. (who wouldn't want to burn a bra occasionally and say screw it, im not wearing one to work today?!!!!) lordy!

I feel thankful that I am alive this year (not completely healthy yet) and that we are able to pay bills each month and still had a crazy Christmas with the 3 kids, son-in law and 2 grandkids.

May everyone be healthy, happy, and have more chickens in the new year! That is my wish for everyone!

Oh, I still hold the doors and help out when I can. Cultures do change but we don't have to change with them. I have no problem with the girls at TSC loading my feed into my car though. I haven't hear the term "male chauvinist pig" in a long time either. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, imo. My comment wasn't about me personally. Of course I might push the boundaries of niceness if I hug you
and I have been known to. Life is to short to spend it not being nice.
So Sorry ...That is terrible .Give her A kiss & a hug for me .
How old is she ?
Is it maybe bad genetics of the eggs you got ?
I am sorry for your loss. Mine were from FL too. I think after reading on another thread that some folks just want to sell eggs and breed and sell anything. Figuring what I paid and postage the seller still made a couple of bucks.

Its the new digital ones and it was from someone on the nyd hatch along. I guess someone on here from cali was having problems also and they mailed him a new top.

I know I've had mine set at 100.1 on the lid and I've seen it hold according to my spot check anywhere from 99.2-100.5. On the lid it will read 99.9-100.4. But the thing is it will be right at temp or above temp and it will have the heat light on. But before I put the eggs in trying to get it to hold temp I couldn't it would bounce all around. I started the bator up like 2-3 days before putting eggs in. It would be like .4 under the set point according to lid and it would cycle off the heat. I know this summer I couldn't have the room under 68 or it would loose temp. But I hear others having their bator in basement at like 50. I was running a heater in the room and trying to keep it above 70. I had to move it to the living room because it's a warmer room but I'm still running a heater keeping it 70-75.

I don't know if you do it but I started moving eggs around after candling them. Even with my fan I think I get cool spots. Not to mention I noticed this hatch with using the water channels the side where I added the water the eggs had smaller air cells. Figure this will help keep air cells even. I never paid attion to it before. But I also added sponges in the channels trying to slow the rate at wich the water evaporates.

I ordered mine through Incubator Warehouse and they were very helpful. Sent me some new parts for free. I think mine was under a year old. I'm not sure they I asked for the guy I'd talked to when I bought it.

I have read to keep the room temp between 70-80* and it pretty much is in my office. Of course too I was brooding here and the heat lights did raise temp of the room. My office is maybe 12x11 and I have a sign on the door to keep the door closed. It has gotten cold in here at times for some reason and I had trouble with the humidity that I usually don't have too. Perhaps I didn't pay enough attention to it.

Every incubator comes with instructions and I was told by Don Schrider who writes for Back Yard Poultry magazine to follow those.

In my case I think it was the eggs. Even mine. Too my turner isn't working and I was opening the incu a few times a day to turn the eggs. I have the new motor but was reluctant to take the eggs our and fix it. So I just figured if I turned them in the turner a quarter turn that would be enough. Right now the therm on the outside wall reads 70* with the door open.

I will try another hatch soon though.

Lynzi - how is your hatch coming. If you only have one chick and your up this way and would like this mutt, it's yours. I have the Del and one of the BR's so they should be okay together. The two others were dead this am. I'm not surprised nor disappointed.

Well off to buy Christmas lights for the yard if I can find any cheap.

Love ya all, hope we all get rich in one way or another in the new year,


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