NY chicken lover!!!!

i have runner, pekin, rouen, khaki, and a pekin/khaki mix and a rouen/runner(I think) mix. I suspect that the ducks will start laying in the spring and CC will hatch out another clutch(only if people are looking for strong cold surviving genetics will I let her sit). Im gonna try and go for the pekin/khaki mix again and see what happens. I am more than willing to give away babies when they arrive. lets talk in spring when she starts sitting. I have a pekin female that can be rehomed for sure and my rouen/ runner male also. still trying to figure out the rest. im in cooperstown.

ps-runners are so unique -my mrs runner has been very loudly vocal recently. maybe cause mr runner thinks he is mr stud with all the girls?lol
My Runner girls are very vocal. I hear from them more than I do my one KC girl. Seems to me the Runners talk just to talk where as the KC talks when something is going on and wants to alert everyone.
Well, I have one lone chick. My temp spiked overnight and killed all the others, including one that had pipped and several that had pipped internally. I opened the eggs and they were all perfect. Most likely all would have hatched
So now I have to find a friend for the lonesome chick. At least she has tiny legs, so maybe I'll be lucky and it'll be a girl.
Oh no, I'm so sorry Pyxis! How devastating. I hope you can find her a friend.
Morning all and Happy New Year! I have been working like a dog these last few days so couldnt read all your posts but managed a few. Dh has been on chicken duty as I have been closing/opening (we call it clopening) and so havent been able to look after them much. Yesterday afternoon was the first I had a chance to see my cheeps and take care of them. Made them all a nice warm meal of leftovers from the fridge. It was much apprecieated. My silkies gave me an earfull. They missed me and had to have some attention. I guess Thelma and Louise really missed me too as they followed me all over as I was filling feeders and waterers and walking back and forth to all the coops. It was really cold with a biting wind and snowing but these girls acted like it was just another day. I have yet to see my heritage rir hens fazed by any weather conditions. They are first out the pop door regardless of what it is doing. Cant wait to get more of this breed. Bill, my rir roo, is also pretty unfazed by any weather although he will stay in the coop with the terrorists if they refuse to go out. He is such a gentlemen. He called all the girls over to the food bowl I put out of the warm leftovers and waited patiently for the girls to eat before taking any for himself. He has turned into a nice rooster, the nicest one I have had. I woke up this morning with whatever has been going around at work. I knew it was just a matter of time. We are supposed to get a snow storm tonight into friday morning. I am hoping it clears early as I have to take my daughter to the airport on friday morning to return to GA. I am hoping for the best.

Ke5--congrats on your hatch and your silkies!

Lynzi--you arent the only one. Mine arent laying either but at least they arent broody as well!

Time to get moving. Going to go pick out some yarn with my daughter for a sweater she wants me to make her. I am itching to crochet and have several large projects planned and Micheals is having a super sale on yarn and I have a 50 percent off coupon. Time to stock up! Oh yeah...found a pattern to make stuffed crocheted chickens. Have to make one of those!!!
Yes, he lives inn Canastota. Delivers. His number is: 684-9601 tell him I referred you. I don't get anything for referrals, but just like him to know I'm referring people. If he gets enough buyers out your way, he might increase his area if he does't already deliver there.

Is it Joe at MileStrip?
Well, I have one lone chick. My temp spiked overnight and killed all the others, including one that had pipped and several that had pipped internally. I opened the eggs and they were all perfect. Most likely all would have hatched :( So now I have to find a friend for the lonesome chick. At least she has tiny legs, so maybe I'll be lucky and it'll be a girl.

How close to me are you? I hatched 11 and would give you a friend for yours.
Chittenango good god.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I have an EXTREMELY WACKO CRAZY LUNATIC ex from there. Just the name of the town gives me chills. BBBBBBRRRRRRR
You say wacko crazy like it's a bad thing. Just cuz she YOUR ex, we won't hold that against her.
Unless she keep silkies. Then she's toast!
I'm not sure what you are talking about, for some reason I keep getting dropped from notices...

Another update on the Poulan feed.
After 1.5 weeks, I'm noticing their poops are firm & nice. The only other time I have gotten that is when I fed fermented feed, which I don't do in the winter time. The feed says it has a digestive enzyme, must be what is working on firming the poops.

Well of course they're "firm" its' so cold out the freeze before the hit the ground.

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