NY chicken lover!!!!

Welcome to the flock!! :)    If you are available tomorrow, you should go to Chickenstock, it will be fun - lots of stuff going on.

Yes, I've been reading a few posts and it would be great to see a demo of processing, but I have the realtor coming back next week to do the final measurements and such for listing our home. We have to declutter big time, may even rent a storage unit, just to clear the house out before it goes on the market.
Maybe next year, if it's a yearly get together.
The incubator room is filled with brooder buckets, with 6 different species all yelling for attention. Keets are hatching today... Completed a huge new indoor flight pen as an extension off of the new shed, which is now 1/3 of the way up. The roof is off the original aviary as I slowly peel it apart to rebuild and relocate it. The incubator room is slowly turning into a place that is more human friendly, where we can be within the line of sight of the imprints but not be stuck on the floor. No weasel for over a week, but he's not in the traps either. The resident skunk comes around on occasion to look for hidden nests, but the big birds see him off promptly, usually before I get outside. My last run in with him taught me that skunks can spray while running away. I reeked for a few days after that. He already took a pellet to the backside - rugged little guy! I swapped over to a .22 rifle, but of course he has not been back... The Muscovies hid a HUGE nest, the contents of which are now incubating... Hatching away despite the weasel losses, in smaller quantities, but will have babies hatching weekly for close to a month just on what is in the incubator now...Exhausted, and brewing a little lupus flare... Everything hurts, and when I'm not doing stuff with/for the birds, I'm asleep. The poor house looks like a bomb dropped. Haven't gotten to it in far too long!!
Hoping to drop my hubby at work and head out to chickenstock shortly!
Went to the "Farmers market" here again. To buy cowboy boots for grandson. Asked about buying chickens. $10 for bare backed Domineckers. Lord have mercy these birds were not in good condition. A birds Sen to not well kept. Nor other animals. We didn't stay long it was an experience. Not really looking for any thing.
Hi everyone! :)

Hello there! Where are you and what kind of chickens do you have? Wel come to enablers, inc. We make it our mission to enable everyone to have chickens and get more chickens!

Aria...how is your new boy doing? Floyd spoiling him already? Is he behaving himself with the ladies?
,Lesson learned for Chickenstock....Get payment for things people say they want before the day and they don't make good on their orders.
Hi everyone! Anyone know an answer to this question from another thread? Thanks!

Okay folks so I hear that giving vitamin B complex is a lot better than the soluble multi vitamin/electrolytes. I have just purchase of durvet maxi-B 1000 but not quite sure how many CC/ML to give per bird. I was thinking of giving .5CC per bird since I have large fowl but thought I would check with everyone else's opinions.

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