NY chicken lover!!!!

Congrats, its so much fun and the kids will love it! Will you have it in time for the Easter HAL? If you ever want some eggs (blue egg roo based crosses) to add a little diversity let me know, I go to the feed store in your town about every 2 weeks
I am hoping to have one this weekend but I'm not sure. Things around the house keep breaking so incubator money got spent.

I will let you know if I want blue eggs.
@Devonayeah blue vates kale. I don't think it was dwarf, was 2 foot tall. Weathered many frozen days, snow, still good and green. I think it was starting to falter about a month ago, not sure if it was going to perk back up, deer MOWED it down one night. 3'x 12' @2' tall, was getting a little sparse, and a 3'x8' @ about 8" tall planted thick this fall, all gone in one night!...
Hello all! I popped in briefly a while ago and then vanished again. It's been pretty busy over here. The new house closed yesterday and we officially own it. We're talking to a lawyer about splitting our current property into two lots so we can keep the one that has our workshop and I can keep my birds there. So hopefully that goes through!

I also lost my ayam cemani rooster, Raptor :( Not sure what happened there. Hopefully one of my GFF chicks grows up to be a good replacement. They are gorgeous so far, so fingers crossed. That still leaves me without a rooster for a few months while they mature unless I can locate one in the meantime.

Wow, I'm so sorry about Raptor he truly was a beautiful cock. I hope all works out and you can find another one quickly if that's what you want.
Congratulations on the house closing. I wish you well on splitting the property.
Luv, just keep them in a dark 50 degree area and put them in an egg carton and prop one end up then switch and prop the other end up about 3x a day. I tested my Easter Eggers last year with eggs up to 20 days old. They all hatched but one 20 day old egg...

I am in Caz if you want some mixed eggs- I'd donate some to you to get your flock going again..

I don't have any of my breeding pens set up yet so, I have all pure birds for the most part but they are all clumped together so they are mutt offspring:

In one pen I have a Greenfire Svart Hona rooster over 2 hona hens (One KYTinpusher & one Ewe Crazy), 5 isbars (2 KYTinpusher and 3 Greenfire) and one black bantam orp.
I have about 30 offspring from this pen and they are sooooooo cute!!!

In my blue house I have an Easter Egger roo over 2 EE hens, one Creme Crested Legbar hen and two blue twins who are (1/2 blue isbar and 1/2 BCM)

In my BAMA house (Another blue and olive producer) I have a creme crested legbar roo over three white creme crested legbars (They were a recessive trait), one regular creme crested legbar and 5 Olive eggers.

My Greenfire coop is a Bielefielder roo, 2 isbar roo's and a sulmtaler roo over 5 sulmtaler hens and bielefelder hen and 2 barbezieux hen.

My last crew has a GFF light sussex roo and GFF orust roo over 2 GFF light sussex gals and one white creme crested legbar (SONEW) and one GFF sulmtaler.

When everyone was little they would hop bins and I let them choose their peeps.

You are too nice...Blue eggs are tempting. I will get back to you on that..
A lot has been going on here, it's crazy. Good news first, my husband got to take his collar off from his neck surgery and is back at work.

Bad news #1- Greg (my husband has very little new bone growth, after the surgery.

Bad news #2- Greg's surgeon has ordered a bone growth stimulator... insurance company is refusing to pay for it. Now get this ... they will only pay for the stimulator if it is for a part of the spine that isn't part of the neck. Huh??? Stupid me I thought your neck was part of your spine.

Bad news #3- My husband's employer just notified us that we need to pay our portion of the health insurance benefit fee by March 21st, $767.12 + $310.57 for the dental and eyeglass coverage. Huh??? First we heard of this, at all. Although they/she did apologize for letting this little fact slip her mind. Uhm... okay??? I think???

Bad news#4- my daughter gave me her 30day notice that she is moving out of my house. So I will need to start paying the mortgage on April 1st. Hmmm, thank you, this came out of no where.

Good News #2- After a bit of a melt down and giving myself a massive headache. I'm still standing! I'll manage somehow. I always do... probably because there really isn't any other option. :)

Now back to a happier topic... Chickens.

I will be in the market for...
And I have room for 6 more eye candy chickies! The rest have to serve a function... besides being super-Dee-super spoiled. :)
3 or so Silkies maybe a Frilkie. My favourite colours are blue and splash. If white I would like them to have the turquoise earlobe. Beards & muffs would be great.

After having my chickens for the year I have come to find a couple of breeds I don't want in my flock anymore.
I realize I need a durable, cold hardy breed that is worth the effort to butcher if they hatch out as roo's and if a hen lays really well. Of the breeds I have the only one that I have which should have done both is my Black Aussie, Margaret. However, she is so far from breed standards because she is so tiny, but little girl has never backed off more than a day on laying egg.
Does anyone have normal size BAs?
Does anyone have Blue Australorpes?
Another breed I have considered is the Brahma. I will continue this tomorrow as I have just fallen asleep while using my kindle make this entry.
Good to hear your husband doing better. Terrible the health ins. bit. Getting bad for most everyone lately.

Does anyone have Blue Australorpes?
Another breed I have considered is the Brahma."

Go for it all? Bird that looks like a BA, big as a Brahma, come in black blue and splash, and white.
Just get some Jersey Giants. They lay way better than a brahma also.
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@BakerzDozen I'm sorry for all you've been going through all this bad news!

I'm hatching some more silkies various colors in time for chickenstock probably or a bit before. I have 3 australorp EE mixes that are super cute that are 2 days old. I'm keeping one of those for sure and definitely the little turken mix. I've heard good things about australorps! This chicken math thing is for real! lol
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I now have a second broody, the maran. She is a nest hopper too. Going to set up an Eglu today and lock both of them in on some golf balls. If one of them sticks, she will get some of my mutt eggs for the Easter hatching. The BO/EE has been laying her lovely green eggs everyday, but not enough room in the incubator :D

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