NY chicken lover!!!!

On a sad note, our friends husband passed away two weeks ago unexpectedly from natural causes. He was only 38 and left our friend and their 2 year old behind.
@HISIRISHGEM & Rancher sorry to hear about the loss of your friends.

I am behind in everything. I have not tilled yet for this season and I am working new beds. I have a bunch of things to move down here from the farm- strawberries, raspberries & fruit trees. My chickens are growing out faster then I can create space. Which is usually where I am at. We start finals next week and then grades are due the week after- heavy weekend...no planting here.

I am looking forward to hatching this week some pretty cool chicks and going into next week some more pretty cool chicks!

 & Rancher sorry to hear about the loss of your friends. :hugs

I am behind in everything. I have not tilled yet for this season and I am working new beds. I have a bunch of things to move down here from the farm- strawberries, raspberries & fruit trees.  My chickens are growing out faster then I can create space. Which is usually where I am at. We start finals next week and then grades are due the week after- heavy weekend...no planting here.

I am looking forward to hatching this week some pretty cool chicks and going into next week some more pretty cool chicks!



Good luck with your finals! Also your hatches. I finally had a good hatch. All but 1 SFH hatched and all other eggs are pipped and zipping. I already have 5 creleplish out and 2 crele Orpington.

Sorry to those who have lost loved ones recently. My heart goes out to you.
My DH bid on a rare breed assortment on rare breed auctions for my birthday this week and won! It was for just 12 chicks from GFF but Josette sent me 20! All but one are lively and doing well. The other looks like she got wet from grogel so she's under the heat lamp and I'm hoping she pulls through.

I got 2 light Sussex, 3 BCM, 3 spitz, 8 queen Silvia and 4 lemon Fresian gulls. The gulls are $99 a chick from their website, I couldn't believe I got some of those! Anyways...very happy with my gift. I won't be keeping all of these chicks probably just a few from each...not sure yet. I'll have to research the gulls and queen Silvias bc I'm not too familiar with those breeds.

If anyone would be interested in one of these breeds let me know!

I haven't been keeping up with all the posts! (Still reading through) but I'd be interested in the BCMs if you decide not to keep them!
Good luck with your finals! Also your hatches. I finally had a good hatch. All but 1 SFH hatched and all other eggs are pipped and zipping. I already have 5 creleplish out and 2 crele Orpington.
Oh i am so jealous. I had a beautiful English crele orpington hen and I lost her last year to rooster stress...(Back before I knew such a thing existed) I love the orpingtons- gentle giants!

How many Swedish did you hatch? I think they are such a cool breed because each bird looks different! I really think they are super sweet also! Good luck with the rest of the hatch.

I am hatching tomorrow and wednesday...staggering misfit that I am!
Oh i am so jealous. I had a beautiful English crele orpington hen and I lost her last year to rooster stress...(Back before I knew such a thing existed) I love the orpingtons- gentle giants! 

How many Swedish did you hatch? I think they are such a cool breed because each bird looks different! I really think they are super sweet also! Good luck with the rest of the hatch.

I am hatching tomorrow and wednesday...staggering misfit that I am!

These will be my first English orpingtons. They were from eggs from the fancy chick, they should be good quality. I'm going to grow them out first before I get rid if any extras. If you want you can be first in line. I now have 6 more SFH. They are sweet and beautiful. I will have to post pics later. I should have my lavander Marans shipping Monday. The crele polish are supposed to be 80% accurate at sexing at hatch, I'm interested in seeing if it's so.
Lets see if I can remember.

1. I plant my garden in raised beds. The squash and pumpkin are under milk jug green houses. Taters in tower of poultry wire 24". I can't do 48".

6. Laid some newspaper mulch around berry bushes today. I mulched them in the fall but the weeds are coming up quick. I might even get some Gooseberries and Currants this year. The Jostaberries are looking good but I'm not sure if I'll get any berries on them yet. They're pretty big so I'm hopeful. I do have to make jelly and jams to clear out space in the freezer.

7. It's best to prepare/ till your garden in the fall so any weed seeds will freeze. Remember newspapers make good mulch. Though I do use cardboard boxes too. They're great for clearing space if laid down in the fall so the winter snows weigh them down. The chickens like to scratch them up once they get wet and mushy.

3. I keep forgetting a Will. We do need one since we travel more than we used too. We've been invited to go to FL next winter to see some friends who winter there.

2. DD who is a teacher in TX said that her school got flooded this past storm and it's nearly dried out.

4. The trouble with travel is I have to make sure I can get everything planted before I go. Last year it was late and not a good year. I don't know whether to dig up the garlic that is coming up from bulbs missed last fall. I've got some hanging in the garage all last winter sprouting. Apparently didn't get too cold to kill it.

5. Traveling makes it tough for growing out chicks. I have some I want to keep and grow out but still have to deal with roosters. Once I see what's what no one will want the rooster chicks. I will post them to CL and hope someone will take them off my hands. I know my daughters will take care of Frenchy and her three. They know how important she is.
Lets see if I can remember.

1. I plant my garden in raised beds. The squash and pumpkin are under milk jug green houses. Taters in tower of poultry wire 24". I can't do 48".

6. Laid some newspaper mulch around berry bushes today. I mulched them in the fall but the weeds are coming up quick. I might even get some Gooseberries and Currants this year. The Jostaberries are looking good but I'm not sure if I'll get any berries on them yet. They're pretty big so I'm hopeful. I do have to make jelly and jams to clear out space in the freezer.

7. It's best to prepare/ till your garden in the fall so any weed seeds will freeze. Remember newspapers make good mulch. Though I do use cardboard boxes too. They're great for clearing space if laid down in the fall so the winter snows weigh them down. The chickens like to scratch them up once they get wet and mushy.

3. I keep forgetting a Will. We do need one since we travel more than we used too. We've been invited to go to FL next winter to see some friends who winter there.

2. DD who is a teacher in TX said that her school got flooded this past storm and it's nearly dried out.

4. The trouble with travel is I have to make sure I can get everything planted before I go. Last year it was late and not a good year. I don't know whether to dig up the garlic that is coming up from bulbs missed last fall. I've got some hanging in the garage all last winter sprouting. Apparently didn't get too cold to kill it.

5. Traveling makes it tough for growing out chicks. I have some I want to keep and grow out but still have to deal with roosters. Once I see what's what no one will want the rooster chicks. I will post them to CL and hope someone will take them off my hands. I know my daughters will take care of Frenchy and her three. They know how important she is.

Oh, I see we do the same method you do! We've tried everything. From tilling, to throwing them down, you name it, we've tried it and the best method to date has been what my dad likes to call our "patchwork quilt". lol Really we do the lasagna method with a little bit of the square foot method together. Last year was the best harvest we've had with exception to the potatoes which usually do wonderful but we tried some companion planting and the weeds and overgrowth killed it and we got only small potatoes. If you get the time to take a pic of the potato tower, please share. My husband is interested in it. I'm sure it will save us room in the garden to plant other things.

When your back home to harvest, we'll help! Maybe we can learn a few things from you while we help.

We have a ton of seeds this year and now are planning the half of the garden we didn't use last year. The best part is that we're getting our compost FREE from the County. I wasn't sure about it last year, but holy bologna! Our stuff grew like crazy!! Check with your local counties to see if your town/counties give free compost and/or mulch. We get our mulch from the town but it gets used as the walkways of our gardens because it's pretty much leftover pine from the Christmas Tree's. It works and looks great though for the walkways.

I'm also going to put in a fun "secret garden" for our daughter. We're going to plant lots of mammoth and small type sunflower seeds in the circle where the old pool used to be. I think I'm going to put big skipping rocks I saw at home depot down for drainage on top of sand so she will be able to sit and bugs won't pool in it. ((praying about that)). I hope it will be a fun place for her to explore and use her imagination!

The will topic. Good heavens I didn't know how intense it gets. An executor, co-executor, etc. etc. I'm going to offend a whole lot of family members I think. I have to push pleasing everyone aside though and do what's best for my daughter. ((sigh)). I'll be glad to get it all over with though and think of a better topic.

I know you've been talking about up and moving to a warmer climate. I hope you have a lovely vacation/travel time. I'm sure you'll find good homes. I wish I could take a rooster. I've been wanting one for a while but unless I can convince my husband that they won't be loud, it won't happen unless there is an apocalypse. Hahaha The neighbors would ring my neck too. ((sigh))

I have to say though, my girls, two of them in particular are pretty loud. One laughs like crazy. The other pretends like she's laid an egg to get me to come outside and let her out of the darn run already. Hahahaha They have minds of their own for sure! There's nothing like a fluffy butt running at me without any hands. It makes me smile every time.
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I Realize it is hard to sex chicks..
No Guarantee that they will be pullets...
Originally Posted by Metella
I guess I will pass on them
I saw you also wanted an east faresian gull chick. I have a few gold ones I may be willing to part with if interestedThey are just about 5 weeks old. I paid $13 and change for each so I was thinking $15 by chickenstock. I'm pretty sure I have all pullets, but never had this breed before so I won't say I'm 100% sure. I will know for sure before chickenstock.
Would you have 2 for 15 each ?
Starting to prepare the garden ...
Repurposing my paper leaf bags I used to collect bedding for the coop..

cut them in half length wise ..and am putting them under the fence ...that is where the grass starts growing in from the lawn .
Will be putting logs & saplings on them

chickens helping with the weeding

once i get all the edges done ..Im going to start on the garden itself ..
it needs to be leveled where the potatoes were ..
and I will probably dump out the deep litter on the garden after that ...

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