NY chicken lover!!!!

My neighbor and I are noticing signs of molting in our flocks. It's so early! Is anyone else seeing this?

Isn't it awfully early for molting?
Yes, my other birds have only ever lost their feathers in the fall, she's a bit of a panicky, flighty girl, molted at an unusual time once before, and I had no idea why - then saw the muddy raccoon prints on the outside of the coop - had tried to get in there overnight - luckily its secure, and the birds were safe, but hearing all that scrabbling must have frightened her and the molt was a stress response.

Are you near me? I was wondering if its our Bflo weather proving stressful, has been so hot and humid lately, or dramatic thunderstorms, downpours and flooding for quite a few weeks. Wondered if the physical stress of dealing with that could have contributed to unusual molt time?

No idea if its relevant but she's the only one molting, and is our oldest chicken, around 4 years old.
Hello I lost this thread again and now i've found it! I'm from Chenango County NY. The Dominique is my favorite and I have a great flock. I have Marans which I'm breeding up until the end of September. What I am breeding in the Spring are: Dominiques, Mottled Java, Marans, Olives, and buff laced Brahma. I love all breeds of chickens!

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