NY chicken lover!!!!

Does anybody really "like" this weather???
Don't mind warm...this is HOT. DO NOT LIKE IT HOT. And our Silkies don't either. They are hiding under the evergreens. Hoping for RAIN and then a little cooler weather. Regards, Aria
I keep reminding myself how much I loathed this past winter...that gets me through the days! At least I can get outside and garden and see the changes in my plants (veggie, fruit, and flowers)...this makes me happy. Swimming helps too!
Ugh. I just went outside and it's like an oven. I'll take winter any day. I've got fans and melon and a sprinkler, but all chickens pretty stressed out. Ah well, I have done what I could. I try not to go out there too often because they all run to me - I'd rather they stay 'dug in' and not go running out in the sun.
Lets see, todays drama:

Something tried HARD to eat my Silkie Roo last night. Looks like the Roo won. Anyone got some nasty attack Roosters to put back there instead?

I found two Rex kits in the duck run, since the doe inside the coop kindled last night (on the wire, of course, because she is terminally stupid) Were there more? I don't know. If there were the Rats or whatever tried to eat the silkie got them, or the ducks got hungry.
Now I have to try to figure out where on earth to put these guys, everyone elses litters are much older! I have yet to get a successful litter out of this doe (I paid a LOT of money for it, so I keep trying. sigh. Anyone want a really useless Rex doe??? )

I have a couple does due to kindle soon and they look darn hot, couple does with litter also look awfully hot. I have silkies I had to put in the basement because they were heatstroking out in the coop.

I let the ducks out to cool off, I'm gonna bet at least two of them don't come back.

Did I mention it was hot out there? I've spent way too much time outside already and now I don't feel so hot.
Going out to do my livestock check again, I really hate days like this! Please tell me its going to be cooler tomorrow? Or at least lie to me...
I'm also missing 15 chicks and a duckling. Sigh.

Those stay right up by the house, so I guess when whatever it was gave up on the silkie, it came up to the house and started eating chicks and ducklings.

Anyone wanna make me an offer on everything? Sigh.

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