NY chicken lover!!!!

My ducks have discovered the joys of rain, and are busy getting themselves absolutely filthy as they putter around out in the mud. The occasional chicken who ventures out into the run looks at them like they've lost their flippin' minds, and quickly goes in where it's dry.

Mama is giving the foursome the grand tour of the coop today. Alan is right - the others are pretty well ignoring them. My SLW was curious and tried to check one of them out, and was promptly schooled by an indignant Mama, so things are good. One of those fuzzbutts is turning out to be a cheeky little thing! My biggest Buff Brahma happened to wander by, and paused to regard the babies for a moment. The cheeky little brat actually marched up to her, stretched itself up to its full couple inches in height, and puffed up its fluff as though to challenge her. Watch - it'll be a roo.
troy here anyone near?

and to the NY thread. I'm sure there are folks near you or not that far away....I'm across the river in Feura Bush.
My ducks have discovered the joys of rain, and are busy getting themselves absolutely filthy as they putter around out in the mud. The occasional chicken who ventures out into the run looks at them like they've lost their flippin' minds, and quickly goes in where it's dry.

Mama is giving the foursome the grand tour of the coop today. Alan is right - the others are pretty well ignoring them. My SLW was curious and tried to check one of them out, and was promptly schooled by an indignant Mama, so things are good. One of those fuzzbutts is turning out to be a cheeky little thing! My biggest Buff Brahma happened to wander by, and paused to regard the babies for a moment. The cheeky little brat actually marched up to her, stretched itself up to its full couple inches in height, and puffed up its fluff as though to challenge her. Watch - it'll be a roo.
lol. my Pekins are FILTHY today. but happy.
Another one of my brain dead chicks (LOL) got out today and I have no idea how. Mamas must have taken them out when I didn't notice as everytime I checked they were staying in the coop. So I had to drag complaining mama back out in the rain to cluck chick out. grrr. :)

And now I think one of my production reds is eggbound. She's complaining loudly in a cage in the sunroom. :p

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