NYC: abandoned cockerel needs good forever home


Apr 5, 2017
Our Galileo was abandoned in front of a Brooklyn, NY Petco in October and my boyfriend rescued him. When we got him, he had respiratory problems but my bf has been giving him antibiotics until a month or two ago and he hasn't shown any symptoms since.

Sadly, he started to crow now so he can't keep him any longer because roosters are illegal here; we're afraid animal control will put him down if he gets reported. We think he's a barred rock wyandotte mix.

Galileo is a laid back dude: used to humans and allows you to pick him up but doesn't actively seek out affection (he will seek you out if you have treats though!)

Would anyone be interested in taking him or know someone who can? Neither of us drives so you have to be near NYC (upstate NY, NJ, Long Island, etc). We'll have to find a way to transport him, whether it's public transit, someone driving us, or if you want to pick him up.
We'll also give you all the chicken food we have and chicken antibiotics.

We had a couple of people offer but they were kind of shady so we're still looking for the best person to take him.

^ the dog has since gotten a haircut!

I know it's really hard to find someone who wants a rooster but we love him and really hope he can have the best home.

*Absolutely NOT for eating, culling, selling, etc.*
I just want to tell you how wonderful it was of you guys to show such compassion to Galileo - he's a lucky roo to have been picked up by someone who showed him kindness rather than hurt him. Have you found a place for him yet? I wish I lived close enough to help in some way but am in Florida
Have you contacted any farm sanctuaries? There are some good ones in New York who may be able to take him based on his story, and could maybe help with transport also - look up "farm sanctuary New York" and you'll find some contacts.
Tirzah15 Thank you so much for your kind words! I looked into some sanctuaries around here. They're all still pretty far but we're going to contact them. Not sure if it's better for a person to take him (they would likely have less animals than a sanctuary, so would be able to dedicate more attention to him and maybe even be okay with giving us occasional updates) or a sanctuary (they might have more experience and usually do tours so we might even be able to visit him from time to time). Both options probably have their own pros and cons.
Very true - pros and cons for both sides - I really hope he finds a safe, quality home - he's in good hands with you carefully placing him. Definitely networking through some rescues / sanctuaries can be helpful. Also Google and contact United Poultry Concerns - they may be helpful in finding placement as well - be sure to tell them his story. Good luck!!!
Do you still have the rooster?

If he is not an aggressive rooster I will consider homing him for you. I have 8 hens and my girls are pets, though they earn their keep by keeping us all happy with the fresh delicious eggs they provide. I live in Columbia County NY which is about 2 hours from Manhattan in a small town called Copake Falls. You can google and read about our community. I do let my girls roam around when the weather is good and someone is around but, there is always the threat of predators. I had a rooster someone re-homed with me a few years ago, he was very aggressive and possessive of the hens. To the point he was a danger to me and any children that were here, so he had to go. I wouldn't mind a roo that is human friendly and can maybe provide me with some fertile eggs if 1 of my girls will go broody.
If you are still interested in re-homing him if you haven't done so already, let me know and we can discuss getting him up here.
Thanks, Deb

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