Oblivion's Horizon-rp game

The girl before her was a strange mixture of bird and girl. Somehow it looked elegant on her in a way. Walking slowly she reached the girl and held her hand out.
" I think something went wrong.." Victoria looked yet again at the bodies...
Katherine nodded, feeling stunned.
"I...I don't know." Katherine breathed in and out a few times. She felt like kicking something. "I already want to get out of this game...there has to be some way to, right?"
"I...I don't know." Katherine breathed in and out a few times. She felt like kicking something. "I already want to get out of this game...there has to be some way to, right?"
" Uh,sure do you have any ideas.." Victoria said lightly. Rolling her eyes, nothing like this has ever been attempted. Just her luck that it went wrong with her stuck in the game. A rumbling sound came from her stomach.. Oh great she thought as she glared at her stomach. " Guess we are like normal people... with a few inhance meants." She said as she looked at the girl's feathered body..
She gulped. "No. W-what was it?" For some reason Katherine kept thinking, Don't be a cat or a dog or something big and nasty...

Stopping Victoria looked over her shoulder a smile playing on her lips. " Snakes are beautiful creatures, aren't they. The one I chose just so happens to be one of the deadliest." Touching the sword Victoria went on " once the venom is dry it is a lot less potent but still..."
Katherine said nothing but took extra care to stay about a yard away as she followed. She grabbed the dagger she'd found in case they encountered something unfriendly, though she doubted Victoria would ever need anyone to help with her venom.
Katherine said nothing but took extra care to stay about a yard away as she followed. She grabbed the dagger she'd found in case they encountered something unfriendly, though she doubted Victoria would ever need anyone to help with her venom.
Noticing the larger gap between them Victoria frowned but said nothing. She had chose the snake and its venom to survive, and that was what she was going to do. A few more moments walking brought them to a nice sized river.Fat fish swam lazily and the stream ran fast. Looking behind her she saw the bird girl still walking. Bending down she smiled as she remebered the enhancements her scientist friend made for her. They had been good friends, so no one knew really what was in her venom.. Licking one of her long finger nails she looked at the fish and striked. As she was lifting her hand the fish shuddered a moment then stopped moving. Its eyes franticly moving. Paralyized, sighing she lifted her dinner and looked back at the girl with a small. " Your turn." She said as she stared at her tight grip on the small dagger.

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