October egg swap---sign-ups closed.

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I got mine
I got mine and will be collecting and shipping, hopefully, this week. Will label my eggs because I would hate to not know what I was incubating.
I got my email, and I'm going to be good and keep it a secret this time!!

I'll send confirmation when I send the eggs!
Her eggs (yes, farrier! is a girl, shocking huh?) were sent a few days ago. One of the swappers had enough eggs to send, and was afraid that her birds would decide to go on strike like last month, so I matched her with farrier! so she could send them out fast.
I am excited about the swap. I will be talking with my postman tomorrow to give him a heads up that eggs will be headed my way. This is always the hardest part. Waiting for Shelley to post your name to say your eggs are on the way. I will be checking constantly!
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