Odd feather loss


Jun 8, 2020
PEI Canada
My big man Honey has this abrasion/broken feathers on his thighs of all places.

I checked him over and saw no signs of parasites- I do get mites from time to time. Treated him anyways just in case.
He also has a small bald patch on his butt.
Keel is in great shape, no sores there.
None of my other chickens have anything like this that I've found.
The way the feathers are broken suggests picking to me, it just seems odd to happen to the biggest most dominant rooster in the pen. Could he be doing it to himself? He hops the fence and spends half the day freeranging in the garden, but I do have a few teenage cockerels I'm waiting to get fat enough for the pot. They give him a wide berth as far as I can see but maybe he's still feeling stressed out?
Huh, it never occurred to me that that could be the cause, but that would rub the right area. Well, I'll see what I can do, he jumps most of my fences so keeping him separate will be a challenge but if that's the issue it's better than the alternatives- he doesn't have an excess of hens but none are as bare as he is.

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