odd situation


In the Brooder
May 1, 2015
If you've read any of my other recent posts you know what's going on. On day 22 which was Monday i had several chicks chirping but no external pips. The next morning everything went quiet. I candled again last night and only 9 of my 30 were viable. There is still no chirping, external pips or movement. But one egg if you hold it up to your ear you can hear what sounds like something pecking the inside of the shell. There is definitely something inside it that is making noise. My question is have any of you ever had this happen, and what should i do? Try and make an external pip myself or just let it go and see what happens?
Leave it be! That egg should be in lockdown. If and when the chick is prepared to hatch, with yolk drawn in and blood vessels in the membrane shut down, then it will hatch if it can.

Not seeing activity when candling is perfectly normal, as is seeing activity. It sounds as your hatch is late, which indicates that the egg temperature during incubation was too low. Next time raise the temperature 1/2 degree.
Leave it be!  That egg should be in lockdown.  If and when the chick is prepared to hatch, with yolk drawn in and blood vessels in the membrane shut down, then it will hatch if it can.

Not seeing activity when candling is perfectly normal, as is seeing activity.  It sounds as your hatch is late, which indicates that the egg temperature during incubation was too low.  Next time raise the temperature 1/2 degree.

How long would to give it before determining it isn't going to hatch?

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