Meet Mabel.
Upon purchasing our chickens, she was 1 of the 6 black stars (black sexlinks I guess) we requested and brought home. Sadly, my favorite one passed after a magpie snatched her.
Anyway! Within the first week, I noticed she looked a LOT different. Her coloring was more brown, and she had feathered feet. And she seemed smaller.
Fast forward to now, she is absolutely gorgeous (in my eyes)!
The photos I've attached: 2wks, 4wks, 7wks, and lastly 9wks with her new coloring, her odd little face, and her feathery feets. She is most definitely not fond of being held, but also does not fight it once she's in your arms. She is quite confusing in more than one way
She's my mutt chicken.
Upon purchasing our chickens, she was 1 of the 6 black stars (black sexlinks I guess) we requested and brought home. Sadly, my favorite one passed after a magpie snatched her.
Anyway! Within the first week, I noticed she looked a LOT different. Her coloring was more brown, and she had feathered feet. And she seemed smaller.
Fast forward to now, she is absolutely gorgeous (in my eyes)!
The photos I've attached: 2wks, 4wks, 7wks, and lastly 9wks with her new coloring, her odd little face, and her feathery feets. She is most definitely not fond of being held, but also does not fight it once she's in your arms. She is quite confusing in more than one way
She's my mutt chicken.