

In the Brooder
9 Years
May 17, 2010
should there be an odor that has gotten stronger the last couple of days and we are at day 21... I am new at this not sure if thats how it should be.
Yikes, and welcome to BYC.

You may have an egg going bad. Really stinky after a while. Look very carefully at each egg, without opening the incubator. If you see one "weeping", i.e. oozing fluid, remove it very carefully straight into a trash bag. Do a quick sniff test of each egg in there, you may have more than one.

Once they reach they stinky stage they are prone to exploding at the slightest touch. You really don't want that to happen.

Take care of that and I hope you have a good hatch.
They do not smell like rotton eggs it smells like baby chicks???? Not a rotton smell though! Is that ok???
I'm not sure. I've never smelled anything fron the incubator unless I had a rotten egg or the chicks had started hatching.

Perhaps they are pipping?
Yes it's okay if it's not the rotten smell but it will get sour smelling fast so I hope your hatch goes quick. They must be pipping if that's not happening then I don't know what that smell is. Good luck with your hatch.
How long does it usually take when they start pipping??? This is all so new to me Thank you all for being so helpfull.. This is a great site. I can tell I am going to be here a lot:)
It depends on the eggs..yeah lots of help huh well that said I've had them seem like forever 12hrs or more to zip after the first pip and then it was like popcorn in 24 hrs it was done and then I've had one pop right out like 4 hrs after the first pip and the rest took 3 days....you just really never know until its over have fun I just put a bunch in lock down and the turkeys last time came early so we'll see what happens Wednesday. This time the turkeys are a different kind but they were all wriggling when I looked at them tonite I have yet to lose my excitement over any kind of birth I hope I never do it's just one of God's miracles.

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