Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Sunspot slid into the tunnel after Eclipse, tucking her wings close, the flexible blades stacking over each other. She increased the glow of her scales, peering around the surroundings suspiciously. She noticed how gentle the glow Eclipse gave off was, silver and quiet, versus Sunspots fiery golden glow.
It was painfully humid in the tunnel. Sunspot snorted in an attempt to clear her nostrils from the thick, muggy air. But as she walked, the heat grew, which had never bothered her before, but the humidity was also fading. The ground beneath her feet was also drier. Strange.

She used this time to get a really good look at her companion, noting the weapons stashed on the silver dragon in bags tied against her scales. The LunarWing looked strong, and she had already proven how formidable of a fighter she was. Not a dragon Sunspot wanted to make an enemy of.

But she seemed arrogant. She knew for a fact that the silver dragon was just using her as a means to an end, and would surely ditch her after Sunspot had completed her task. That’s what Sunspot would’ve done.

But the LunarWing also seemed to be an honorable dragon. She totally could’ve just flown away and left Sunspot to the hunters to face whatever fate might’ve been her future. But she didn’t. Sunspot respected that in a dragon.
Eclipse could feel the humidity in the tunnel draining as she rounded the first corner. The light from Sunspot's orbs increased, dimly lighting the tunnel and Eclipse felt some of the claustrophobic sensation melt away. As the two paced down the corridor, the air around them became drier and drier, and heat began seeping through the stone walls and floor.
Eclipse could feel Sunspot's gaze raking over her scales and could almost sense her tension.
She doesn't trust me. Eclipse thought as Sunspot rounded the corner behind her, sending a warm light over the cave.
She knows I'm dangerous--only a fool wouldn't. She's a smart dragon... possibly conniving. But at least she respects my space. The last thing I need is for her to get used to me--or worse--attached. She will keep her distance and when this mission is over, she'll be happy to up and leave.
The corridor turned again, and Eclipse slithered around it. The tunnel remained pitch dark a moment longer until Sunspot rounded the corner behind her. Eclipse had pulled sand down from the rise behind the cave exit and piled as much of it from the tunnel back up to the entrance, trying her best to hide the secret corridor. She stepped up to the sandy slope and paused. Trying to bring her thoughts back to the mission and ignore the tiny thought that echoed through her head.
She will be happy to get as far away from me as possible
They always are...

She began to dig, sending sand flinging down the tunnel. Several heartbeats passed and then, on one of her fluent strokes, the sand gave way and once again the tunnel was flooded with blinding sunlight.
“It is, it’s hard sometimes but we make the best of it. I hope one day we can make the world a peaceful place, the humans either need to stand down and live with us instead of against us, or….die.” King said with a tinge of anger and sadness in his voice.
Zander would’ve created peace…”

The village grew closer as the three soared downwards. Cloudwings of all colors and ages swarmed them, even Robin was there in the village.
“King!” Shouted a mostly white dragon with grey stripes along his wings and neck. “This ‘ere fella said you’d gone back out ‘gain, now I see why!” Said the older dragon. “Heron, yes I know, I had to get Bluegill and I met these two loners on my way back. Corvus and Phoenix.” He said, gesturing toward the two.

"Hey King!" Robin shouted. "Who are these guys? More rescues?" He said, looking at the two CloudWings, one of them being an interesting Orange-Red color.
Eclipse could feel the humidity in the tunnel draining as she rounded the first corner. The light from Sunspot's orbs increased, dimly lighting the tunnel and Eclipse felt some of the claustrophobic sensation melt away. As the two paced down the corridor, the air around them became drier and drier, and heat began seeping through the stone walls and floor.
Eclipse could feel Sunspot's gaze raking over her scales and could almost sense her tension.
She doesn't trust me. Eclipse thought as Sunspot rounded the corner behind her, sending a warm light over the cave.
She knows I'm dangerous--only a fool wouldn't. She's a smart dragon... possibly conniving. But at least she respects my space. The last thing I need is for her to get used to me--or worse--attached. She will keep her distance and when this mission is over, she'll be happy to up and leave.
The corridor turned again, and Eclipse slithered around it. The tunnel remained pitch dark a moment longer until Sunspot rounded the corner behind her. Eclipse had pulled sand down from the rise behind the cave exit and piled as much of it from the tunnel back up to the entrance, trying her best to hide the secret corridor. She stepped up to the sandy slope and paused. Trying to bring her thoughts back to the mission and ignore the tiny thought that echoed through her head.
She will be happy to get as far away from me as possible
They always are...

She began to dig, sending sand flinging down the tunnel. Several heartbeats passed and then, on one of her fluent strokes, the sand gave way and once again the tunnel was flooded with blinding sunlight.
Sunspot shielded herself with one wing from the flying sand, her eyes adjusting quickly as bright light spilled in. “Wow. This is the desert.”
She stepped past Eclipse, standing out on the wide open dunes. Home.

“Right.” Sunspot said briskly. “We have a mission, yes?” She shook out her entire body, stretching her wings, then each leg, whipping her tail along the sand in anticipation. Her mood had improved already, just by being home.
Sunspot shielded herself with one wing from the flying sand, her eyes adjusting quickly as bright light spilled in. “Wow. This is the desert.”
She stepped past Eclipse, standing out on the wide open dunes. Home.

“Right.” Sunspot said briskly. “We have a mission, yes?” She shook out her entire body, stretching her wings, then each leg, whipping her tail along the sand in anticipation. Her mood had improved already, just by being home.
"Yup," Eclipse said, sitting down neatly on the ground and swishing her silver tail through the sand. "Go ahead, enjoy yourself. Jump around, roll, fly, make noise,--I won't judge. In fact, the more chaos you make, the easier the Nightwing patrol might spot us. Just signal me if you see them."
She leveled her gaze on Sunspot, a little more serious. "Just by all means, don't get yourself tranquilized again and make me have to haul your tail back to the rainforest."
"Yup," Eclipse said, sitting down neatly on the ground and swishing her silver tail through the sand. "Go ahead, enjoy yourself. Jump around, roll, fly, make noise,--I won't judge. In fact, the more chaos you make, the easier the Nightwing patrol might spot us. Just signal me if you see them."
She leveled her gaze on Sunspot, a little more serious. "Just by all means, don't get yourself tranquilized again and make me have to haul your tail back to the rainforest."
Sunspot felt a prickle if irritation at the LunarWing’s tone, but took off into the clear desert air anyways. She circled higher and higher, scanning for tell-tale black scales on the golden dunes. The sun glinted off of Eclipse’s silver scales in a horribly distracting way, so she began to fly quickly in the direction of the scorpion den, scanning the ground with sharp eyes.
"Hey King!" Robin shouted. "Who are these guys? More rescues?" He said, looking at the two CloudWings, one of them being an interesting Orange-Red color.
“Actually no, they’re loners far as I can tell. That’s kind of disappointing, I thought you might know each other.” He said with a chuckle.
“Actually no, they’re loners far as I can tell. That’s kind of disappointing, I thought you might know each other.” He said with a chuckle.
“Nope.” Corvus, shaking his head. He tilted his head curiously at Robin. “You’re new too?”

Sunspot felt a prickle if irritation at the LunarWing’s tone, but took off into the clear desert air anyways. She circled higher and higher, scanning for tell-tale black scales on the golden dunes. The sun glinted off of Eclipse’s silver scales in a horribly distracting way, so she began to fly quickly in the direction of the scorpion den, scanning the ground with sharp eyes.
Eclipse watched the Solarwing spiral up into the air, like a lazy eagle. Her head swiveled back and forth as she scanned the dunes. She circled a moment longer and Eclipse saw Sunspot glance down at her before banking South in the direction of the Scorpion Den and soaring away. Eclipse's tail lashed in frustration.
What is she doing? She thought irritably. They should be right here, or at LEAST within sighting distance
Suspicion jumped into her mind and she narrowed her eyes trying to see the little shining dot against the bright sky. Was she secretly in union with the Nightwings? Had the whole thing been a trap? She had agreed to the plan fairly confidently. Maybe... a little too confidently.
Or maybe she was planning to betray her. Exchange a rare and priceless Lunarwing for her own peace and safety. It would be a low move.
Eclipse growled low in her throat and backed into the shelter of the tunnel, letting only her head stick out the entrance to keep watch.
All she could do was wait and see.
Eclipse watched the Solarwing spiral up into the air, like a lazy eagle. Her head swiveled back and forth as she scanned the dunes. She circled a moment longer and Eclipse saw Sunspot glance down at her before banking South in the direction of the Scorpion Den and soaring away. Eclipse's tail lashed in frustration.
What is she doing? She thought irritably. They should be right here, or at LEAST within sighting distance
Suspicion jumped into her mind and she narrowed her eyes trying to see the little shining dot against the bright sky. Was she secretly in union with the Nightwings? Had the whole thing been a trap? She had agreed to the plan fairly confidently. Maybe... a little too confidently.
Or maybe she was planning to betray her. Exchange a rare and priceless Lunarwing for her own peace and safety. It would be a low move.
Eclipse growled low in her throat and backed into the shelter of the tunnel, letting only her head stick out the entrance to keep watch.
All she could do was wait and see.
Sunspot’s mind raced as she flew. If she wanted to, she could probably just fly away. She could garuantwe that she could fly faster than the silver dragon. But then…. Eclipse would probably hunt her down and kill her.

And that tunnel. She could use it to her advantage. A quick passage across the continent could be extremely useful to her.

Sunspot frowned. She couldn’t see a single dragon out on the dunes. Weird.

She could see the Scorpion Den in the distance, gray and foreboding.


Sunspot circled around a while longer, catching the sun on her wings in hopes of luring dragons out of the distant Scorpion Den. Nothing.

She turned around and flew back, snapping some kind of large desert bird out of the air on the way. She spiraled down, landing in front of the tunnel with a thump. She saw Eclipse watching her carefully with narrowed eyes and tossed her bird to the ground, pinning it down with one foot and casually ripping off a wing.

“Nothing to be seen out there,” the golden dragon said, tossing the wing towards the silver dragon. “They’re long gone. Exactly how important is your escapee NightWing?”

She tore off the other wing for herself, using a quick blast of flame to scorch the feathers off and snapping up a non prickly meal.
Sunspot’s mind raced as she flew. If she wanted to, she could probably just fly away. She could garuantwe that she could fly faster than the silver dragon. But then…. Eclipse would probably hunt her down and kill her.

And that tunnel. She could use it to her advantage. A quick passage across the continent could be extremely useful to her.

Sunspot frowned. She couldn’t see a single dragon out on the dunes. Weird.

She could see the Scorpion Den in the distance, gray and foreboding.


Sunspot circled around a while longer, catching the sun on her wings in hopes of luring dragons out of the distant Scorpion Den. Nothing.

She turned around and flew back, snapping some kind of large desert bird out of the air on the way. She spiraled down, landing in front of the tunnel with a thump. She saw Eclipse watching her carefully with narrowed eyes and tossed her bird to the ground, pinning it down with one foot and casually ripping off a wing.

“Nothing to be seen out there,” the golden dragon said, tossing the wing towards the silver dragon. “They’re long gone. Exactly how important is your escapee NightWing?”

She tore off the other wing for herself, using a quick blast of flame to scorch the feathers off and snapping up a non prickly meal.
Eclipse crouched in the tunnel entrance a moment longer, eying the bird wing in front of her. Then she slowly stood up and took several paces out into the open gingerly picking up the scrap of meat.
"Important enough," she said cautiously, sitting down in the sand and inspecting it carefully. She began plucking the feathers out of it as best she could, her snout wrinkling slightly at the task.

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