Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Ok, I'm gonna just dive right in.

Alyssia felt the spray of water in her face as she sped over the ocean waves on her jet ski. The salty taste making it's way into her mouth. She relished it and sped the machine up. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she sped across the vast expanse of blue. She made her way to a group of small rocks protruding through the surface and stopped her bike. She hopped off of the bike and stretched her limbs. The soreness from the exhilarating ride making its way through her body. She gazed back the way she came and saw the outline of her island. Buildings and skyscrapers added to the outline. A smile lit up her face and she thought of the pleasant memories she'd had there. She climbed up the rock and looked towards the horizon that she hadn't explored yet. Someday she thought. Someday I'll explore out there and find you. Pain took a stab at her heart as she remembered her brother. The one she'd never had. She shook her head and pushed the thoughts out of her mind.
A movement in the water caught her eye, and she made her way to the edge of the rocks to peer into the ocean. Peering into the blue, she saw an aqua glow in the depths. She locked eyes with whatever was down there and they stared, neither one wanting to make a move. A SeaWing? It looks like it could be one. But...those eyes. Could it be....
Her thoughts were diverted by shadows along the surface of the ocean. She spun to see the source of the shadows and saw 5 black objects soaring through the sky in her direction. "What are those?" she said aloud. Her eyes widened as she saw the outline of wings on these objects. She'd heard rumors of other dragons in the world, but she'd never encountered them. Oblivious to how other dragons were, she stood where she was. She reached back to be sure that her one strap backpack was still relatively dry on her back. Oh good, my tools are still in there. I mean, it's waterproof anyway, but still.
She began to feel uneasy about the dragons as they got closer. Finally, they swooped. They came towards the water at lightning speed and in perfect formation. The black dragons ripping at something in the water. Alyssia looked over the edge again and saw the aqua glow from before in the spot that the dragons had attacked, but further down. Sensing that this was dangerous, Alyssia made her way back to her water jet ski and started it up. She looked back, and to her horror saw one of the dragons looking directly at her. She sped as fast as she could away from the rocks, but she could hear the wingbeats of the dragons as they came towards her. She glanced behind her and saw the black beast nearly on top of her. The claws of the creature reached out to grab her, but suddenly blue scales leapt from the water and struck the NightWing. The rest of the pack turned on the SeaWing that had just saved Alyssia and began to avenge their leader. Alyssia could hear carnage and roars behind her as she sped away. She was almost close enough to the mainland that someone would spot her with their radars, and she felt triumph fill her. The triumph was stolen as she felt a cold, scaly claw wrap around her and yank her off of her jet ski. The ski continued, but she was yanked up to a dragon that began to hover in the air with her in his claws.

In one last final attempt, Alyssia saw the SeaWing leap through the air towards the dragon holding her. The impact made the NightWing release his grip and Alyssia was sent plummeting to the ocean. She blacked out on impact and could only feel the vibrations in the water of the battle still going. Drifting in and out of consciousness, she could only remember seeing the sky flying by and scaly claws carrying her. And then, she drifted back into her unconscious state.
Following Sunspot's gaze, Neoma saw the silvery dragon resting in the tree hollow watching them.
Neoma looked at her for a moment. This was almost surreal. Another Lunarwing. And though she had just tried to kill her, she didn't feel a strong hatred towards her... which was strange because Neoma expected to have felt like killing her still. Anyways, she didn't want to be the last of the Lunarwings for real, now that she knew there were more.
Shaking her head to clear it, she winced. That was a dumb decision, because her head was still achy from the slam of the dagger handle.
"Yeah, she doesn't seem too buddy-buddy with you... or me for that matter." Neoma sighed, reluctantly standing and wading out of the stream and flopping down on the ground. She turned her head and began examining the leg wound.
“We don’t need her to be,” Sunspot said, circling twice and sitting down, flicking her tail to set fire to a clump of moss nearby.
“We don’t need her to be,” Sunspot said, circling twice and sitting down, flicking her tail to set fire to a clump of moss nearby.
So Kiwi, what are the current queens of the tribes that still have queens? I know Queen Cirrus still rules the Cloudwings but what about the other tribes?
name: Sunrise
Age: 13
Gender: female
Tribe: CloudWings
Physical appearance: light pale pink scales, with pastel peach feathers that fade to brown tips on her wings. Wears a silver hoop earring with two grey pebbles, on her left ear. She has two long scars on her back, towards her right leg, where she came in contact with a very blunt knife.
Personality: competitive, never backs down from a fight.
name: Sunrise
Age: 13
Gender: female
Tribe: CloudWings
Physical appearance: light pale pink scales, with pastel peach feathers that fade to brown tips on her wings. Wears a silver hoop earring with two grey pebbles, on her left ear. She has two long scars on her back, towards her right leg, where she came in contact with a very blunt knife.
Personality: competitive, never backs down from a fight.
Oooh I like it! My second oldest dragon oc other then a few I made up but never drew was named sunset!

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