Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Sol flexed his wings, glancing at the clock. 5:30. Auction was at 6. Games were at 6:30-7:00, depending on how intense the bidding went.
He hadn't been in the outdoor arena for a couple months, most fights he attended were in The Den. Only big stuff happened out here, and without fail, nerves always got to him at the last moment.
Tobias sat cross legged against the wall, watching Sol silently.
Sol trotted the perimeter of the arena, looking up at the stands. A domed chain link ceiling separated the dragons from the people, this way fire and flight could be used to an extent.
They had brought sand in, instead of the usual stone floor- most likely for the aesthetic. Sol carefully surveyed the arena, looking for any possible changes from the last time he had competed.
Blinding lights chased every last shadow away, the entire arena lit up incredibly bright, and Sol truly hated it. He also disliked the massive pole in the arena's center, which helped support the domed structure- too many times had that been used against him.
This arena was huge, much different than The Den's regular pit. It always took a few minutes to adjust to.
Sol quickened his pace, loping a full circle, each step scattering the sand around him.
Tobias stood, motioning for Sol.
Sol obliged, trotting up to his friend, stretching as he did so.
"You warmed up?"
"I guess, still got a good hour."
"Stay warm, I want to know you're set- I'll be in the stands for the auction."
Sol nodded, shaking out his wings.
"Your shoulder?"
Sol groaned, "Dude, it's fine, it's a small, small fracture, and all it does is hurt- and I can deal with that. It's not worsening or anything."
Tobias looked skeptical.
Sol grinned, shaking his head and turning a quick circle. "Caaalm. Down."
Tobias' expression didn't change, and he shoved his hands into his pockets, kicking the sand with the toe of his boot.
"Tobe. You're not helping, man. I thought you believed in me." Sol coaxed.
Tobias looked up with a sad smile. "To the death, Sol." He whispered, his smile vanishing.
"Done it before, commander. And guess what- I WON EM." Sol's voice echoed loudly around the arena, a few workers in the stands sending weird looks his way.
"I know, I know, but you had weeks to prepare, I had weeks to evenly deal with anxiety, not just some freaking TWO HOURS. I don't get it." Tobias hesitated, "Actually, no, I  do understand, the SolarWing is your father, right? Isn't that what you said?"
Sol nodded.
"Why haven't you told me to bid on him?"
Sol looked away, taking a shaky breath. "It's a waiting game, pops. I don't know what to think of him. I want to talk to the SolarWing. She knows him."
Tobias repositioned his hat, giving Sol a quick nod, more questions prodding his mind. "K, we'll talk about it later. Assuming.. yeah, we'll talk later."
Sol gave Tobias a cocky grin. "Everyone's going to LOSE their minds when they see me out here."
Tobias suppressed a smile, "Yeah, probably."
He strode towards the large open door, passing beneath it before turning back, "There's a lot riding on this, you know. For- for both of us."
Sol nodded.
Tobias swallowed hard, "Look.." he sighed, "You can do this. I know you actually can do this. But one slip up, mistake," Tobias mimed an explosion, then whispered, "Don't slip up, Sol. Please don't slip up."
'k so can you put together a schedule of the fights for me lol, so I know where Eclipse and Sol are at and when to rp
(Phoenix sighed, watching Robin go. "Corvus will be fine." she said. "He just likes to sulk and mope and brood. I don't know why he's being this way." ) (that quote messed up lol. Also, it’s been a day for the desert group and time hasn’t passed in The Grebes Nest. We might wanna make that happen so it’s not confusing, so we’ll have to skip to morning for King, Phoenix and Corvus and Robin. Soon at least )

King nodded in a friendly, understanding way. “I know….gaah I’m such a jerk. Imma have to have a talk with him, maybe we’ll work things out..” he thought with a stab of guilt.

After catching several fish and helping Phoenix learn how to as well, the two of them eventually found their way back to the village. The sunset cast a brilliant array of pinks and oranges, mixed with the dark blue of the evening sky trying to take over. The mountain village was like a scene from a dream, a safe haven like no one had ever imagined. Even the depths of the lake shone with beauty, the underwater Riverwing village was always a grand sight.
“We’ve got a spot in the village you can stay.” King said, breaking the silence. “Usually it’s for the occasional Solarwing hatchlings we break outa the compounds, we keep ‘em in the village cuz they need more attention. But they don’t tend to stay very long after growing up a bit, apparently they like to live…alone.” He began saying before realizing what he was saying. “Phoenix was half Solarwing, and she ran away from her group. Might not wanna bring that up.” He reminded himself. “Anyway, you can stay there if you’d like. Corvus can stay with my team…or with you, ya know, it doesn’t matter.” He said in his best, “I’m acting completely normal” voice.
(Have we done anything for the LunarWing egg? I wasn't on for a few days, so I don't know)
'k so can you put together a schedule of the fights for me lol, so I know where Eclipse and Sol are at and when to rp
Hmm. It's all stupid loose.
6:00 - Auction
6:30 - The first fight. I think a total of fifteen matches, each 5-20 minutes long (20 being a bit much). Mostly SandWing pairs fight against each other- a few singles.
Hmm. It's all stupid loose.
6:00 - Auction
6:30 - The first fight. I think a total of fifteen matches, each 5-20 minutes long (20 being a bit much). Mostly SandWing pairs fight against each other- a few singles.
I'd love to RP the fight tonight- but we'll need Kiwi. Is there a good time we will all be on? Since Tobias will have to be very active during the bid.
And Sol is in the last fight, right? Are Eclipse, Neoma, and Sunspot fighting to?
I was just thinking about that.. they *could.*

But tonight was focusing on the SandWings and a couple other big competitors. Sol is in two, the last one, and one somewhere in the middle.

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