Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Name: Utah (aka, talla)
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Tribe: Cloudwings
Physical appearance: Dark Brown with red shoulders. Tail has white band. (Look up harris hawk)
Personality: Smart and agile. A good hunter who believes in teamwork above all. She’s friendly and shakes her tail as a greeting to other cloudwings. She’s fast too.
Backstory: To be RPed
Approved :)
(Wrote this while "I Ain't Worried" by One Republic is playing in the kitchen btw Cap)

"Alicanto," the silver dragon said, somewhat begrudgingly, but he didn't show it.
His gaze flickered over the terrain, which had shifted quite suddenly from the smaller buildings of the Den to a rolling desert. Far to the East, the Claws of the Cloud Mountains stretched the entire length of the horizon like a distant wall, and Alicanto followed the highway with sharp eyes, trying to spot any transports that might obviously be rebellion owned. He didn't actually expect to find anything, but it was always best to be cautious.
They hadn't been given any description of the vehicle which the fugitives were taking, but then again, no current leads had seen which one it was.
And that's where Alicanto's plan came into play. It was still a work in progress, but it was the best they had for now, and he would have plenty of time to polish it up during the trip.
He beat his wing to rise higher into the air, expecting the other two to follow suit but not really caring.
He continued until the highway was as thin as one of his claws held at arm's length, and he could see the different, smaller roads peeling away from the main one in regular intervals. Several decent-sized ones split off in the direction of the Western coast of the continent, others toward the Five Tailed River, and some toward the Southern shores.
But there was another one that split away from the main highway, only slightly smaller, heading in the direction of the most Northern tip of the continent. The mountains curved slightly and widened in that direction, littered with caves and rivers as the terrain grew less rocky and more lush. It was a long flight, several hours from what Alicanto guessed, and they would need to stop at least once.
But if there was one good place to check for the rebellion, that was it. The trip to the western side of the continent was long and they would be exposed. There were hardly any cities until they would reach the coast, and then there was nowhere to take the dragons from there. They couldn't go to the Ice Kingdom without the same issue of lacking cover, as well as the threat from both the cold and the Icewings that still ruled there. The city of Possibility would have been a decent choice, but there were hunters stationed there, both in the human port of the city and the dragon town built over the river. The South Coast was too close to offer real protection.
But the Cloud Mountains made the perfect hiding place. They could hide anywhere beside or within the peaks, and there was still half a continent's worth of room to run, as well as the rapid highways that stretched through regular passes in the mountains. Where else would they go?
Alicanto angled his wings and turned slowly toward the Northeast, the rising sun bouncing off his metallic feathers like a broken mirror.

@_-Captain BRM-_ @Little Baby Bean
Ahahaha I like that song!
Sunrise sighed. If she was going to get anywhere, she would have to be part of a group. She hated being in groups. When you were by yourself, all you had to take care of was yourself. You didn’t have to fix other idiot’s stupid mistakes. But if she wanted to make a change, she had to go to the nests. She took off, and arrived there in about three hours. When she landed, many other CloudWings eyed her suspiciously.
Which Nest?
Phoenix rubbed one talon up and down her arm anxiously, ruffling the shimmering feathers. “Um- me and him got into a fight, is all. But it’s okay.” She finished quickly, stumbling over her words. She settled her wings closer around herself.

King still seemed distant. What did I do wrong? Phoenix thought.
King nodded slowly, trying to work out in his brain what to do.
“Would you like to walk with me while I take Knight to someone I know? She knows a LOT more about dragonets than I do.” He asked, picking Knight up and placing him on his shoulders. Knight reached out to Phoenix with his tiny black talons and pouted, wanting to go back to her warmth. “It seems he likes you.” He said with a laugh.
Sol closed his mouth rightly, feeling rather torn as he turned back to his father. "Helios.." Sol sighed. "I don't remember anything from when I was younger. The humans cleared my mind. Like, I can't remember much from before I came here. I remember you. And.. my sister, right? But, it's all vague. Just... Just barely a thought, an inkling. I suppose you are expecting me to leave with you. But, Helios.. I don't think I can."
Helios closed his eyes for a moment, trying to think. When he opened them again and looked at his son, he realized it was true. This Sol, the version before him, knew nothing of him. The bond they shared had been wiped away from his mind, the humans not only took him from his family but took his memories as well? When was it ever enough for them? “I….I-I don’t understand, like…amnesia? Sol…” he started, his words faltering as he looked his son in the eyes.

Black Widow im sorry it took me so long!
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Which Nest?

King nodded slowly, trying to work out in his brain what to do.
“Would you like t me while I take Knight to someone I know? She knows a LOT more about dragonet than I do.” He asked, picking Knight up and placing him on his shoulders. Knight reached out to Phoenix with his tiny black talons and pouted, wanting to go back to her warmth. “It seems he likes you.” He said with a laugh.

Helios closed his eyes for a moment, trying to think. When he opened them again and looked at his son, he realized it was true. This Sol, the version before him, knew nothing of him. The bond they shared had been wiped away from his mind, the humans not only took him from his family but took his memories as well? When was it ever enough for them? “I….I-I don’t understand, like…amnesia? Sol…” he started, his words faltering as he looked his son in the eyes.

Black Widow im sorry it took me so long!
The same one Phoenix is supposedly in
Tobias felt his whole body suddenly shift. He sat up, blinking away exhausted tears as he tried to gather his bearings.
Oh gosh.
They were in the desert. THE DESERT. You die in the desert. People get lost in the desert. So, why, for gosh sakes were they in the desert??
"Tobe. Hey? Buddayy. Do you know where you are?"
He heard the voice, but the sudden realization of the hideous pain in his arm tore him from reality. For a moment, he fought back, hating to get lost in the fever dreams, hating to loose control. He festered in a daze, only able to hear his own, shaking breaths. He was vaguely aware of a sharp pain in his left shoulder. It dissipated quickly, but the thought of more drugs and needles just made him fight all the harder.
Ten minutes passed, maybe. His vision sharpened, the pain in his arm significantly dulled. He regained control of his mind, no longer dwelling in a fever haze. Tobias sucked in a sharp breath in satisfaction, relief tearing through him.
Something placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Tobias, we're in the Straights. A few hours out from the first Checkpoint. How you doing, man?"
It was Gables. And suddenly.. it all came back.
"How far out are we?" Tobias whispered, already sensing the hoarseness of his own voice. He swallowed, hard, wincing.
Gables' hand moved to Tobias' forehead, whistling when he pulled away. "I shouldn't have done that. I gave you some of Ferrin's serum. He said to wait till you woke up on your own. But.." his eyes scanned over Tobias, "but I got sick of you looking dead."
How lovely.
"We're three hours out. Ferrin called. He has some news regarding a few hunters they're sending after us."
How pleasant.
"Says you know one? A hybrid. The whole thing was vague and stupid, I think he had to be censored around someone- sounded like he was in the car. But.." Gables took a deep breath, "but he said to tell you 'the hybrid needs to be brought back. Just like Sol.'"
Realization slammed. Tobias sat up, gripping the arm rest. "I need to call Ferrin."
"No service. Relax, my guy. We still have a lead."
"No. No, we don't. Not with mutated hybrids." Tobias whispered, slumping back into his seat. He stared ahead, watching the slow rise and fall of the dues as they careened through the sand ridden wasteland. "Gables.. they're right behind us."

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