Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"Hooookay-" Kassa crossed his eyes, running a talon down his nose. "So, basically-" He clicked his talons together, pointing at Kal. "Theme song."
Kal snapped his head up with an air of confusion. "We have a theme song?"
Kassa frowned. "No, but we definitely need one."
"One hundred and ten percent."
"Okay." Kassa have a quick nod, "Work on that later. For know, we shall tell the EPIC tale-"
"We've lived with Roe our whole lives." Kal interrupted with a shrug. "Competed in the arena for dinero. It all went towards this."
"The trailer?" Kassa drawled.
"The rebellion." Kal corrected. "We had a fairly exciting life, not gunna lie. But, hate to show off, now-" he grinned at Cas, winking.

@Blue Raptor

Hibiscus nodded. "Oh, I'm surprised I never saw you guys. So you've been fighting your whole lives?" She tilted her head, internally scolding herself for not imagining that other dragons had had it harder than her in the arena.
"Yes," Vel snarled, standing over the dragon. Her talons twitched impulsively. "They all died."
But instead of striking the CloudWing, Vel reached for his talon, pinning hers down overtop his. She pushed hard, a silent satisfaction dying out when his wings twitched, flailing in pain.
Well now she felt bad, gosh darnit.
Vel reached around the silver dragon's chest, lifting him into the air, her talon still clenched around his neck.
"Don't fight me, CloudWing." She warned, lifting into the air.
She could feel the dragon tense in her arms, his strange feathers rubbing against her scales.
"Hold on. I'm moving as fast as I can."


hoW tHe TaBlEs hAvE tUrNeD-
Alicanto gasped as Vel hauled him into the air, her talon pressing against the wound and making the pain bite harder into his nerves, and he fought desperately for breath. The Cloudwing blinked rapidly, shaking his head to try and keep himself from blacking out.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
(I'm sorry, there's not much he can do, he's just dying, lol.)
Alicanto gasped as Vel hauled him into the air, her talon pressing against the wound and making the pain bite harder into his nerves, and he fought desperately for breath. The Cloudwing blinked rapidly, shaking his head to try and keep himself from blacking out.
Vel held him tight. Maybe too tight. But she could hear the sirens in the distance. The sound made her tense. It made her fight all the harder.
When they reached the dunes, she ducked down quickly, trying to steadily follow the rise of the sand as she cradled the extra weight in her talons, searching for a dune to hide behind.
The sloping sand grew steeper and longer, some dunes easily surpassing eighty feet.
Thirty minutes passed before she stopped, quite out of breath, wings aching. But pain was a mind set. Vel steadied herself, lowering the CloudWing to the ground.

Sage continued watching the black cloudwing as he paced around the mutant. He did have a point. There was a creepy mutant dragon/human trying to recruit him to an underground organization led by his grandfather who everyone knows is evil. Sage kept his eyes locked with the cloudwing, trying to peer into his soul, trying to find something that would give him an advantage. The eyes never blinked, just stared. Slowly Sage cocked his head to the side, the shadows shifting with his movements. His previously combed hair was now messy and falling in front of his face.
This is why Vulture shouldn't send me on these missions. His claw tensed as he fought the urge to slap himself. No! You aren't letting the cloudwing win. Keeping his stare, they watched each other for what felt like forever, both assessing the situation.
This has gone on long enough. Like lightning, he leapt towards the cloudwing, unfurled his wings , and beat them once to launch him faster towards the dragon. He pulled the chain and threw it towards the dragon's legs. The cold steel wrapped itself around the scaly leg like a boa constrictor around its prey.
Sage suddenly shifted his direction and launched upwards into the sky with the dragon in tow. He beat his wings harder to compensate for the heavy load that was now struggling against the chain. Don't hurt him... Vulture's words came again in his head.
His thoughts snaked around those words in his mind and like a striking snake, killed them instantly.
Don't worry...I won't hurt him...

It all happened so fast. A glint if silver and Corvus’ rear legs were pulled out from underneath him. He crashed to the ground, one canine tooth piercing his tongue, and suddenly hr was in the air.

Corvus hissed and thrashed, flapping his wings in an attempt to make Sage let him go. The mutant was surprisingly strong.

He lashed out with his long tail, whipping Sage across the face with a CRACK.

Corvus could feel the blood rushing to his head, making him dizzy and blood dripped from his mouth, the tangy taste staining his tongue.

“Let me go,” he snarled. “What do you even get out of this?”
@-Kiwi- Did you reply to this or am I just blind and missed it?
Crest cocked his head slightly at her response. Not the nicest, huh? He continued, bowing his head slightly towards her, "Yes, yes, I know it isn't, but I was just making sure you knew that the transport was getting ready to leave. He turned his head towards the small icewing and smiled warmly. "We wouldn't want you two to get left out here in the desert."
He looked back to the solarwing, "But, if you would rather not have my help, I can simply go back into the transport and see if I'm needed there."
“Me? Lost in the desert?” Sunspot snarked. “I’m not stupid.”

“I’m going to find Eclipse,” she continued. She hesitated for a few moments. “I’m not sure the dragonet can come with me,” she said, a little quieter. “I mean- I can handle her and all, psh, but I don’t want her getting hurt or lost. It looks bad.” She glared at Crest challengingly.

(We getting some OG Snarky Sunspot UP IN HEA)
"Hooookay-" Kassa crossed his eyes, running a talon down his nose. "So, basically-" He clicked his talons together, pointing at Kal. "Theme song."
Kal snapped his head up with an air of confusion. "We have a theme song?"
Kassa frowned. "No, but we definitely need one."
"One hundred and ten percent."
"Okay." Kassa have a quick nod, "Work on that later. For know, we shall tell the EPIC tale-"
"We've lived with Roe our whole lives." Kal interrupted with a shrug. "Competed in the arena for dinero. It all went towards this."
"The trailer?" Kassa drawled.
"The rebellion." Kal corrected. "We had a fairly exciting life, not gunna lie. But, hate to show off, now-" he grinned at Cas, winking.

@Blue Raptor

Hibiscus nodded. "Oh, I'm surprised I never saw you guys. So you've been fighting your whole lives?" She tilted her head, internally scolding herself for not imagining that other dragons had had it harder than her in the arena.
“Yup,” Cas interrupted. “When they were just dragonets, they were feared across the Den as the ‘Terrible Twosome.’ Its a horrifying story really, you’re probably too young to hear it H.” Cas waved a talon at her.

Hibiscus nodded. "Oh, I'm surprised I never saw you guys. So you've been fighting your whole lives?" She tilted her head, internally scolding herself for not imagining that other dragons had had it harder than her in the arena.
"Wull, yeah." Kassa started, cocking his head, "But, like, the little bar fights. We didn't go in big time, because..." He looked away. "I don't mean to sound offensive, but-" he scoffed. "Killing is wrong. And sick."
Sol lifted his head, feeling Tobias tense. He glanced up at the human, his eyes wandering from the blood still smeared down the side of his face, the torn black dress shirt with the entire left sleeve missing, then back up to the man's weary eyes.
"No matter the reason, it's absolutely horrid," Kassa hurried on, "and to willingly fight your own kind on behalf of entertainment-"
Sol stood, tearing his gaze from Tobias. He locked eyes with Hibiscus, wondering how she would respond to the RainWing.

"Wull, yeah." Kassa started, cocking his head, "But, like, the little bar fights. We didn't go in big time, because..." He looked away. "I don't mean to sound offensive, but-" he scoffed. "Killing is wrong. And sick."
Sol lifted his head, feeling Tobias tense. He glanced up at the human, his eyes wandering from the blood still smeared down the side of his face, the torn black dress shirt with the entire left sleeve missing, then back up to the man's weary eyes.
"No matter the reason, it's absolutely horrid," Kassa hurried on, "and to willingly fight your own kind on behalf of entertainment-"
Sol stood, tearing his gaze from Tobias. He locked eyes with Hibiscus, wondering how she would respond to the RainWing.

@Blue Raptor
Hibiscus flinched. "I, uh, I didn't have a choice. To kill. It's.. it's what I had to do to survive." She looked away, suddenly feeling ashamed. She warily returned Sol's hard stare for a moment.
"Wull, yeah." Kassa started, cocking his head, "But, like, the little bar fights. We didn't go in big time, because..." He looked away. "I don't mean to sound offensive, but-" he scoffed. "Killing is wrong. And sick."
Sol lifted his head, feeling Tobias tense. He glanced up at the human, his eyes wandering from the blood still smeared down the side of his face, the torn black dress shirt with the entire left sleeve missing, then back up to the man's weary eyes.
"No matter the reason, it's absolutely horrid," Kassa hurried on, "and to willingly fight your own kind on behalf of entertainment-"
Sol stood, tearing his gaze from Tobias. He locked eyes with Hibiscus, wondering how she would respond to the RainWing.

@Blue Raptor
“Well, clearly..” Cas said, and at the serious looks on the surrounding faces, his grin dropped. “Right?”
Hibiscus flinched. "I, uh, I didn't have a choice. To kill. It's.. it's what I had to do to survive." She looked away, suddenly feeling ashamed. She warily returned Sol's hard stare for a moment.
Cas was.. speechless. This- this dragon had killed others?
He shuffled his talons closer together, slightly away from the LeafWing.
Hibiscus flinched. "I, uh, I didn't have a choice. To kill. It's.. it's what I had to do to survive." She looked away, suddenly feeling ashamed. She warily returned Sol's hard stare for a moment.
Sol kept his head low.
"We played our cards right." He half growled.
Kal grimaced, poking Kassa. "Dude, look. You got the doctor mad."
Sol cocked his head, side glancing back at Tobias. "Your situation, RainWing, is completely different from ours. Hibiscus and I survived."

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