Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Shoot sorry I keep forgetting-

Corvus gave a low hiss, lashing his tail. He knew the mutant wasn’t bluffing. “You can’t garuantee anything though. I don’t think you’d like to risk me dying in transit. Besides, I’m bigger than you. I doubt you can drag my dead weight halfway across the continent if I can’t fly.”
Crest nodded but then hesitated for a moment. "I'm planning on returning, yes. But, there is someone that I must find before I return to the Sea Kingdom." He looked down at his talons. "There was a young girl who was taken to the Scorpion Den with me...because I couldn't protect her. I have to find her before I return to the Sea Kingdom so that she can be reunited with her family." He looked over at Tobias. "You didn't happen to see a human girl in the Den with blue eyes....eyes like the sea... in the Scorpion Den, did you?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
Tobias straightened, arching his brow.
He opened his mouth to say something, then cocked his head, releasing a quick breath.
"I-.." a hesitant smile crept on his lips. "No. No, Crest, you know, pal, there's a lot of humans in The Den. She from The Den? How'd you meet her?"

Shoot sorry I keep forgetting-

Corvus gave a low hiss, lashing his tail. He knew the mutant wasn’t bluffing. “You can’t garuantee anything though. I don’t think you’d like to risk me dying in transit. Besides, I’m bigger than you. I doubt you can drag my dead weight halfway across the continent if I can’t fly.”
Sage was getting aggravated by the situation. He was ready to just shoot the dragon and go back to Vulture and tell him that his grandson was being uncooperative. He tried to calm his anger, but it wasn't working. He just stood there, trying to gain control of himself. Half of his brain knew that keeping this cloudwing alive would be the best course of action, but the other half of the brain wanted nothing more than to tear the dragon apart. His hand began shaking as he tried to lower it. Finally he brought his other hand up to help lower the arm with the gun down from the dragon.
Pain flared through his chest again and through his body, this time worse than before. His vision blacked out for a second and he stumbled forward just slightly, but he caught himself before he fell to the ground. I have to get out of here and use the serum.
Looking back at the cloudwing and pretending as if nothing happened, he gave the cloudwing one last comment, "Think about my offer, cloudwing. If you change your mind show some sort of signal to let me know." He turned and opened his wings, ready to disappear.
"Don't worry about trying to contact me," he hissed, "I'll be watching." With that he took off.

Sage was getting aggravated by the situation. He was ready to just shoot the dragon and go back to Vulture and tell him that his grandson was being uncooperative. He tried to calm his anger, but it wasn't working. He just stood there, trying to gain control of himself. Half of his brain knew that keeping this cloudwing alive would be the best course of action, but the other half of the brain wanted nothing more than to tear the dragon apart. His hand began shaking as he tried to lower it. Finally he brought his other hand up to help lower the arm with the gun down from the dragon.
Pain flared through his chest again and through his body, this time worse than before. His vision blacked out for a second and he stumbled forward just slightly, but he caught himself before he fell to the ground. I have to get out of here and use the serum.
Looking back at the cloudwing and pretending as if nothing happened, he gave the cloudwing one last comment, "Think about my offer, cloudwing. If you change your mind show some sort of signal to let me know." He turned and opened his wings, ready to disappear.
"Don't worry about trying to contact me," he hissed, "I'll be watching." With that he took off.

Corvus watched the winged shape flap away before releasing a huge breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, wings sagging. He was trembling.

He lingered for a few minutes to collect himself before flying back to Grebes Nest. I have to find Phoenix.

He flew into the breeze to hover, scanning the village below for Phoenix’s coppery feathers.
Tobias straightened, arching his brow.
He opened his mouth to say something, then cocked his head, releasing a quick breath.
"I-.." a hesitant smile crept on his lips. "No. No, Crest, you know, pal, there's a lot of humans in The Den. She from The Den? How'd you meet her?"

Something in the man's tone cracked the hope in Crest. He doesn't know her, does he. "No, she's not from the Den, at least, not when I met her. She's from one of the islands near the Sea Kingdom. I was patrolling the Sea Kingdom's borders because we'd been getting reports of activity that wasn't normal around the borders. I was doing my regular rounds when I found myself at a rock structure. I looked up and saw two eyes that seemed as if there was an entire ocean in those eyes alone. I'd seen them before of course. This wasn't the first time I bumped into this girl. I eventually broke away, but that's when the black dragons attacked. I was safe in the water, but the girl tried to speed away on her machine. Realizing she couldn't get away, I tried to fight off the dragons. They eventually captured me and her as well. However, I saw her escaping the Den the day that King Helios was brought in, so I am not sure where she is now." He looked down at his claws again, memories flashing in his mind. "Thought, like I said...that's not the first time I met her."

@_-Captain BRM-_
Corvus watched the winged shape flap away before releasing a huge breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, wings sagging. He was trembling.

He lingered for a few minutes to collect himself before flying back to Grebes Nest. I have to find Phoenix.

He flew into the breeze to hover, scanning the village below for Phoenix’s coppery feathers.
Sage found a good spot in the shadows of the forest and thumped onto the ground. The pain was getting even worse now. His joints ached and it was almost as if fire was burning through every limb. His hands shook as he tore through his bag and found the pouch the scientist had given him. Pulling out a viol, he tried to steady his hand as he loaded the needle and injected the serum into his arm. He felt his pulse slow down and the pain subside. Doc, you said that the serum would last longer than this... he thought, slightly annoyed. I guess my time is shorter than I thought. He remembered what the scientist had said would happen to him if he didn't take the serum. He only felt a small sample of what would happen.
Looking out onto the nest, he saw the black figure in the distance coming back to the nest. He was scanning for someone, but Sage wasn't going to act just yet. He just stayed, in the shadows, waiting. Like a predator watching its prey.
Patient, quiet, and deadly.

Something in the man's tone cracked the hope in Crest. He doesn't know her, does he. "No, she's not from the Den, at least, not when I met her. She's from one of the islands near the Sea Kingdom. I was patrolling the Sea Kingdom's borders because we'd been getting reports of activity that wasn't normal around the borders. I was doing my regular rounds when I found myself at a rock structure. I looked up and saw two eyes that seemed as if there was an entire ocean in those eyes alone. I'd seen them before of course. This wasn't the first time I bumped into this girl. I eventually broke away, but that's when the black dragons attacked. I was safe in the water, but the girl tried to speed away on her machine. Realizing she couldn't get away, I tried to fight off the dragons. They eventually captured me and her as well. However, I saw her escaping the Den the day that King Helios was brought in, so I am not sure where she is now." He looked down at his claws again, memories flashing in his mind. "Thought, like I said...that's not the first time I met her."

@_-Captain BRM-_
"So, what," Tobias started, his brow creasing with concern as he leaned forward slightly, "you plan to go back for her- the girl? Back to The Den?"

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