Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Cas, who was sitting near Sol, caught Eclipse’s eyes and shrugged dramatically in a ‘I don’t know! manner.

@_-Captain BRM-_ Maybe him and Kal can strike up a convo. 🤷‍♀️

(Lol, I totally forgot that we were just after the breakout. Just pretend he said moon rays)
Austin was surprised that Whitestar was even talking to him.
"It depends on if someone bought them or not. I would be very surprised if someone hadn't bought them already. I can check in the auction archives, but they may have broken out. We'll get you dragons to the rooms and then I'll make my way to the archives and try and find out where they are," he said in dragon and continuing towards one of the main resident areas of the Scorpion Den reserved the wealthier people who come to visit.
(guess who stopped getting notifications again 😒)

Sunspot was dragged out of sleep by the sounds of dragons talking. She opened one eye sleepily. “Can you guys… not be so loud?” She mumbled.
Also, Lydia has wanted to get on, but her computer charging chord hasn't been working so her computer is dead and she can't write. And, she hates to use the phone to write. That's another reason why she hasn't been on recently. She really wants to get on and write, but she hasn't been able to because of time and her computer.
(guess who stopped getting notifications again 😒)

Sunspot was dragged out of sleep by the sounds of dragons talking. She opened one eye sleepily. “Can you guys… not be so loud?” She mumbled.
Eclipse rolled her eyes but didn't comment on it, shifting her position slightly.
Across the transport, Sol and Tobias were still talking, both of them looking troubled and exhausted. Eclipse watched silently for a long moment, waiting for Shard to finish calming down and Sunspot to fall back asleep. The Icewing's breathing slowed further and soon, Eclipse was pretty sure had finally drifted off.
"Sol," Eclipse said quietly, not entirely sure what to say next. "Did you... talk to your father? Are you going back to the Sun Kingdom?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
The fugitives continued flying across the desert. Cochineal was silent, though his mind was racing. He was aware of Arya sitting on his back, drooping from the baking heat.

Too hot for her out here.

Cochineal had no problem with the heat, but he knew Arya was probably roasting on her fragile skin.

He cut through the air sideways, aiming for a sandstone outcropping rising from the dunes. He heard Arya starting to protest, but she was ignored.

The moment the pair landed and Arya dismounted, Cochineal turned to her. “Traveling by night only is not a good idea.” he said. “It’s hot for you but also for the hunters. I can move faster than them.”

Arya nodded, wiping sweat from her brow and pushing a few dark strands of escapee hairs behind her ear. “Our route too,” she panted. “A straight shot to the second Checkpoint, we’re likely to be intercepted.

Cochineal shook sand off his claws, adjusting the rings on his front talons, ever the fashion connoisseur. He flipped his tall crest out of his eyes. “Mhm. But I don’t see any other option.”

Arya groaned and rubbed her eyes. “Yeah. Okay. So- what’s the plan then?” she dropped her hand to her hips, her fingertips brushing her dusty khaki shorts.

Cochineal said nothing, his dark amber eyes flicking to look out at the golden dunes.

“Right,” Arya sighed. “We definitely can’t follow the highways.”

“Obviously,” Cochineal said, pushing up his glasses. Arya glared at him. The dragon shrugged.

“Let’s go then,” the human said, struggling across the sand to climb back on her partner’s back.
Eclipse rolled her eyes but didn't comment on it, shifting her position slightly.
Across the transport, Sol and Tobias were still talking, both of them looking troubled and exhausted. Eclipse watched silently for a long moment, waiting for Shard to finish calming down and Sunspot to fall back asleep. The Icewing's breathing slowed further and soon, Eclipse was pretty sure had finally drifted off.
"Sol," Eclipse said quietly, not entirely sure what to say next. "Did you... talk to your father? Are you going back to the Sun Kingdom?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
Sunspot wasn’t quite asleep. Oh yeah, he’s royal. No wonder he’s so arrogant and rude.

“dO yOu WaNnA jOiN bAcK wItH yOuR tRiBe?” Stupid old crotchety king dragon. Sunspot had always been her own thing and always would be. Kingdoms these days aren’t reliable at all, anyways.

Name: Marcus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Tribe: Riverwing
Physical appearance: Majorly slate-blue with some greenish accents mixed in. Average size for his age, but plenty of potential to get much larger as he grows. Normal overall build as well, sharp claws and teeth.
Personality: In a word, simple. Reclusive, but friendly and cordial when interacting with other dragons, although it is an uncommon occurrence. Doesn't take life too seriously. Appreciates good humor and does his best to reciprocate it, however laughable the attempts may be. Always energized, and likes to be of service, although he's very naiive and clueless about the outside world (especially the dragon-human conflict). *oBvIoUsLy* enjoys exploring the waterways, swimming, diving, and fishing.
Backstory: Not much to tell. Hatched from a swirly-patterned brown-green egg loosely fastened to some reeds. Never met his parents. Lives in one of the mountain rivers near the Skywing Kingdom (Or whatever's left of it) not too far from Possibility.
Eclipse rolled her eyes but didn't comment on it, shifting her position slightly.
Across the transport, Sol and Tobias were still talking, both of them looking troubled and exhausted. Eclipse watched silently for a long moment, waiting for Shard to finish calming down and Sunspot to fall back asleep. The Icewing's breathing slowed further and soon, Eclipse was pretty sure had finally drifted off.
"Sol," Eclipse said quietly, not entirely sure what to say next. "Did you... talk to your father? Are you going back to the Sun Kingdom?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
Feeling rather nauseous due to the jostling of the trailer, Sol yawned.
"Uh.." he puffed his cheeks out and exhaled, shaking his head. "I don't- I don't really know... Yes?" He looked away. "Yes. Yeh, probably." The dragon gave a weak attempt at laughter. "Yeah, I don't think anyone really wants me here either. I probably... dunno, killed their sibling or their- cousin or something. Half of them I've fought, the other half recognize me."
Tobias was sleeping, and Sol was glad, because this way the human couldn't tell him to shut up. But Sol was bitter, his thoughts self centered, and Eclipse was a listening ear. So he griped.

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