Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

I'm loving this whole convo.

What should we do with the truck gang?
if we RP them arriving at Possibility, I've calculated that they will arrive before Vel and the boys. So we have to RP their part before Vel, Ali, Ajax, Conchineal, and Arya arrive at the second checkpoint.
At the same time, there is a small chance I am stalling to try and catch up Whitestar 🫠
Yeah, I was gonna ask about the truck gang. We've almost gotten to the point where we can catch up with them. Once they get out of the Den, what if we just skip ahead a few days or however long the time gap is and say they're traveling away from the Scorpion Den while also trying to track the members of the rebellion? Like, just do a little time skip thingy.

Whitestar was only half listening anxiously to the chittering between the two humans, his ears perked in the direction of the door.
The sound of blaring alarms could be heard faintly across the Den and Whitestar's nerves were still on edge from the flight back to the room, every little noise making his head swivel.
He glanced back at Alyssia and Austin, shifting anxiously at the looks that kept crossing the hunters face as Alyssia read the papers he'd brought back. Blood stained the small files and the human's shoulder was still slick with the thick liquid.
I should heal him, the Icewing thought, looking away. Why don't I just do it? I did it for Alyssia.
But Alyssia was also dying, Austin is fine. For the most part.
But he's still hurt.
But he used her.
And helped us in the end anyway.

Whitestar let out a low growl as his thoughts tussled mercilessly through his mind, his shifting becoming more agitated the longer he sat there listening, thinking.
He jumped, his head snapping around at Austin's voice.
"Eclipse was bought by the one named Tobias. He was a part of the rebellion so I'm assuming that she got out with him."
Whitestar felt his shoulders droop with relief, his wings brushing the ground.
She escaped.
He let out a long breath, feeling as if he had been holding it for days.
She's safe.
Three moons, she's safe.

"We need to leave like now."
Whitestar looked down at the human and gaze a firm nod, glancing back up at the other dragons. HIs gaze settled on Blackout.
"I know you want to find the other Lunarwing, but I don't think it's safe. We might be able to come back for her, but for now, we have to leave."

@Bella the Chicken Lover
Blackout ground his teeth together. He knew he couldn't blame Whitestar, it had nothing to do with him or anyone really, but after all this time?
So close but so far.
A flash of anger flooded his veins. He wasn't sure if it was at anyone else, himself, or this whole stupid situation, but he wanted to roar in frustration.
He didn't even know why he wanted to find this dragon so much. But in that one moment, when they truly spared each other, it was the first moment of clarity he had ever really felt.
"Crap." He muttered, avoiding Whitestar's eyes. He knew the Icewing must be questioning why this was so important, and Blackout was kinda desperate to find the answer to that question too.
But he knew the answer wouldn't come without that Lunarwing.
"Whitestar.... I can't."
Something inside him broke slightly as he finally realized what he had to do.
He had to leave the others.
These others he had truly felt a bond with, he had to part from? They were the only true friends he'd had.
It probably wouldn't feel like such a big deal if he could ensure that they would all make it out alive. He glanced at all the rest, his heart sinking.
"I want to stay with you all, badly. So badly," Blackout said, turning his head to look at Whitestar again. "But I've put my own mission on a hold for everything else. I know it's probably gonna be stupid, but I have to find her. I can't explain it really, but- yeah... so..." He trailed off awkwardly.
He'd never had to-
Never got to say goodbye to anyone.
"I want to stick with you all. In a way, I have to. But sometimes the stupid choice really is the best one. I have to-" He snapped his jaw closed, realizing he was starting to ramble.
"Sorry. I can't understand why I feel a pull towards her. I just do. And honestly, I have to do something."
Suddenly, the brain-fog he was feeling seemed to thin, and he realized something. Before he could stop himself, he was saying it aloud.
"I lived my whole life in a questioning state; I'm willing to die for some answers."
For her.
He shook the thought off. He hadn't ever even gotten to talk to her, unless they were going to count the one time when he was about to kill her.
As he glanced around him, realizing the others could hear, he second-guessed himself.
Maybe he shouldn't? Maybe he should stay? Things could clear themselves up and maybe he could ignore the questions-
"I'm coming with you." Bamboo's voice piped up from where he was sitting.
Blackout jumped slightly and he whipped his head around to stare at the Rainwing.
"Uh- you don't have t-"
Bamboo stood slowly. "I don't have anything to stay for, do I?" He said, looking directly at Blackout.
Blackout inhaled sharply. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Apple's shoulders tense up. The pointed comment had definitely hit her hard.
Bamboo avoided looking anywhere but at Blackout. His heart pounded. He couldn't really say he liked leaving his sister, but honestly, how could he stay with her? He had seen how she was when talking about someone who was dead.
Apple, in her corner of the room, forced herself to breathe deeply. She knew why he was doing this. He didn't want to be near her anymore.
Bamboo then did something that surprised both Apple and Blackout, and possibly anyone else who was paying attention.
"Apple, I still love you. One argument won't stop that. But maybe we need to give each other space to breathe."
Apple swallowed. "Yeah. Maybe we do." She looked down at her claws. "You're an idiot," She said to her talons, and knew Bamboo was giving her a rueful grin.
"Yeah." Bamboo acknowledged. His smile slid away again. "I don't forgive you though. It's one thing to be angry at me, but not to be so casual about death."
Apple looked up quickly.
"I never asked you to forgive me- I don't need your forgiveness nor do I want it." She said flatly, staring at him. She knew she was lying, and she knew he could probably see it.
But really, she was mad at herself for being so casual about it.
So mad she didn't want to admit it.
If she said something, she was admitting how painful the whole situation was. It would open a can of worms.
And she wasn't ready for that.
As soon as Apple said it, though, she regretted it. She saw Bamboo's greenish eyes darken momentarily, and his bubbly demeanor that she was missing so much, seemed to lock itself away again.
"You know this could be the last time I ever see you?" He said, a stony expression settling on his face.
Apple blinked. When she was so dismissive about it all, she didn't really think about that.
"Oh. I-"
Bamboo cut her off. "No, it's okay, 'cause clearly it didn't matter enough for you to remember."
Before anyone could say or do anything, before Blackout could intervene, before anything else could happen, Apple got up, walked over, and put her wings around Bamboo.
"We gotta figure this stuff out." She said, her words muffled in her twin's shoulder. Her own shoulders shook with suppressed tears.
"I know. But we can't ignore it all anymore." Bamboo sighed heavily. He hugged her back and they remained that way as Blackout stood watching, his jaw dropped.
The two backed away, staring at each other.
"I'm still leaving." Bamboo breathed, seeming to look off into the distance.
"I'm not stopping you," Apple said, fixing him with a worried gaze. She turned it to Blackout.
"Keep this idiot safe, okay?"
Blackout nodded. He wasn't sure he was even going for half this time, but now he had to.
For more reasons than he could count. "I will."
He looked around. Now it was settling in.
He was going to have to tell them all goodbye.
And if they weren't careful, this could be the last goodbye.
But his heart stood strong.
He was determined it wouldn't be.
It wouldn't be.
Well hopefully that started to make up for not rping for a while..... lol!!!!!!! Gotta get off the laptop, so if I am active later it might be on the phone lol. night!! All three characters in one part btw, it's a bonus i suppose!
Well hopefully that started to make up for not rping for a while..... lol!!!!!!! Gotta get off the laptop, so if I am active later it might be on the phone lol. night!! All three characters in one part btw, it's a bonus i suppose!
I'm not sure if I cried more from how emotional that scene was, or just the fact that you wrote again. I miss your writing SO MUCH 🥹
I'm not sure if I cried more from how emotional that scene was, or just the fact that you wrote again. I miss your writing SO MUCH 🥹
Did you know…..
That you…..
Make me wanna scream…..
From happiness……
I’ve missed writing so I’m rly glad my brain didn’t switch itself off while writing that 😅 this week I’ve begun getting back into hobbies and stuff, one of the big ones being writing!!! I work 11-7 tmrw so I won’t be on til the evening again, but I can’t wait!!!
Night night folksies!!!
Blackout ground his teeth together. He knew he couldn't blame Whitestar, it had nothing to do with him or anyone really, but after all this time?
So close but so far.
A flash of anger flooded his veins. He wasn't sure if it was at anyone else, himself, or this whole stupid situation, but he wanted to roar in frustration.
He didn't even know why he wanted to find this dragon so much. But in that one moment, when they truly spared each other, it was the first moment of clarity he had ever really felt.
"Crap." He muttered, avoiding Whitestar's eyes. He knew the Icewing must be questioning why this was so important, and Blackout was kinda desperate to find the answer to that question too.
But he knew the answer wouldn't come without that Lunarwing.
"Whitestar.... I can't."
Something inside him broke slightly as he finally realized what he had to do.
He had to leave the others.
These others he had truly felt a bond with, he had to part from? They were the only true friends he'd had.
It probably wouldn't feel like such a big deal if he could ensure that they would all make it out alive. He glanced at all the rest, his heart sinking.
"I want to stay with you all, badly. So badly," Blackout said, turning his head to look at Whitestar again. "But I've put my own mission on a hold for everything else. I know it's probably gonna be stupid, but I have to find her. I can't explain it really, but- yeah... so..." He trailed off awkwardly.
He'd never had to-
Never got to say goodbye to anyone.
"I want to stick with you all. In a way, I have to. But sometimes the stupid choice really is the best one. I have to-" He snapped his jaw closed, realizing he was starting to ramble.
"Sorry. I can't understand why I feel a pull towards her. I just do. And honestly, I have to do something."
Suddenly, the brain-fog he was feeling seemed to thin, and he realized something. Before he could stop himself, he was saying it aloud.
"I lived my whole life in a questioning state; I'm willing to die for some answers."
For her.
He shook the thought off. He hadn't ever even gotten to talk to her, unless they were going to count the one time when he was about to kill her.
As he glanced around him, realizing the others could hear, he second-guessed himself.
Maybe he shouldn't? Maybe he should stay? Things could clear themselves up and maybe he could ignore the questions-
"I'm coming with you." Bamboo's voice piped up from where he was sitting.
Blackout jumped slightly and he whipped his head around to stare at the Rainwing.
"Uh- you don't have t-"
Bamboo stood slowly. "I don't have anything to stay for, do I?" He said, looking directly at Blackout.
Blackout inhaled sharply. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Apple's shoulders tense up. The pointed comment had definitely hit her hard.
Bamboo avoided looking anywhere but at Blackout. His heart pounded. He couldn't really say he liked leaving his sister, but honestly, how could he stay with her? He had seen how she was when talking about someone who was dead.
Apple, in her corner of the room, forced herself to breathe deeply. She knew why he was doing this. He didn't want to be near her anymore.
Bamboo then did something that surprised both Apple and Blackout, and possibly anyone else who was paying attention.
"Apple, I still love you. One argument won't stop that. But maybe we need to give each other space to breathe."
Apple swallowed. "Yeah. Maybe we do." She looked down at her claws. "You're an idiot," She said to her talons, and knew Bamboo was giving her a rueful grin.
"Yeah." Bamboo acknowledged. His smile slid away again. "I don't forgive you though. It's one thing to be angry at me, but not to be so casual about death."
Apple looked up quickly.
"I never asked you to forgive me- I don't need your forgiveness nor do I want it." She said flatly, staring at him. She knew she was lying, and she knew he could probably see it.
But really, she was mad at herself for being so casual about it.
So mad she didn't want to admit it.
If she said something, she was admitting how painful the whole situation was. It would open a can of worms.
And she wasn't ready for that.
As soon as Apple said it, though, she regretted it. She saw Bamboo's greenish eyes darken momentarily, and his bubbly demeanor that she was missing so much, seemed to lock itself away again.
"You know this could be the last time I ever see you?" He said, a stony expression settling on his face.
Apple blinked. When she was so dismissive about it all, she didn't really think about that.
"Oh. I-"
Bamboo cut her off. "No, it's okay, 'cause clearly it didn't matter enough for you to remember."
Before anyone could say or do anything, before Blackout could intervene, before anything else could happen, Apple got up, walked over, and put her wings around Bamboo.
"We gotta figure this stuff out." She said, her words muffled in her twin's shoulder. Her own shoulders shook with suppressed tears.
"I know. But we can't ignore it all anymore." Bamboo sighed heavily. He hugged her back and they remained that way as Blackout stood watching, his jaw dropped.
The two backed away, staring at each other.
"I'm still leaving." Bamboo breathed, seeming to look off into the distance.
"I'm not stopping you," Apple said, fixing him with a worried gaze. She turned it to Blackout.
"Keep this idiot safe, okay?"
Blackout nodded. He wasn't sure he was even going for half this time, but now he had to.
For more reasons than he could count. "I will."
He looked around. Now it was settling in.
He was going to have to tell them all goodbye.
And if they weren't careful, this could be the last goodbye.
But his heart stood strong.
He was determined it wouldn't be.
It wouldn't be.
Whitestar remained silent as he watched the scene unfold, his heart aching for all three of the other dragons. He wished that Apple and Bamboo would stick together, and he had almost protested out loud when Bamboo had first offered to stay with Blackout.
But perhaps they were right. Blackout couldn't complete the mission alone, and Apple and Bamboo possibly needed the space. So long as that space didn't become permanent. The Den was a death trap. At least the Rainwing would be with another dragon with experience.
Whitestar paced forward, resting a talon on Blackout's shoulder, swallowing back a growing tightness in his throat.
"Be careful out there," he said firmly, quietly. "You know better than any of us what the Den is capable of."
A mischievous glint entered his eyes and he gave Blackout a weak, sideways smirk.
"Take care of your Lunarwing," he murmured a little quieter. "Moons know, they can be quite the handful."
The Icewing bumped Blackouts wings playfully with his own before stepping back, turning to Bamboo.
"I'll keep an eye on Apple. And please, Bamboo," his face darkened with worry. "Stars above, please be careful."

Did you know…..
That you…..
Make me wanna scream…..
From happiness……
I’ve missed writing so I’m rly glad my brain didn’t switch itself off while writing that 😅 this week I’ve begun getting back into hobbies and stuff, one of the big ones being writing!!! I work 11-7 tmrw so I won’t be on til the evening again, but I can’t wait!!!
Night night folksies!!!
I'm so glad you are getting back into it too. I know life has a rough way of handling us all, and I'm glad you're coming through it alright. God bless, Lydia. Take care of yourself. ❤️
Yeah, I was gonna ask about the truck gang. We've almost gotten to the point where we can catch up with them. Once they get out of the Den, what if we just skip ahead a few days or however long the time gap is and say they're traveling away from the Scorpion Den while also trying to track the members of the rebellion? Like, just do a little time skip thingy.

We may have to. The scene we are on with these guys is happening during the car chase with the rebellion. After this, there is a full day and then another night. I think that the truck group is about one-fourth of the way into another day, so it's gonna be a lot of catch-up. It will probably be close to the evening by the time they get to Possibility
(I'll make a timeline or something later)
Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: The group stops at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.

Y'all, let me know if I got something wrong, this took so much brain work and there were a couple of parts where the time just felt so blurred together I couldn't figure out what went where. I can make one for our Cloudwing group tmr too.
Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: The group stops at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.

Y'all, let me know if I got something wrong, this took so much brain work and there were a couple of parts where the time just felt so blurred together I couldn't figure out what went where. I can make one for our Cloudwing group tmr too.

Now I'm just slightly depressed that my and your characters have only known each other for 9 days ☠️
Sick, tho, you did an amazing job!

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