Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Shrike had lost Kapok for a moment in the craziness of the situation, and he searched the crowd for the LeafWing’s familiar large shape.
He noticed a wing go up, and instantly knew who’s it was. At that same moment, he felt a talon tread on his tail feathers, and whipped his head towards the dragon, a talon lifted defensively. “Hey watch it ya jerk!” He hissed, but whoever had done it had already moved on, and a RainWing and SkyWing hybrid both turned to look at him like he was mad.
Shrike growled, and quickly bustled over to where he’d seen Kapok’s signal.
Shrike walked up to his counterpart, looking agitated. “Do we really wanna stay here?” He grumbled to the large dragon, “I’d rather sleep under a streetlamp or in the middle of the road than with these bumbling fools.”

The furry dragon gave her a tired grin. “Well, you could go down into the bunker if you need medical help or food. Most dragons who’re ready to leave have already. We’ve pretty much got all of the sick, hurt, and old dragons and stuff left,” Winter blinked several times; it was hard to focus on the dragoness, “you guys are the last ones left, so if the ends up being any space left you could probably end up staying here for the night. I’d ask Raptor if there’s any space left.” He paused for a moment, looking over the crowd, before suddenly realizing Hibiscus would have no idea who he was talking about.
“Uh, she’s..” he waved a talon, “over there somewhere. I dunno. Sand/IceWing hybrid.”
"Thank you!" she replied, dipping her head respectfully. Hibiscus stepped out of the way of dragons still exiting the truck and moved to stand against a wall, waiting to see her friends.
The doors opened, and harsh, fluorescent light spilled into the transport. Sunspot flattened her ears, growling. They had arrived in Possibility.
Eclipse stepped back toward the wall as the dragons inside the transport began filing out. Shard remained tucked beneath her wing, the small dragonet pressing against her side nervously as the lights in the truck flicked off, leaving only the dim light spilling from the open doors. The Lunarwing quickly scanned the group, her eyes adjusting quickly.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Blue Raptor
@Little Baby Bean
Sunspot's tail flicked back and forth nervously, tapping a staccato beat on the floor. She did not want to go out there, into more harsh, dirty human cities.

Why didn't I just leave when we got out of the Scorpion Den?

Leur had noticed both Sol and August almost immediately. She did not make eye contact, directing her attention towards the shining LunarWing, then Winter.
"You wanna get that, Ria?" The SnowWing asked.
"No." She said, moving away from the trailer. She rounded the trailer, rapping knuckles against the Trucker's door. He opened it. She pushed food and bottled water into his dry hands, watching as the dragons exited the trailer. When Sol didn't appear in the group, she walked back around, and she climbed into the trailer, albeit with a begrudging air.
"I'll carry him." She said, feeling Sol's eyes drill into the back of her head as she knelt and lifted the unconscious man.
She exited the trailer, and the red dragon followed.

Eclipse watched the new human suspiciously, the trailer now emptied of everyone except her, Sol, Tobias, and Shard. Sol was watching the new human like an agitated hawk, his eyes pinned on her like spears as she lifted Tobias off the ground and started toward the back of the transport. Eclipse waited for Sol to exit before she slowly followed, keeping her wings folded tightly against her side and over Shard.
Dim moonlight washed over her scales as she gracefully stepped onto the hard pavement outside, her scales illuminating like polished silver as the pale light touched them. Eclipse glanced up at the night sky, disappointed to find the stars once again muted by city lights.
"Where are we," she said quietly, glancing down at the new human.

@_-Captain BRM-_
It was too crowded, too loud, the sounds of dragon chatter overwhelming. Sunspot stepped out of the transport, onto rough concrete that her claws scraped uncomfortably on. A human had gone in and scooped up Tobias.
"Possibility." Leuria answered, keeping her eyes ahead, Tobias limp in her arms. Sol walked steadily beside her. "What, did I grow a third eye," she said bluntly.
Sol didn't react.
"Do you always stare at people like that?"
Sol released a growling sigh.
Leuria moved deeper into the bunker, the SolarWing on her heels. She entered a small room with a cot and a sink, and she laid Tobias down. She stepped back. Sol stood rigid beside her.
"Is he dying?" She asked in a low tone.
Sol didn't answer.
"I'll help you. So, keep him alive." She moved to the doorway, then into the hall. There were so many dragons mingling about, and she recognized none. Leuria continued into the main open hangar, spotting both Winter and Raptor conversing with a couple of new arrivals. Raptor looked utterly exhausted. Leuria joined them, waiting until she could catch a moment to speak with the SandWing hybrid.

@Blue Raptor

"Great," Eclipse growled sarcastically, glancing back up at the yellowed sky.
I can't get away from these cities fast enough, she thought bitterly as she trailed behind Sol and the human, feeling ignored. She kept her ears pricked towards them, listening in slight interest. Apparently, Sol knew this human. And he didn't seem to like her. Eclipse's tail twitched slightly as she watched the strange interaction.
The Lunarwing followed the two into the strange building, her spines lifted nervously halfway. Other dragons were wandering around the space, most of the remaining ones scared or injured in some way.
Eclipse watched the human stride away, cocking her head in Sol's direction once she was out of earshot.
"What was that all about?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
(y'all, my writing sucks lately)
Sunspot hated the feeling of unfamiliarity here. The lights were too bright, making her feel like an insect specimen being pinned down and examined. She felt her head and wings dropping and consciously pulled them up, arching her neck haughtily and glaring at the dragons around her.

Sol looked snarly, giving the human that was carrying Tobias a death stare. Eclipse looked as nervous and lost as Sunspot did, Shard tucked tightly under her wing. The new human wandered away, Sol pacing after her, Eclipse trailing behind.

Sunspot glanced back. Dragons were gathering in small groups, murmuring among themselves. The humans, Eclipse, and Sol were getting farther away.

Ugh. Sunspot jogged to catch up to them, sidling up beside Eclipse. The effect of the light on her chromatic scales was blinding. She looked like a great big sparkly disco ball with wings.
"I hope. You need to go and.." Leuria waved her towards the bunker, "recharge. You look like someone ran you over with a truck." She gave a wry smile.
Raptor made an attempt to laugh, but it came out as a huff. “I mean.. should I even sleep right now? There’s still a bunch of dragons here and it’s almost sunrise.” Her eyes river over the dragons standing outside. They all looked like they either wanted to get inside for the rest of the night, or were ready to leave and were talking quietly among themselves.
Sol cocked his head, moving to Tobias' side.
"Nothing." He said. He pulled Tobias' shirt back, revealing a bruised, blood crusted chest. "I was just startled," Sol whispered softly, "that's all."
The doors opened, and harsh, fluorescent light spilled into the transport. Sunspot flattened her ears, growling. They had arrived in Possibility.

Sunspot's tail flicked back and forth nervously, tapping a staccato beat on the floor. She did not want to go out there, into more harsh, dirty human cities.

Why didn't I just leave when we got out of the Scorpion Den?

It was too crowded, too loud, the sounds of dragon chatter overwhelming. Sunspot stepped out of the transport, onto rough concrete that her claws scraped uncomfortably on. A human had gone in and scooped up Tobias.

Sunspot hated the feeling of unfamiliarity here. The lights were too bright, making her feel like an insect specimen being pinned down and examined. She felt her head and wings dropping and consciously pulled them up, arching her neck haughtily and glaring at the dragons around her.

Sol looked snarly, giving the human that was carrying Tobias a death stare. Eclipse looked as nervous and lost as Sunspot did, Shard tucked tightly under her wing. The new human wandered away, Sol pacing after her, Eclipse trailing behind.

Sunspot glanced back. Dragons were gathering in small groups, murmuring among themselves. The humans, Eclipse, and Sol were getting farther away.

Ugh. Sunspot jogged to catch up to them, sidling up beside Eclipse. The effect of the light on her chromatic scales was blinding. She looked like a great big sparkly disco ball with wings.
Eclipse exchanged a skeptical glance with Sunspot, grateful to have another familiar dragon by her side.
"'Startled' doesn't even begin to describe whatever that was," the Lunarwing said doubtfully, looking the prince up and down.
Eclipse felt her attitude melt as her gaze fell on Tobias and her eyes widened slightly, guilt once again prodding into her heart. But she didn't say anything, still waiting for a reply from Sol.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Raptor made an attempt to laugh, but it came out as a huff. “I mean.. should I even sleep right now? There’s still a bunch of dragons here and it’s almost sunrise.” Her eyes river over the dragons standing outside. They all looked like they either wanted to get inside for the rest of the night, or were ready to leave and were talking quietly among themselves.
"It's okay, Raptor." Leuria looked out at the quiet crowd. "You aren't meant to host." She pushed her hands into sweater pockets.
Pain shot through her leg, like another volley of bullets was being fired into it. The bleeding had stopped with the help of some bandages and high quality would sealing glue. A salve had been applied around the edges of her burned mouth, a charred pattern seared into the corners of her once spotless face. Without the strength to walk Rose felt she had to study the room at the very least. It was large, big enough to house several dragons. Cold, and slightly damp around the edges of the old architecture. It seemed this basement hadn’t been changed when they rebuilt the Den to the humans liking. It was made of old stone with moss growing in the corners which she dared not try to connect with due to the debilitating headaches it had caused before. It had been upgraded somewhat of course. The supports were new, the lights and a few walls. It was possibly a lab of sorts. A section full of tables where she had been bound before caught her eye. There, on the middle table, sat her seed chest. Her most precious item after the disaster that was the escape. It contained all the plant life she’d ever owned or studied or created. “He kept his promise….he got it for me. Thank the trees.” She thought.

( @_-Captain BRM-_
Hey Cap’n, d’wanna go on with Ferrin and Rose? Idk if u already responded lol
Eclipse exchanged a skeptical glance with Sunspot, grateful to have another familiar dragon by her side.
"'Startled' doesn't even begin to describe whatever that was," the Lunarwing said doubtfully, looking the prince up and down.
Eclipse felt her attitude melt as her gaze fell on Tobias and her eyes widened slightly, guilt once again prodding into her heart. But she didn't say anything, still waiting for a reply from Sol.

@_-Captain BRM-_
"Well, I was, okay?" Sol said, any tone of annoyance lost in dull distraction. He glanced at Eclipse, then back to Tobias. He closed his eyes and released a constricted sigh.
"Well, I was, okay?" Sol said, any tone of annoyance lost in dull distraction. He glanced at Eclipse, then back to Tobias. He closed his eyes and released a constricted sigh.
Eclipse bit back a sharp retort, watching Sol and Tobias silently for a long moment.
"Fine," she muttered curtly, turning her head away from the Solarwing. "I didn't want to know anyway."
Eclipse barely managed to keep the sarcastic sting out of her voice, wondering vaguely why she cared. Normally, she wouldn't have bothered.
The Lunarwing flicked her head in a gesture for Sunspot to follow her and then turned and paced in the direction of the opposite wall, fighting the urge to glance back at Sol as she did. She didn't want to admit how taken aback she felt by his sudden cold and otherwise guarded demeanor toward her. Had she said something the day before that had bothered him? He had seemed perfectly open with her the last they had talked. The only issue had been Sunspot's weird aggressive burst.
Eclipse let out a low, frustrated growl. Why were other dragons so weird and complicated?

@_-Captain BRM-_

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