Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"True." Hibiscus nodded. She caught the mischievous glint in Cas' eye and couldn't help but smile. "No, they're not evil. I don't have any siblings and.. well, let's just say I wasn't the best of children. I could be a handful. I went through quite the rebellious phase before running away. My parents were very overbearing." She paused, her eyes glazed over as she remembered. The spell broke and she shrugged. "Some dragons just aren't meant to be parents, y'know?"
She took a huge bite off of her fish to stop herself from saying more.
“I guess,” Cas said, and yawned loudly, feeling somehow more tired after doing so. He blinked several times with a groan and tried to bring his attention back to finishing the fish. “It’s too early for people,” he said around a mouthful of food.
Yes! Totally!

Good to see you as well, Monzy.”
She greeted, offering a small smile in return. She glanced at her leg and unconsciously opened and closed her mouth, testing how painful it was. “A little painkiller wouldn’t hurt. Maybe a salve or something for these burns but otherwise I’m fine, friend.” She looked around. “Looks like we’ve had quite a success with the breakout. Did my drugs prove useful?” Rose asked curiously, watching her surroundings and surveying the area around her. Possibility was bigger then she’d thought, but small enough to stay under the radar. Every dragon under the sun was here in these mountains and the array of colors was startlingly vast even in the dim artificial light.
"Aye, yes, Rose, of course they worked." Monzy chuckled. "We had a few losses. Good people, good people." His tone hardened. "But. Here we are. Six hundred free dragons." He gazed out at the vast crowd. "Most of 'em'll be flyin out tomorrow night. Not by mornin, no, not safe. When it's dark." He turned towards Rose. "Have you got plans, lass? There... there been some talk 'bout goin back, and.. well." He gave a sullen nod. "Know you been hurt, my friend, and I don't want to push you or nothin. Know that the Rebellion would welcome your help with open arms. And you don't have to be positioned in the city itself. You could be stationed here in Possibility." He lifted a hand to rub his eyes. "Sorry, sorry, I'm ramblin."

“M’kay. Bye,” Rapor said, and walked a few paces away from Leuria to lift her wings with a light sweep of wind and take off west.

“Don’t worry,” Winter said with what he imagined was a light chuckle that came out sounding inane, “I could stay awake for ages and ages more. But I can’t promise I’ll stay sane much longer!” He let out a dizzy-sounding laugh. He shook his head, attempting to clear his mind. “Sorry, sorry,” he said, “oof. Okay. What do we have to do now? We need more water. We’re almost out. Want me to run to the store? Oh wait, it’s probably closed right now..” Winter rambled.
"I literally bought so much water, how are we out already?" Leuria sighed, moving her hands to her hips. "I should go help someone." She hesitated. "We should get things in order, too. Everyone leaving tonight needs to go now. Everyone waiting needs to be out of the hangar and into the bunker." She glanced at Winter. "That is your job." She smiled.

@Blue Raptor
Helios couldn’t seem to get rid of the human he’d taken from the den, he had tried leaving him with a group of dragons the doctor seemed to know but the little pest eventually found him again.
“Hello! There you are, Solarwing! I-” The blonde headed doctor started but was cut off by an angry growl from the Saolrwing king.
“My name is Helios, King Helios. If you’re going to talk to me, call me by name. Or I’ll leave you with that blood-red nightwing o’er there, I’m sure he’s hungry by now.” Helios snapped, a shimmer of pulsing orange light running through his veins.

The doctor wasn’t fazed, “oh fine then. I’ve been told I was going to get eaten more times then I can count and I’m still here. But if you insist, King Helios.” He said with a sarcastic flare.

Shooooot. Meant to post that last night!
Ryan "Aye, yes, Rose, of course they worked." Monzy chuc kled. "We had a few losses. Good people, good people." His tone hardened. "But. Here we are. Six hundred free dragons." He gazed out at the vast crowd. "Most of 'em'll be flyin out tomorrow night. Not by mornin, no, not safe. When it's dark." He turned towards Rose. "Have you got plans, lass? There... there been some talk 'bout goin back, and.. well." He gave a sullen nod. "Know you been hurt, my friend, and I don't want to push you or nothin. Know that the Rebellion would welcome your help with open arms. And you don't have to be positioned in the city itself. You could be stationed here in Possibility." He lifted a hand to rub his eyes. "Sorry, sorry, I'm ramblin."

Rose had thought long and hard many times of what her life would be like after leaving the den, her entire life had been there. Her knowledge of things outside was limited but she wasn’t stupid or naive. “Don’t be sorry, I still want to help. I need to. There ar’ still so many dragons to be saved.”
She sighed.
Helios couldn’t seem to get rid of the human he’d taken from the den, he had tried leaving him with a group of dragons the doctor seemed to know but the little pest eventually found him again.
“Hello! There you are, Solarwing! I-” The blonde headed doctor started but was cut off by an angry growl from the Saolrwing king.
“My name is Helios, King Helios. If you’re going to talk to me, call me by name. Or I’ll leave you with that blood-red nightwing o’er there, I’m sure he’s hungry by now.” Helios snapped, a shimmer of pulsing orange light running through his veins.

The doctor wasn’t fazed, “oh fine then. I’ve been told I was going to get eaten more times then I can count and I’m still here. But if you insist, King Helios.” He said with a sarcastic flare.

Shooooot. Meant to post that last night!
Helios snarled quietly before lifting his head, staring down at the little human. “What is your name?” He questioned.

The doctor thought for a moment, as if he couldn’t remember. “Well the dragons have always called me Doc-man, cuz I’m the doctor man.” He gave a chuckle. “ But I guess if you’re talking about my given name, Archer Mallin.” He said, scrunching up his face as if he wasn’t sure he liked it. “ where are we? And why are there soooo many dragons? And why are ther-” he started asking question after question. Helios drug a talon over his face, trying to ignore the rambling human. He spotted Sol talking to a few others including Tobias, but something seemed…wrong.
Rose had thought long and hard many times of what her life would be like after leaving the den, her entire life had been there. Her knowledge of things outside was limited but she wasn’t stupid or naive. “Don’t be sorry, I still want to help. I need to. There ar’ still so many dragons to be saved.”
She sighed.

Helios snarled quietly before lifting his head, staring down at the little human. “What is your name?” He questioned.

The doctor thought for a moment, as if he couldn’t remember. “Well the dragons have always called me Doc-man, cuz I’m the doctor man.” He gave a chuckle. “ But I guess if you’re talking about my given name, Archer Mallin.” He said, scrunching up his face as if he wasn’t sure he liked it. “ where are we? And why are there soooo many dragons? And why are ther-” he started asking question after question. Helios drug a talon over his face, trying to ignore the rambling human. He spotted Sol talking to a few others including Tobias, but something seemed…wrong.
Helios can see him on his way into the bunker and follow, maybe. Technically they are in a backroom which Lueria took them to.
CAP HELP. I want to write more with Eclipse but i have no interactable characters. Here's my last piece.
Eclipse narrowed her eyes at the lean, black dragon that paced into the space. She recognized him vaguely from the battle in the desert, and she figured he was probably the hybrid, Gen, Sol had spoken of the day before. Her gaze raked slowly over his dark body as the Sandwing hybrid gently prodded at Tobias, making Eclipse even more anxious of his presence.
His claws were frighteningly long and a glossy, menacing black. The stinger on the end of his tail was longer and sharper than an average Sandwing stinger, and his scales looked more plated and tougher than most Pyrrhian tribes. In few words, he looked dangerous.
Eclipse watched the interaction sharply, her eyes tracking every movement from the hybrid.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Eclipse narrowed her eyes at the lean, black dragon that paced into the space. She recognized him vaguely from the battle in the desert, and she figured he was probably the hybrid, Gen, Sol had spoken of the day before. Her gaze raked slowly over his dark body as the Sandwing hybrid gently prodded at Tobias, making Eclipse even more anxious of his presence.
His claws were frighteningly long and a glossy, menacing black. The stinger on the end of his tail was longer and sharper than an average Sandwing stinger, and his scales looked more plated and tougher than most Pyrrhian tribes. In few words, he looked dangerous.
Eclipse watched the interaction sharply, her eyes tracking every movement from the hybrid.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Gen vanished, and Sol's head snapped up.
"Don't go." The SolarWing whispered to the empty air. "You shouldn't be alone."
Gen let his shape flicker into view to show he hadn't yet moved.
"You shouldn't be alone." Sol repeated.
Gen stared down at Tobias. "I am going to get help." He said.
"Come back, then." Sol whispered.
"I'll come back."
Gen left.
Sol glanced wearily towards Eclipse. He gave her an exhausted, forced smile of reassurance. He turned away, feeling his smile vanish.
"I literally bought so much water, how are we out already?" Leuria sighed, moving her hands to her hips. "I should go help someone." She hesitated. "We should get things in order, too. Everyone leaving tonight needs to go now. Everyone waiting needs to be out of the hangar and into the bunker." She glanced at Winter. "That is your job." She smiled.

@Blue Raptor
“Well, it’s gone.” Winter shrugged helplessly and rolled his eyes.
“Oh yes, let me just go get my MEGAPHONE real quick and herd a hundred-plus dragons out of here..” he was already on the move as he spoke, walking towards the bunker when he groaned dramatically just to show Leuria that he wasn’t going to perform the task with a glad heart.
While his adrenaline was still pulsing from the complaining he’d done, the SnowWing shouted loudly at the crowd outside, causing dozens of eyes to turn on him.
“Everyone who’s ready to leave, leave!” He yelled, “and everyone who has to stay, go inside! The last thing we need are dragons riders!” The mention of the feared NightWing riders set dragons in motion. Many of the ones who’d been communicating with friends or companions set off, and the wounded began funneling indoors.
Winter followed the crowd indoors to tell the ones indoors a similar message.

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