Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

I'm always waiting for the next chapter, and everytime one ends I get that familiar
"ARGH NO WHY, ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER?!?!?!" vibe that I get when reading great books and I stalk the thread waiting for the next piece
I'm working on it... Gunna get some mega Hunger Game vibes goin on.

I'm hyped to go back and edit and perfeeeect, but I can't tooouuccchhh iiitttt until it's doooonnneeee- 😭😭😭💀
(Josh, if Helios is referring to Leuria, she is a human. I believe that's who he is referring to, so I am going to write it as so. But maybe it's Gen you're talking about?)

His voice echoed down the corridor, and Sol moved slowly to the doorway.
"Helios." He replied in answer. His father stood in the hallway, looking back at a figure, and for a moment Sol thought Gen had done something, and he tripped further out the doorway.
"What," Harper muttered, her hands deep in her sweater pockets. She looked tired and bored, her dark skin reflected the dim light.
Sol cleared his throat, "She's fine, Helios." He assured quickly, meeting his Father's gaze. "I... I need help. With Tobias."
Harper slipped past the SolarWing King, giving the small man beside the red dragon a look of distaste. "Cálmate, Sol," the Spanish sounded strange paired with her thick accent.
Gen crept from the shadows and stood beside Sol.
"Oh, my-" Lueria cut herself off and looked away. "This is a fine reunion, now isn't it? Hate to assume, but if I say the wrong words do you kill me, or.." she gave Gen a pointed look with her mismatched eyes, and the hybrid stared back, emotionless.
Sol sucked in a sharp breath and cocked his head with an exasperated look. "I need help with Tobias." He repeated, and Lueria nodded, looking rueful as she passed through the door way, slipping her pack to one shoulder.
Sol trotted towards Helios, counting on his Father to be of some consoling guidance. "Gen says Tobe's broken ribs." Sol said in a quiet tone. "And he says he'll loose his arm," Sol looked away, his breathy voice laced with panicked frailty, which he finally dared to release. He wasn't sure why Helios would care. But weren't fathers supposed to care? Sol craved comfort and peace. If he had to stoop levels to get it, then he would, because he was desperate.

Remember your first super long user name? 😂 It was like Kiwiandsomethingorother1234 (because Sunspot is there)

Lueria (Harper) and Gen and Sol and Tobias and Alicanto are all characters in Of Heart & Sol. Harper's first appearance is in this next Part, which I am still editing, but it's coming, I swear. So, it'll be a little confusing for those who aren't going to read H&S, but it will be fun for those who have :))
Eclipse stood up, gently nudging Shard toward Sunspot again.
"Watch her, please," she said, turning to walk away and then pausing and glancing back.
"And don't, you know, start a fight with any more royals."
The Lunarwing paced quickly in the direction of the two Solarwings, glancing warily at the strange humans with them. The idea she and Sol had come up with on the transport was still bubbling fresh in her mind, and she wanted to talk to Helios about it.
But it looked like it was going to have to wait. Sol looked as mentally drained as he was physically, and for once, Eclipse was finally seeing him talking to his father. Tobias was looking worse by the hour, and she desperately hoped that he would turn out alright by the time all of this was said and done.
The silver dragoness fell into step beside the king, dipping her head to him respectfully as she did.
"Is there any way I can help?"

@_-Captain BRM-_

*checks clock*
(Bruh, what is sleep?)
Shrike had lost Kapok for a moment in the craziness of the situation, and he searched the crowd for the LeafWing’s familiar large shape.
He noticed a wing go up, and instantly knew who’s it was. At that same moment, he felt a talon tread on his tail feathers, and whipped his head towards the dragon, a talon lifted defensively. “Hey watch it ya jerk!” He hissed, but whoever had done it had already moved on, and a RainWing and SkyWing hybrid both turned to look at him like he was mad.
Shrike growled, and quickly bustled over to where he’d seen Kapok’s signal.
Shrike walked up to his counterpart, looking agitated. “Do we really wanna stay here?” He grumbled to the large dragon, “I’d rather sleep under a streetlamp or in the middle of the road than with these bumbling fools.”
Kapok sat up and yawned, giving the Cloudwing a small shrug. He looked around slowly and then pointed toward the entrance to a nearby building as he saw the Solarwing King's red scales disappear through it. The Leafwing glanced back at Shrike questioningly.

@Blue Raptor
(yeah, I definitely didn't lay down to go to sleep and then remember I still didn't write this part and get back up and write it........ DEFINITELY didn't)
Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river. The transports arrive at possibility.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: The group stops at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.
Night 9: Vel leaves for Possibility with Ajax, Alicanto, Ayra, and Cochineal.

I just updated it a little. Remind me to do a timeline for King, Corvus, Pheonix and them all later.
Also, @Chikyboy, I haven't seen much action from you in a while, what are the plans for Robin?
Kapok sat up and yawned, giving the Cloudwing a small shrug. He looked around slowly and then pointed toward the entrance to a nearby building as he saw the Solarwing King's red scales disappear through it. The Leafwing glanced back at Shrike questioningly.
“What? Who’s that?” Shrike gazed after the red dragon, who disappeared indoors. The CloudWing turned his head back towards Kapok with a questioning look. “You know him?” He asked.
@Blue Raptor
(yeah, I definitely didn't lay down to go to sleep and then remember I still didn't write this part and get back up and write it........ DEFINITELY didn't)
Noooooo 😭
Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river. The transports arrive at possibility.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: The group stops at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.
Night 9: Vel leaves for Possibility with Ajax, Alicanto, Ayra, and Cochineal.

I just updated it a little. Remind me to do a timeline for King, Corvus, Pheonix and them all later.
Also, @Chikyboy, I haven't seen much action from you in a while, what are the plans for Robin?
Idk, I never get notifs for this unless somebody tags me.
Eclipse stood up, gently nudging Shard toward Sunspot again.
"Watch her, please," she said, turning to walk away and then pausing and glancing back.
"And don't, you know, start a fight with any more royals."
The Lunarwing paced quickly in the direction of the two Solarwings, glancing warily at the strange humans with them. The idea she and Sol had come up with on the transport was still bubbling fresh in her mind, and she wanted to talk to Helios about it.
But it looked like it was going to have to wait. Sol looked as mentally drained as he was physically, and for once, Eclipse was finally seeing him talking to his father. Tobias was looking worse by the hour, and she desperately hoped that he would turn out alright by the time all of this was said and done.
The silver dragoness fell into step beside the king, dipping her head to him respectfully as she did.
"Is there any way I can help?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
Sol looked to Helios for answer. Harper was kneeled beside the cot, pulling supplies from her pack. She looked troubled.
"Sol," she said, cutting away Tobias' shirt, "let me work, and stop panicking. August won't die. " Sol approached slowly. "You've got to start thinking clearly, because you're literally being zero help right now."
"What should I do?" Sol asked, and Harper glanced up at him, but he couldn't meet her gaze. "I don't want to leave."
Harper dampened a cloth with a bottle of water. "Stay out of my way and let me work. You are a like a mother hen. An especially annoying one." She began to clean the bullet wound.
Sol shook his head gently, his eyes flicking up at Eclipse. He was too tired to be annoyed, too conflicted to be excepting. He lowered his head, moving to lean against the opposite wall, staying close to Tobias. He felt stares, but he hadn't asked for them, and he had no energy to care.

*checks clock*
(Bruh, what is sleep?)
*checks post time*
Totally said "Geez, Nikkiiii" aloud-
Funny, because I was awake then, too, gettin slammed with H&S inspo. Wrote for a solid hour 1/2, then crassshhhed. I re-read it today, totally expecting absolute garbage being that I was still recovering from that concert and waking up early for worship practice and staying up late just to look at gotg memes with roockkeett, but it was actually usable.
Yall got to see my notebook, it's a whole friggin vibe, yo-
Sol watched every rise of Tobias' chest, syncing his breaths to the human. Tobias did look calm, and he did look peaceful. He wouldn't die. He couldn't die. Sol couldn't remember the last time he had felt so frightened. The thought made him shiver, because then he could suddenly think of a time he had felt so alone and victimized and scared, and it made him sick. Tobias had saved him then, and Tobias would save him now if he just- woke... up...
The dragon swallowed, hating to second guess himself. He was so useless. Tobias owned his undying loyalty. Oh, how Sol wished he could do something with it. What he could do was find help. Harper hadn't come back. Maybe she would.
Sol took a sharp breath, chasing back the stressful mindset. He wished to think rationally, but a time for well reasoned thoughts had long since passed, drowned in tension.
Sunspot thoughtfully watched how Sol hovered over Tobias, who looked cold and pale.
Sol took a deep breath, effectively calming his wandering mind. His eyes glanced lazily over black lines of the damask rose stained into the man's torso. He could remember when Tobias had gotten the tattoo. When Tobias loved it, then regretted it, then loved it again. Sol's expression flickered fondly.
He reached a wing towards Tobias and gently prodded at the man's bandaged arm. It was cold, and Sol recoiled.
Someone appeared in the doorway to his left and Sol glanced over. It was Gen, and Sol didn't know whether to feel excepting or protective. The black hybrid neared, his black eyes glistening.
Sol straightened and stared the dragon dead in the eye. "Where have you been,"
Gen's head cocked. "Your father took to the sky, and so I followed him." His voice wasn't unkind.
Gen didn't reply.
Sol dropped his gaze, and Gen padded softly to the SolarWing's side. They both watched Tobias.
"Was he shot?" Gen said.
Sol swallowed. "I-... I don't know."
Gen reached towards Tobias with a talon, and Sol stiffened. Gen slowed, but he did not stop.
The hybrid rubbed away dried blood, and he surveyed with a critical eye.
Sol cleared his throat. "Have you-... Have you been in The Den all this time, then?"
The black SandWing didn't reply, and he repositioned himself near Tobias' head and ran his talons slowly across the man's ribs. He repeated the motion a few times, then rolled Tobias over, and the man began to stir, yet he did not wake.
"I've been in The Den." Gen said in answer. He scraped away more dried blood.
Sol gave a quick nod, watching the SandWing's talons poke and push meticulously. Gen rolled Tobias onto his back, reaching for the man's arm.
"He broke three ribs." Gen said.
Sol frowned. "He did not break a thing."
Gen peeled back bandages, revealing the wound. It stretched to the shoulder, blisters and welts, and pockets of blood trapped beneath the skin. His wrist was pale gray. Gen ran his talon lightly across Tobias' forearm, his expression darkening. He pushed against the grey skin again, then pulled away sharply.
"It burns." He muttered. "The cold burns."
"What does it mean?" Sol whispered.
Gen lifted Tobias' arm and pushed back his fingers, extending each one.
"He needs human assistance."
Sol gave a weary nod. "I know."
Gen glanced at the SolarWing, then gently laid Tobias' arm back down against the cot.
They were silent for a while.
"He will not die." Gen said, and Sol looked at him. "His ribs are bent, but they did not puncture inwardly. The bullet missed his lungs. If there was internal bleeding he would have died already." The SandWing continued to look down at the man. "His arm is ruined, and he won't use it again."
Sol nodded. "He won't die."
"No." Gen agreed.

(and this is how I procrastinate Heart and Sol, thank you, thank you all very much, yah, hubba hubba baby-)
Sunspot's ears flicked forward at the sound of talonsteps approaching. A black SandWing padded across the concrete, examining Tobias. The new dragon was big, with wicked, curving claws. He prodded Tobias, murmuring to Sol. Sunspot tilted her head at Sol. The human needed to be kept warm.

His skin was a sickly grey color, Sunspot noted. A sign of bad circulation. And Sol had scales which literally heated on command... was he really just that dull?

A ripple of warmth shivered across her own scales. Well, I'm not about to touch a human.
Eclipse narrowed her eyes at the lean, black dragon that paced into the space. She recognized him vaguely from the battle in the desert, and she figured he was probably the hybrid, Gen, Sol had spoken of the day before. Her gaze raked slowly over his dark body as the Sandwing hybrid gently prodded at Tobias, making Eclipse even more anxious of his presence.
His claws were frighteningly long and a glossy, menacing black. The stinger on the end of his tail was longer and sharper than an average Sandwing stinger, and his scales looked more plated and tougher than most Pyrrhian tribes. In few words, he looked dangerous.
Eclipse watched the interaction sharply, her eyes tracking every movement from the hybrid.

@_-Captain BRM-_

Gen vanished, and Sol's head snapped up.
"Don't go." The SolarWing whispered to the empty air. "You shouldn't be alone."
Gen let his shape flicker into view to show he hadn't yet moved.
"You shouldn't be alone." Sol repeated.
Gen stared down at Tobias. "I am going to get help." He said.
"Come back, then." Sol whispered.
"I'll come back."
Gen left.
Sol glanced wearily towards Eclipse. He gave her an exhausted, forced smile of reassurance. He turned away, feeling his smile vanish.

(Josh, if Helios is referring to Leuria, she is a human. I believe that's who he is referring to, so I am going to write it as so. But maybe it's Gen you're talking about?)

His voice echoed down the corridor, and Sol moved slowly to the doorway.
"Helios." He replied in answer. His father stood in the hallway, looking back at a figure, and for a moment Sol thought Gen had done something, and he tripped further out the doorway.
"What," Harper muttered, her hands deep in her sweater pockets. She looked tired and bored, her dark skin reflected the dim light.
Sol cleared his throat, "She's fine, Helios." He assured quickly, meeting his Father's gaze. "I... I need help. With Tobias."
Harper slipped past the SolarWing King, giving the small man beside the red dragon a look of distaste. "Cálmate, Sol," the Spanish sounded strange paired with her thick accent.
Gen crept from the shadows and stood beside Sol.
"Oh, my-" Lueria cut herself off and looked away. "This is a fine reunion, now isn't it? Hate to assume, but if I say the wrong words do you kill me, or.." she gave Gen a pointed look with her mismatched eyes, and the hybrid stared back, emotionless.
Sol sucked in a sharp breath and cocked his head with an exasperated look. "I need help with Tobias." He repeated, and Lueria nodded, looking rueful as she passed through the door way, slipping her pack to one shoulder.
Sol trotted towards Helios, counting on his Father to be of some consoling guidance. "Gen says Tobe's broken ribs." Sol said in a quiet tone. "And he says he'll loose his arm," Sol looked away, his breathy voice laced with panicked frailty, which he finally dared to release. He wasn't sure why Helios would care. But weren't fathers supposed to care? Sol craved comfort and peace. If he had to stoop levels to get it, then he would, because he was desperate.

Remember your first super long user name? 😂 It was like Kiwiandsomethingorother1234 (because Sunspot is there)

Lueria (Harper) and Gen and Sol and Tobias and Alicanto are all characters in Of Heart & Sol. Harper's first appearance is in this next Part, which I am still editing, but it's coming, I swear. So, it'll be a little confusing for those who aren't going to read H&S, but it will be fun for those who have :))
(bro im so confused but its ok ill figure it out lol)

Eclipse stood up, gently nudging Shard toward Sunspot again.
"Watch her, please," she said, turning to walk away and then pausing and glancing back.
"And don't, you know, start a fight with any more royals."
The Lunarwing paced quickly in the direction of the two Solarwings, glancing warily at the strange humans with them. The idea she and Sol had come up with on the transport was still bubbling fresh in her mind, and she wanted to talk to Helios about it.
But it looked like it was going to have to wait. Sol looked as mentally drained as he was physically, and for once, Eclipse was finally seeing him talking to his father. Tobias was looking worse by the hour, and she desperately hoped that he would turn out alright by the time all of this was said and done.
The silver dragoness fell into step beside the king, dipping her head to him respectfully as she did.
"Is there any way I can help?"

@_-Captain BRM-_

*checks clock*
(Bruh, what is sleep?)
Sunspot rolled her eyes at Eclipse's comment and watched as everyone walked away. Again.

Good to see that Helios was alive, I suppose.

She let out a long, smoky sigh and flopped onto the ground, wincing at the way the hard concrete scraped her scales uncomfortably.

"Guess it's just me and you again, kid," she said. She felt bad for her previous attitude towards the timid dragonet. Why? No idea.

(my writing is not writing today sorry guys)
Eclipse looked away from Sol, easily seeing the utter exhaustion clouding his eyes. She hoped that his sudden distant behavior was because of Tobias and not her. That it would pass. At the same time, she kept trying, and failing, to tell herself she didn't care. Dragons would come and they would go, and she would just be a passing moment in their life they would soon forget.
But moments that kept replaying in her mind, like when she'd talked to Sol after arriving at the checkpoint, when he'd come back for her after the battle in the desert, when he had opened up to her in the transport. He had felt like a real friend.
And that terrified her most. That she'd actually dared to consider him a friend.
You're overreacting, Eclipse thought sharply, cutting herself out of her spiraling thoughts. He'll get over whatever this is and Tobias will be fine. And if not--well what do you care?
Eclipse's jumped slightly as Helios's voice sliced through the jumbled murmuring in the bunker. Almost every dragon in the room lifted their heads and turned in the direction of the hallway.
"Sol are you in here?"
Eclipse glanced across the room at the younger Solarwing, amusement flickering across her face as his father called out to him.

@_-Captain BRM-_

(Josh, if Helios is referring to Leuria, she is a human. I believe that's who he is referring to, so I am going to write it as so. But maybe it's Gen you're talking about?)

His voice echoed down the corridor, and Sol moved slowly to the doorway.
"Helios." He replied in answer. His father stood in the hallway, looking back at a figure, and for a moment Sol thought Gen had done something, and he tripped further out the doorway.
"What," Harper muttered, her hands deep in her sweater pockets. She looked tired and bored, her dark skin reflected the dim light.
Sol cleared his throat, "She's fine, Helios." He assured quickly, meeting his Father's gaze. "I... I need help. With Tobias."
Harper slipped past the SolarWing King, giving the small man beside the red dragon a look of distaste. "Cálmate, Sol," the Spanish sounded strange paired with her thick accent.
Gen crept from the shadows and stood beside Sol.
"Oh, my-" Lueria cut herself off and looked away. "This is a fine reunion, now isn't it? Hate to assume, but if I say the wrong words do you kill me, or.." she gave Gen a pointed look with her mismatched eyes, and the hybrid stared back, emotionless.
Sol sucked in a sharp breath and cocked his head with an exasperated look. "I need help with Tobias." He repeated, and Lueria nodded, looking rueful as she passed through the door way, slipping her pack to one shoulder.
Sol trotted towards Helios, counting on his Father to be of some consoling guidance. "Gen says Tobe's broken ribs." Sol said in a quiet tone. "And he says he'll loose his arm," Sol looked away, his breathy voice laced with panicked frailty, which he finally dared to release. He wasn't sure why Helios would care. But weren't fathers supposed to care? Sol craved comfort and peace. If he had to stoop levels to get it, then he would, because he was desperate.

Remember your first super long user name? 😂 It was like Kiwiandsomethingorother1234 (because Sunspot is there)

Lueria (Harper) and Gen and Sol and Tobias and Alicanto are all characters in Of Heart & Sol. Harper's first appearance is in this next Part, which I am still editing, but it's coming, I swear. So, it'll be a little confusing for those who aren't going to read H&S, but it will be fun for those who have :))
( oooooooooh! Yes you assumed right! I need to pay attention sorry! I didn’t know she was hooman.)

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