Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #7 - Write and Win!

Just thought of another idea for an article... Maybe one could do one that explains how to do a lameness exam on a chicken, duck, turkey, etc? Seems lots of people have been posting about limping or paralyzed birds lately.


That would be very useful.
Just thought of another idea for an article... Maybe one could do one that explains how to do a lameness exam on a chicken, duck, turkey, etc? Seems lots of people have been posting about limping or paralyzed birds lately.


That's a great idea. I have also seen lots of new members posting about it so it would be helpful to have an article on the subject.

It could explain how to check for fractures, how to feel for subtle differences between legs, how to check the for true paralysis and how to check range of motion in each joint. I think one gets extra point for pictures, and this is the type of article that would be easy to get pictures for.

500 words is required, not 750. While 750 is a nice goal, 500 is perfectly fine!
  1. Write a unique high quality article with around 750 words (more is fine as long as it is good / helpful info). It must have at least one picture relative to the subject. Bonus points if you add more pics (pictures are usually worth 1,000 words, but in this contest they are worth about 10 - 50
  1. Write a unique high quality article with around 750 words (more is fine as long as it is good / helpful info).  It must have at least one picture relative to the subject.  Bonus points if you add more pics (pictures are usually worth 1,000 words, but in this contest they are worth about 10 - 50 ;)  )

Oh lol, I think the rules have changed since I last read them (or I'm just going crazy which is more likely). Oops ;)

ETA : No I wasn't going crazy, I found it in the rules :
All articles must contain accurate information, and must be a minimum of 500 words (shoot for 750+), and should contain pictures relative to the subject matter
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Oh lol, I think the rules have changed since I last read them (or I'm just going crazy which is more likely). Oops

ETA : No I wasn't going crazy, I found it in the rules :
All articles must contain accurate information, and must be a minimum of 500 words (shoot for 750+), and should contain pictures relative to the subject matter

Thanks, missed that.

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