Ended Official BYC Contest—Guess When BYC Will Hit 25 Million Messages!

6/14/2022 8:00 pm

Hope this qualifies...😀
View attachment 309478020463 messages in 5 days is an average of 4092.6 per day. or 170.525 per hour.
View attachment 3094781

12713 to go.

I am predicting 5/9/22 at 2:36 am.
consider that my calculations from 5/2 about 11 PM note taking came to this conclusion
a) the window maxed out at 5/9 ~4-5AM
b) The minimum window is = 5/7 ~2PM

The avg per hour has been as low as 169 and as high as 198 between last Tuesday and today. The usual have all been between ~172 & ~178 per hr. So based on a bigger picture puts the avg of 4000 per day.

This puts my guess about in the middle - so, that’s why I never changed its position.

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