Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #12

well, well, well…. I found the folder of all the plans, mod’s, addendums, detours & ideas…..

Maybe I’ll get that article done in time for this years contest ‘eh?

Pictures will have but, not limited to:
Graph paper draftings
- floor plans
- all wall views (N,E,S,W)
- frame views for all walls of coop & run
- roof, rafter & frame top views
- window evolution plans
- doors (human & chicken)
- materials lists
- build calendar & daily notes
- ground & foundation
- Mcgyvering ideas
- sun-surface stuff (fun & detours)
- storm adaptations (trusted & fails as well)
- even “good deeds” don’t go un-punished
- air flow awareness (mod’s specifically)
- links to my previous posts & threads of “lessons learned the hard way.”(sometimes)

Parting wisdom (for now):
Don’t try to fly the plane while the *committee* is still meeting on what the aircraft needs….

(You’ll likely lose more then occasional tools and materials, you may lose your mind, or worse…. Your sense of humour.)

As a “teaser” the top shelf of the wire rack thingy has a little over 1/2 of the drawings and drafting work for the Coop & Run stacked on the left side. I found them accidentally while hunting for other stuff between Thanksgiving & Christmas break….
Finished just in time for winter!

La Coupè

La Coupè

I have to give all credit for inspiration to this build to @WthrLady with the Ooodalolly at DunRovin Station build. I even bought the book that was recommended, Fresh Air Poultry Houses: https://www.amazon.com/Fresh-Air-Poultry-Houses-Open-Front-Healthier/dp/097217706X. I have four ISA brown...
well, well, well…. I found the folder of all the plans, mod’s, addendums, detours & ideas…..

Maybe I’ll get that article done in time for this years contest ‘eh?

Pictures will have but, not limited to:
Graph paper draftings
- floor plans
- all wall views (N,E,S,W)
- frame views for all walls of coop & run
- roof, rafter & frame top views
- window evolution plans
- doors (human & chicken)
- materials lists
- build calendar & daily notes
- ground & foundation
- Mcgyvering ideas
- sun-surface stuff (fun & detours)
- storm adaptations (trusted & fails as well)
- even “good deeds” don’t go un-punished
- air flow awareness (mod’s specifically)
- links to my previous posts & threads of “lessons learned the hard way.”(sometimes)

Parting wisdom (for now):
Don’t try to fly the plane while the *committee* is still meeting on what the aircraft needs….

(You’ll likely lose more then occasional tools and materials, you may lose your mind, or worse…. Your sense of humour.)

As a “teaser” the top shelf of the wire rack thingy has a little over 1/2 of the drawings and drafting work for the Coop & Run stacked on the left side. I found them accidentally while hunting for other stuff between Thanksgiving & Christmas break….
I look forward to reading your article!
@Ghost, you should enter this contest!
-Thanks for the message!
I should've entered last year already, it seems!

Anyway, here's my submission:
A chicken-coop & rabbit-hutch: "The Bird & Bunny"

A chicken-coop & rabbit-hutch: "The Bird & Bunny"

(2022-3-4) Update/Clarification: Since many people have pointed-out a size 'problem' with this coop, it is worth strongly emphasizing that this coop is designed to be placed within a giant, 9x9m (~30x30ft), 81m² (~900ft²)(!), predator-proof pen, -far more 'round-the-clock space per bird/rabbit...

~Thanks for looking/considering!

-Joe L.

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