Ended Official BYC Mini-contest - Tell us your funniest chicken story and win!

Your article is still in the running, more than that I can't tell you at the moment. So rather wait until we've got our winners. We are working on the judging at the moment and will hopefully have the results in for you all soon-soon. Things have been a bit slow with Christmas and new year and family time. On hindsight, I should've waited a bit before ending the contest, but I didn't think that far ahead. Sorry everyone!

Disregard my question....silly me! I've entered so many of these contests that I got mixed up with this one and the article writing one, and posted my question here instead of on the article writing thread. Having a lot of these "Duh" moments since that last birthday. My "funniest chicken story" wasn't intended for judging because it was too long and had been posted previously. Sorry for the confusion.
This happened yesterday and just adding for entertainment.
My little one was feeding our flock some scratch and oddly putting some seed in our little rooster's feathers...
Me: Sweetheart why are you putting feed in Herbert's feathers????
Elena: So he has some lunch saved for tomorrow....
No wonder everyone was picking on him.
It was my first time having newly hatched chicks and I figured I would wait a few weeks until introducing them to my dog Stella. Stella saw the 10 baby chicks through the outside window and knew she had to meet them. so that night, I put Stella in her crate just in case she wanted to pay the chicks a visit. in the middle of the night I heard a scratching sound coming from the chick brooder!! I ran out of my room to see what was wrong.....Stella had gotten out of her cage, jumped over the brooder wall, and taught the chicks to dig! I decided to watch just in case anything went wrong, with in minutes Stella was sleeping with chicks all over her:) I wish I would have saved the picture:(

What kind of doggy is Stella?

..only asking because I will be in the market at some point for a chicken friendly doggy. :)
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I have three chickens, one of them is a young rooster, only about 3 months old, and two young female chicks, each about 4-6 weeks old, so our rooster is a good bit bigger than them, so once, we put the chicks in the roosters pen, (with close supervision) just to see what they would do, and, we thought the rooster may try to hurt them on first sight, but he walked over to them, fluffed out his feathers, and sat in between them, his wings on either side of them. (He looked like a hen!) We put the chicks in the pen again, later, and they both ran to the rooster and he kept them warm that night! (This has always been my favorite rooster, he is so calm, and nicer than most hens!)
I actually have this story on video if I can find it and post it here with my story later....ANYWAYS

One day I was holding one of my favorite hens and let her perch upon my knee while I was feeding her treats. She had decided to fly off which had startled my rooster, Leven, and made him waltz around the hen to mate. However, once he decided to mount on her, he mounted BACKWARDS apparently thinking her tail was her head! he grabbed onto her tail and did his business. he stayed mounted for a good few seconds....he kinda fell off of her sideways and got up to go and find some good treats. I ended up feeling bad for my hen, but it was one of the funniest things ive ever seen!

I got the vid for my story! hahaha its the funniest thing!

just makes me wonder what my hen was thinking...and what the hen in the back was thinking too!

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