Official BYC Poll: How Did You Get Into Chickens?

How Did You Get Into Chickens?

  • Saw chicks and bought them on impulse

    Votes: 20 8.1%
  • Was gifted some chickens

    Votes: 23 9.3%
  • Prepared and researched a few weeks in advance

    Votes: 32 13.0%
  • Prepared and researched a few months in advance

    Votes: 64 25.9%
  • Was guided by chicken-keeping friends or family

    Votes: 35 14.2%
  • Was raised with chickens for most or all of my life

    Votes: 40 16.2%
  • It was so long ago that I forgot!

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Researched and dreamed for years

    Votes: 69 27.9%
  • Chickens were there when I moved in

    Votes: 3 1.2%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 47 19.0%

  • Total voters
I was on CL "looking" when I saw someone giving away a chick that was being pecked on. It turned out to be a cockerel, which I couldn't keep in my area so I rehired him. But then I was hooked, asked the person if she had chicks which she did. They turned out to be a pair so a 4H member. Called the lady again & she made me an offer ... Raise chicks for her until they're 8wks, pick what I want and we're even.

It worked but then she had enough confidence in my ability so I started raising hatchlings until there were 8wks then they'd go back to her. I did this for a bit (2013 - 2016) it was fun and learned so much & joined BYC.

Hubby built several coops and a brooder, the last Chicken House he build (2016) is my favorite (sold the others) 8x12x7 walk in. My brooder is in the patio 3x8x2 which I can section off depending how much space I need. It fills in as my emergency housing when we have severe storms.

I've tried "quitting" chickens several times but always return :love
I loved chickens my entire life,well I like all animals including tarantulas,but my family was not so keen to have chickens,(my mother hated them)so I had to plead and beg and sometimes secretly raised them in my grans,I’ve had 13-16 by now,(altogether)but no matter what I did,none of them survived,(7 chicks eaten by stray cats,rest dead and one gone)I was so depressed,I gave up chicken farming or ever trying to raise them and decided to raise 6 little ducklings,( I raised other ducks long ago) instead I got 5,one infertile and just two hatched.So now I’m currently on the duck sides with my two raised and two store bought Rouens.
I raised chickens growing up. Then as a young adult I had a flock of chickens. Then we moved around and had kids. Then when my kids were small I got chickens for them. Then we started to hatch chicks, then I discovered the eggs feathering blue, then I discovered other colored eggs, then I discovered NN, then I discovered frizzle, then I discovered BCM....shall I go on?
my teacher hatched eggs and i fell in love with one little chick now I have 3 hens

Amber (the red hen / the chick i fell in love with)
Lacy (the black laced )
Whitney (the white hen)
I first got chickens in 2015, my grandpa got me an incubator and some game bird eggs, I only hatched one, a rooster, and then I got 3 barred rock hens from the farm store, and that was my very first flock!
I researched and flip flopped between getting them and not for years. Finally decided to take the plunge when we couldn’t get a regular supply from a gal at work.
I was 19, newly married and grew up in a pretty big city. My husband grew up rurally and took me to my first state fair. I fell in love with chickens, particularly bantams! We bought a few from the fair and the golden sebright pullet became my first pet chicken. We eventually ended up with bantam cochins, OEGB and a few other random birds.
I have now had birds off and on for 34 years. Our oldest birds now are little over 5 years old and I will likely never be without birds again. They are my happy place.
Chickens really are the simplest and most rewarding animals to rear. From eggs to free therapy to learning about self-sustainability, there are a variety of reasons to keep your own backyard chickens. Whatever the reason, we would like to find out: How Did You Get Into Chickens?

Place your vote above, and please elaborate in a reply below if you chose "Other".

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Further Reading:

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I was working for the electric company in upstate NY, inspecting the power lines, and I came upon many backyard flocks and I learned how easy they are to keep. When I retired last year, I remembered the beautiful chickens I had seen, and looked into the laws in my town of Poughkeepsie NY and found I can keep 6 hens, so this past summer I went to Tractor Supply during chick days and picked out my flock. They’re now 9 weeks old, and I never get tired of fussing around with them, babysitting them while they free range in my yard.

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