Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens?

Why do you raise chickens?

  • Pets

    Votes: 809 77.3%
  • Eggs

    Votes: 928 88.7%
  • Meat

    Votes: 205 19.6%
  • Fertilizer

    Votes: 315 30.1%
  • Pest Control

    Votes: 293 28.0%
  • Exhibition

    Votes: 79 7.6%
  • For Resale

    Votes: 97 9.3%
  • Other (please elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 109 10.4%

  • Total voters
I have chickens aside from all the above for therapy! They are so fun to observe! How they interact with one another. How the ladies in The harem fight at night for the closest perch to the roosters. Usually the favorites win!😂. With this quarantine I’ve been so lucky to have my diverse farm animals. Right at home without need of looking for diversion outside. Therefore, my therapy!🤗
I checked eggs, but that alone is not the whole reason.
I love farm fresh eggs, and i sell some.
Chickens are great entertainment.
I enjoy chicks and broody moms raising chicks.
I love my rooster crowing, and how he cares for his flock of girls.
My farm would be to quiet and lonely without them.
I wonder how many back yard chicken owners actually pay all their costs and make a
Profit selling there chicken eggs? I would guess little to none.
I totally agree with you. I love just sitting out in the yard and watching my flock. They are very calming and entertaining. Yes, the eggs are a bonus, but my ladies (we have 27) have continuously blessed us with between 12 to 20 eggs daily since the first group starting laying eggs. We also have 4 ducks that supply us with eggs daily. With that, we give away, yes, I said give away our chicken eggs. In this time of pandemic, we bless others as God and our chickens and ducks have blessed us.
I breed chickens for exhibition... I love the exhibition community and the beautiful birds I raise along with the challenge of trying to get the unachievable perfect bird, or even the elusive decent one. I also enjoy the eggs for eating and selling. I hatched more than 100 chicks this year, so there is also a lot of resale.
Of course, extra cockerels give me meat, and the manure gives you compost, but I consider those bonuses and not real reasons for raising them.
I like the eggs, they are interesting to observe while sitting on the deck, I plan to start working their "fertilizer" into my compost bin, and they're hopefully cutting down on ticks in my yard.

I had never considered it before, but found a house we liked where there was a coop. Sellers offered the hens as part of the house if we wanted them, so I did some research and it seemed like something I could handle. So far so good.
The PRIMARY reason I started with a flock of birds (instead of just the meat birds) was an article I read in Mother Earth News, they used chickens to till a garden space!!! In a couple weeks, ALL the pesky grass was gone!!! It was a huge revelation for me, and while I am still trying to perfect the practice, it remains one of the most valuable chicken services, my birds provide me!!

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