Official Poultryland thread (See first page)

I've noticed starters don't actually take down inbreeding all that much.
But yeah, you've got brighter colours (way brighter *squints at Blazing Comet*) so that might end up looking a tad mismatched

The white creale sounds good. I could give it a shot with SkyKaitlyn, who, incidentally, is the one I would increase to galactic if you guarantee you won't stop making the contests like you did with interstellar
(oh, back in the day... when beating sniegas was the ultimate success)

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that small but important detail.

I can't make any promises one way or the other. I don't want my birds to stop winning me show points.

I noticed that when I bred Harriet Kennedy. Her father's a starter, and her inbreeding was only about 0.7% lower than that of her mother's.

I'm sure they won't! Check it out, your breed champion is probably the one with the highest number of SPs on the whole list. The only threat would be El, I'm sure I wouldn't be because SkyKaitlyn has a number of non-show stats that are as high as 21.
I love him! He's very pretty, but I am a tad worried about the mixture of the pink and green - last time I tried that I got a really ugly brown colour

but go for it! you might want to find another bird to try for a mottled top hat though.
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that small but important detail.

I can't make any promises one way or the other. I don't want my birds to stop winning me show points.

I noticed that when I bred Harriet Kennedy. Her father's a starter, and her inbreeding was only about 0.7% lower than that of her mother's.

I'm sure they won't! Check it out, your breed champion is probably the one with the highest number of SPs on the whole list. The only threat would be El, I'm sure I wouldn't be because SkyKaitlyn has a number of non-show stats that are as high as 21.

*Checks the Champions lists* Woooow!!!
Lilly's knocked a lot of birds down to second-best status! *Feels a crazy urge to hug her pixel chicken* I guess I'll keep running her show, then.
I noticed that when I bred Harriet Kennedy. Her father's a starter, and her inbreeding was only about 0.7% lower than that of her mother's.

I'm sure they won't! Check it out, your breed champion is probably the one with the highest number of SPs on the whole list. The only threat would be El, I'm sure I wouldn't be because SkyKaitlyn has a number of non-show stats that are as high as 21.

*Checks the Champions lists* Woooow!!!
Lilly's knocked a lot of birds down to second-best status! *Feels a crazy urge to hug her pixel chicken* I guess I'll keep running her show, then.

Yeah, no joke! I think with Sniegas gone (he was pretty epic), Lilly's in front. I'm trying to get Stirlin or Laurie to the number two spot, which I should be able to do if I overtake the Ninja Rooster
And as he's not earning nowadays, I remain pretty optimistic.

*mouse hovers over Kaitlyn's stats* Er... ah.... What about Daina Kennedy? That might work. She's 13% inbred, but of course I wouldn't want to pose too much of a threat to you
or you'll stop running them! okay, I'm going for it. *begins long and tedious clicking process*
*Checks the Champions lists* Woooow!!!
Lilly's knocked a lot of birds down to second-best status! *Feels a crazy urge to hug her pixel chicken* I guess I'll keep running her show, then.

Yeah, no joke! I think with Sniegas gone (he was pretty epic), Lilly's in front. I'm trying to get Stirlin or Laurie to the number two spot, which I should be able to do if I overtake the Ninja Rooster
And as he's not earning nowadays, I remain pretty optimistic.

*mouse hovers over Kaitlyn's stats* Er... ah.... What about Daina Kennedy? That might work. She's 13% inbred, but of course I wouldn't want to pose too much of a threat to you
or you'll stop running them! okay, I'm going for it. *begins long and tedious clicking process*

He was top of the top. Even Lilly would have been hidden beneath his majestic shadow.

Now I'll just have to remember to keep making those shows. You might need to bug me occasionally...
Yeah, no joke! I think with Sniegas gone (he was pretty epic), Lilly's in front. I'm trying to get Stirlin or Laurie to the number two spot, which I should be able to do if I overtake the Ninja Rooster
And as he's not earning nowadays, I remain pretty optimistic.

*mouse hovers over Kaitlyn's stats* Er... ah.... What about Daina Kennedy? That might work. She's 13% inbred, but of course I wouldn't want to pose too much of a threat to you
or you'll stop running them! okay, I'm going for it. *begins long and tedious clicking process*

He was top of the top. Even Lilly would have been hidden beneath his majestic shadow.

Now I'll just have to remember to keep making those shows. You might need to bug me occasionally...

Hmm, before Lilly's son takes over, I am going to try REALLY hard to give Laurie just a few minutes shot at hybrid champion, then I can take a screenshot and proudly proclaim that he was there! Here's just over 1000 SP away from it... *starts making contests*

Up to 950 and already tired

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