Oh my darling chickies.

I suspect I have the opposite problem than most of you. My chicks come from a friend who gave them to my daughter and keeps her flock in a temperature controlled environment. 80 degrees year round. I live in Arizona. The temps are still often in the triple digits. Thus far they've been raised in the house. I want them outside. Eating bugs. Exploring. Continuing to harass my toy poodles in a more suitable environment. Not pooping on my living room floor. On the bright side, they are definitely not afraid of small dogs, they sleep with my cats, and they are rather comfortable around humans so are easy to catch. Well, everyone but Zoomy is. Zoomy has her name for a reason.

I'm really just venting. I haven't had a lot of time in the mornings when it's cool to get them used to the outside. My father had a heart attack so they aren't as tame as they could be due to suddenly having more responsibilities (He will be fine, recovery is gonna take a while though). I just want them to be scratching in dirt and eating bugs instead of sleeping with my cats who are supposed to be catching mice not cuddling with the poultry. It's probably going to be a couple more weeks.

I'm attaching a pic of one of the friendly ones taken this morning in my daughters bedroom.

It gets hot here too, but not for such a long period of time, nor quite as hot. You might check out this forum and find the Arizona thread. You can see what other people in your area have tried.

Shade, good ventilation, plenty of water, something cool under their feet is nice. Concrete and gravel can get awfully hot.
Today they're okay enough in the heat to run from me so they must be okay enough to stay. My daughter's flooding the back yard, including part of their own and the water is kind of chilly despite the heat so the chickies are out for good hopefully. I'll keep checking them, it's supposed to get a little hotter today but I think from here out it only gets cooler. Yay for chicken freedom.

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