My hubby and I went on vacation for 3 days (left Sunday night, returned tonight)....I left a big old waterer and full thing of food for the chickies in my brooder....when I came back there was plenty of water left and a little bit of food that looked accessible......but 4 of my chickies are dead!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know what happened to them!!!! They didn't look injured in any way or anything...they were just dead....including 2 of my silver laced polish and the serama roo and buff laced frizzle polish that I got at Chickenstock last weekend!!!!!!
I dn't know what happened and I'm so sad!!!! Especially about my little frizzle polish...she was my chickie pride and joy! These weren't even really young babies either...the silver laced polish and the serama could have been put outside already...the frizzle polish was mostly 2 week old chicks are all fine, as well as the 2 oldest birds....I just don't understand it and don't know what to do!