Ohiki Chicken Thread

I just saw this thread. My family had a neat surprise at our county fair. We took our Cubalaya cockerel, and found out the judge is a longtail enthusiast. His name I think was Roy Arvin. So he was really knowledgeable and we learned a lot. He commented that he is really working hard with ohiki, looking like he didn't expect us to know what those were. My son and I were very excited, since we enjoy browsing the Japanese breeds on Feathersite. Hmm, we really need to take him up on seeing his place!
Heyya guys... Picked up my ohiki yesterday.. About 20 or so.. They look pretty good except the barred ones do have feathers on the legs, but I can clean that up. They don't put on exceptional long saddles or tails according to Jerry, a friend of Toni's.. I got a black hen, shojos, wheatens, and silvers (which look a bit more like golden and thrown an occasional bb red hen.. got a trio of those fly tie birds.. The rooster is barred up real nice, and one hen but the other one is kind of faint on her coloring.. They are all sweet as sugar though.. Will post pics when I get a chance.
The strain of Ohiki that comes from Toni actually put on exceptional saddles first, before their tails...I have a rooster with 12 inch saddles...all the young cockerels always get their saddles first...it probably depends on how much Cochin Jerry used in his............true they are as sweet as can be!..............they are the friendliest of all my birds.....lets see some pictures Mandzer.......................................................chrisf
yep congrats Amanda, glad you got to get those.

and thanks Chuck and Chris. I have long loved this breed and finally got to get started with them. Toni Marie has been a great help to me with all my long tails and long tail projects, really love and respect her for all her work and knowledge. Without her I wouldnt be near where I am today with all my long tail breeds.

Will try to get some pics up soon. They are all either young or just coming out of molt, but yes are putting on great saddles already and some already have 18 inches of tail on them.

Got some excellent shojos, some fly tie roos, brown reds, golden, bb chicks, birchen chicks, a black, some silvers, and a few more....

Chuck would love to see what you had to cull threw, might could use some in some color projects instead of starting from scratch on them...thanks for that.

Just let me know what you have

I don't have the breed but after seeing some of ChrisF's and some others ...I can really appreciate the breed.....I don't have any...but here is another Ohiki drawing......
yep, They to me, are one of those breeds that no matter what you like, you have to respect them. They just have some much going for them , that everyone falls in love with them
great looking group Amanda.
Well since you did it, I guess I got to go make one more trip back out to the ohiki pen today and get some of mine now, Break my heart right. Those gingers and barred look really good. Like the color on that first hen especially

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