Ohiki Chicken Thread

Ok, I have another one different too. My Black Ohiki mostly have Black legs. There are some white and yellow too. I have seen some green on production breeds before but not anything else that I remember.
If it's impossible for a barred bird then I guess that's why it was yellow legged. I thought it was due to the mix of breeds and not the link to the color. That's very interesting to find out that fact.The auction is down or atleast I can't find it again , but the ohiki/ fly tie mix is a striking bird
I sell on ebay so I suppose there are some good ones on there.. Pokey's pictured birds are out of my stock.. ...... My gold duckwing has turned out to be a nonmolter.. I can't wait to see how long his tail gets. Turns out my birchen rooster (actually E ) is a white carrier as I am getting whites from him. Too exciting.. My husband has become smitten with ohiki.. LOL>
oh yes, yours are fine, but that's why I said warry. Basically know who you are getting them from is all I meant. I've been seeing a lot of them from unknown folks here recently on the various auction sites, that well... just aint ohiki... I think a lot of folks over the past few years have done the phoenix to cochin crosses to make the make shift fake ones and are now trying to pass them off as the real deal.
Just know your seller..

and those are some beautiful creles you got going there too!!

Yep I did forget about the barred gene and legs, Toni's dead on ( of course) there. A lot of times mottled birds too will have the pearl legs for that matter.
Ok, I have another one different too. My Black Ohiki mostly have Black legs. There are some white and yellow too. I have seen some green on production breeds before but not anything else that I remember.
I dont have any blacks yet, BUT on my other breeds I have mostly black legs on black birds too, phoenix and d'anver especially. where the standard calls for slate. No matter what I do they end up black every time. Persoanlly, I dont care too much for a certain leg color as long as everything else is looking good. If it's a true ohiki, honestly I could care less myself. Those legs are too short to worry too much about haha
oh yes, yours are fine, but that's why I said warry. Basically know who you are getting them from is all I meant. I've been seeing a lot of them from unknown folks here recently on the various auction sites, that well... just aint ohiki... I think a lot of folks over the past few years have done the phoenix to cochin crosses to make the make shift fake ones and are now trying to pass them off as the real deal.
Just know your seller..

and those are some beautiful creles you got going there too!!

Yep I did forget about the barred gene and legs, Toni's dead on ( of course) there. A lot of times mottled birds too will have the pearl legs for that matter.

OH, I was not aware that they were selling knock-off ohikis on ebay.. That is very interesting. Aubrey, if you run across one of these auctions, could you post the url so I could see it too.. Thanks. Amanda..

Oh yeah, thanks for the compliment on the creles.. I am looking forward to seeing your barred birds this year too.. ohiki and phoenix..
I dont have any blacks yet, BUT on my other breeds I have mostly black legs on black birds too, phoenix and d'anver especially. where the standard calls for slate. No matter what I do they end up black every time. Personally, I dont care too much for a certain leg color as long as everything else is looking good. If it's a true ohiki, honestly I could care less myself. Those legs are too short to worry too much about haha
Couldn't of said it better myself..
OH, I was not aware that they were selling knock-off ohikis on ebay.. That is very interesting. Aubrey, if you run across one of these auctions, could you post the url so I could see it too.. Thanks. Amanda..

Oh yeah, thanks for the compliment on the creles.. I am looking forward to seeing your barred birds this year too.. ohiki and phoenix..
hope to have some new pics this fall once everything gets to looking good.

but yep I have seen a no name, ebay listing once or twice, that from feather alone you could tell werent ohiki, type really wasnt even close either.
Big thing is on the bird auctions, been seeing the same kind of stuff off and on threw the year on those.

Funny how no one has them to amount to much, (what maybe 8-9 of us that Toni has helped get started with them) yet now they are all over the web auction sites from people no one has heard of. Where'd they come from??
Will keep an eye out for future ones and post a link if I see any more though. haha saw some a couple months ago that wouldnt even make good phoenix but that's what they were calling them....
hope to have some new pics this fall once everything gets to looking good.

but yep I have seen a no name, ebay listing once or twice, that from feather alone you could tell werent ohiki, type really wasnt even close either.
Big thing is on the bird auctions, been seeing the same kind of stuff off and on threw the year on those.

Funny how no one has them to amount to much, (what maybe 8-9 of us that Toni has helped get started with them) yet now they are all over the web auction sites from people no one has heard of. Where'd they come from??
Will keep an eye out for future ones and post a link if I see any more though. haha saw some a couple months ago that wouldnt even make good phoenix but that's what they were calling them....

I will be looking forward to those pics..
I did contact that seller and there birds are from your stock Amanda. They did say that they was looking to work with the Ohiki and get there birds to standard. They only live like about an hour from where I live so I'm hoping that I can help show them what to work on and what to look for in the birds.

Amanda your Crele project is looking VERY NICE! NICE WORK! I like the color on them. If you would let me know when you are culling I would like to get one or two from you. I'm not getting much out of mine right now but I would like to add some new blood in mine.

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