Ohiki Chicken Thread

Yes I do notice that. Also beaks. I have several roosters who have to get their beaks trimmed once every 3 months or so. They just keep growing!
Yep Chuck,
That all in a nut shell is spot on. I more less meant the same thing, may not have wrote it quite as I meant. But you can tell more less who wants to work and help the breed and those who just want a money bird if you will with not much care for what they are doing. That was my main point... Yes it's good to help others learn and work with them. I've been doing it ever since I got started with them. Answer questions about them quite often threw my site. It's good to see others loving the breed. Mianly what I was saying is offering "ohiki" on a auction site, when infact they arent ohiki but project birds is what I'm not liking.... For those interested in getting into them in a true way, if they see these, and dont dig around, I'm wondering just how, back to standard they will end up? Pretty much I'm thinking for the public listings, I'd just like to see them coming from FINISHED birds so there is no worries about this issue. That or a very detailed listing about them being project birds and some tips on where to go progress wise if you intend to try breeding on your own for the customers sake.

Now private sells are different. With these we all have one on one time to talk to the buyer. Fully explain everything to them and give detailed instructions and how they should proceed. Just like Amanda has done with Pokey....

I also feel it's good to contact these new sellers and try to offer help as Chuck did. Many will apreciate it, others will tell you off... those are the ones that worry me. I've also had many of Amanda's customers contact me wanting more info or different views, so it sounds like she is getting good buyers. A lot of them are trying to learn all they can, which is great.

I dont feel anyone should be bashed for anything, just hoping people will for the most part be resopnsible with them and do what is needed in the long run. As long as new comers are willing to listen and take advice, I feel it will be a great thing for the breed..

But I still dont like seeing projects on ebay listed just as ohiki with no pointers and tips for breeding and type listed. I may be hard headed, but just dont see any good coming from it. Other than that, the more the merrier as far as dedicated breeders goes...

I'm with you on that Aubrey and I know you do what ever you can to help people but there has been someone that did not try and help as they should have. I did not won't to bring this up but when I talked to that person they said that they ask someone for help and that is all that breeder did is just tell them that the legs are to long and that is all they would say! When I looked at the picture from what I could see the legs looked fine. That is truly what got me started thinking about this! It did get to me at first when I was told about this as we ALL need to help everyone and anyone that asks! I think if they was helped when they asked that they might not have put that post up but they still could have but we will never know! I just would like to see more breeders help people in a more positive way. I don't know which breeder did that but after thinking about it I just truly don't care I just hope that they see this and change the way they do things.

I think that this is enough of me just going on about this!

I'm with you on that Aubrey and I know you do what ever you can to help people but there has been someone that did not try and help as they should have. I did not won't to bring this up but when I talked to that person they said that they ask someone for help and that is all that breeder did is just tell them that the legs are to long and that is all they would say! When I looked at the picture from what I could see the legs looked fine. That is truly what got me started thinking about this! It did get to me at first when I was told about this as we ALL need to help everyone and anyone that asks! I think if they was helped when they asked that they might not have put that post up but they still could have but we will never know! I just would like to see more breeders help people in a more positive way. I don't know which breeder did that but after thinking about it I just truly don't care I just hope that they see this and change the way they do things.

I think that this is enough of me just going on about this!

same here Chuck

and yes doing like that isnt helpful to anyone. That's not what I want by any means. Always take the time to answer people when they are doing and honest attempt to learn. That's just as important as proper breeding. I had a ton of people asking for them this year. But told them I would prefer to wait a year til I had a better group of birds going so that I could give them better stock to get started. Most were impressed and grateful for the honesty and intrest in providing good birds. Afterall, if you start with only "culls" well that's all they'll end up with. They will need good birds to breed up to. That's kinda been my personal goal there. I did send out a few chicks to one man this year. He talked to me for over a month about them before he even asked, so I was happy to help him. Also hatch a ton for him, culled heavy as chicks and sent him the best 10 out of 50 or so. He's stayed in touch and the birds are looking really good that jhe ended up with so far. Funny how you tell so much already type wise on those lil buggers just as chicks.
But yes info info info is a must, otherwise people can never learn about the in's and out's of them.
I agree with you 100% on what you said there!
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I have not got to post update pictures of some of my birds yet so here is some.

Young F1 non-moult project Ohiki male.

Young F1 non-moult project Ohiki female.

This little male is out of my Barred Ohiki project that I have been working on.

One o my young Black project Ohiki male. Need more work to clean them up and get the white ear lobs but so far I am happy with them.

Glad to see everyone's birds are doing well! I've been in the sidelines but still working with my small project flock! Did not hatch a lot this year but the ones I did are turning out well. Out of my white/fibro project I have one bird expressing fibro gene. I have a nice clean/short leg project hen to put with my ohiki cock, those chicks should be pretty close to type. If anyone is working with white and wants any white project 1/2 ohiki birds to play with I would be willing to part with them. I will have to post some pictures later!

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