Ohiki Chicken Thread

shoot go both ways with it... you need 1 or 2 more projects going just like I do. I'll just let you nail these down and take the easy route and get some from you when you're done hahaha

bantam yoko of any kind would be right up my ally, blue would be even better!!
Had one of those odd ball hatches today. Got a pen full of nothing but brown red ohiki in it. Had about 10 hatch today and more pipping from it. Of those out, I have 1 brown red chick. every other one looks to me black mottled!
Go figure.

I've hatched from that pen all summer and to date, nothing but birchens and a couple random duckwings.

I assume Toni may have bred in some mottled when she made these?

Anyway I could be off on what they'll be, but they sure look like black mottled to me, hope so at least cause they look to have some really good type as far as chicks go, short leg and fat round butts.
Here's a pic of 2 of them, they havent quite dried off good yet but you can see the difference. Guess there was some split mottled birds in there and the combos just hit right for a change, hope so at least

The brown red and a mottled looking one

Better pic of the mottled showing how much white he has

Had one of those odd ball hatches today. Got a pen full of nothing but brown red ohiki in it. Had about 10 hatch today and more pipping from it. Of those out, I have 1 brown red chick. every other one looks to me black mottled!
Go figure.

I've hatched from that pen all summer and to date, nothing but birchens and a couple random duckwings.

I assume Toni may have bred in some mottled when she made these?

Anyway I could be off on what they'll be, but they sure look like black mottled to me, hope so at least cause they look to have some really good type as far as chicks go, short leg and fat round butts.

LOL. could be.. That would be great!
Here's a pic of 2 of them, they havent quite dried off good yet but you can see the difference. Guess there was some split mottled birds in there and the combos just hit right for a change, hope so at least

The brown red and a mottled looking one

Better pic of the mottled showing how much white he has

def. looks mottled. More than likely, what you are calling brown red is Extended black with no melanizers. They will probably crack color on the roos, but who really cares .... THEY ARE MOTTLED!!!!!!!!!
I had a really nice mottled hen from Toni, I did not keep her had too many other colors going but Toni does have some mottled in the blood.
I had a really nice mottled hen from Toni, I did not keep her had too many other colors going but Toni does have some mottled in the blood.
yep, mine carry mottling too.. I like it! Glad Toni put it in there!
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This is one from this year,He looks like he may be a good one....Another one from this year also is a spangled/millie like. And yes my birds have mottleing...Sorry your not happy with them Aubrey...TM

This is one from this year,He looks like he may be a good one....Another one from this year also is a spangled/millie like. And yes my birds have mottleing...Sorry your not happy with them Aubrey...TM
Lord I hope you're joking about that Toni, I LOVE THEM!!
Didnt mean I was upset about any of, felt lucky to get some actually.

Been wanting some black mottled, was actually breeding for it in another pen. Using the spangled roo you sent home with me. He looks just like the one in your picture there. Just didnt have any mottled girls yet to breed so everythings been split mottled for now til next year.
This was a great surprize!! Look forward to seeing how they turn out. Look to be some nice ones shape wize. If they turn out good , that will shave a whole year off that project!!

I knew you had the mottled stuff going pretty good, just didnt know these birchen ones carried it. Funny how things just hit right this clutch of eggs to get several out of them.
But yes I'M THRILLED about them!!!

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